Module fvm_shared::commcid

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  • CIDToCommitment extracts the raw commitment bytes, the FilMultiCodec and FilMultiHash from a CID, after validating that the codec and hash type are consistent
  • cid_to_data_commitment_v1 extracts the raw data commitment from a CID assuming that it has the correct hashing function and serialization types
  • cid_to_piece_commitment_v1 converts a CID to a comm_p – it is just a helper function that is equivalent to cid_to_data_commitment_v1.
  • cid_to_replica_commitment_v1 extracts the raw replica commitment from a CID assuming that it has the correct hashing function and serialization types
  • CommitmentToCID converts a raw commitment hash to a CID by adding:
  • DataCommitmentV1ToCID converts a raw data commitment to a CID by adding:
  • piece_commitment_v1_to_cid converts a comm_p to a CID – it is just a helper function that is equivalent to data_commitment_v1_to_cid.
  • ReplicaCommitmentV1ToCID converts a raw data commitment to a CID by adding:

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