fwatch 0.1.5

A simple file watching crate


fwatch is a file watching library written in Rust.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

fwatch = "0.1"

Basic Usage

The following example sets up a Watcher to observe any changes (called Transition's in fwatch) to foo.txt and bar.txt. The currently available transitions are Created, Modified, Deleted, and None.

Instead of BasicTarget, any struct implementing the Watchable trait can be used below.

use fwatch::{BasicTarget, Watcher, Transition};

fn main() {
    let mut watcher : Watcher<BasicTarget> = Watcher::new();

    // Add a couple of files to watch
    // Calling watcher.watch() returns a vector of Transitions, 
    // teling us if any of the watched files have undergone a
    // transition since the previous call to watcher.watch()
    for (index, transition) in watcher.watch().into_iter().enumerate() {
        // Get the path and state of the current target
        let path = watcher.get_path(index).unwrap();
        let state = watcher.get_state(index).uwnrap();

        // Do something based on the observed transition.
        match transition {
            Transition::Created => { 
            /* The watched file has been created */ 
            Transition::Modified => { 
            /* The watched file has been modified */ 
            Transition::Deleted => { 
            /* The watched file has been deleted */ 
            Transition::None => { 
            /* None of the above transitions were observed */ 


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