fuzzcheck 0.12.1

A modular, structure-aware, and feedback-driven fuzzing engine for Rust functions
use std::any::Any;

use crate::{DefaultMutator, Mutator};
    These mutators try to achieve multiple things:
    * avoid repetitions, such that if the value “7” was already produced, then it will not appear again
    * cover most of the search space as quickly as possible. For example, for 8-bit unsigned integers,
      it is good to produce a sequence such as: 0, 255, 128, 192, 64, 224, 32, etc.
    * also produce values close to the original integer first. So mutating 100 will first produce numbers
      such as 101, 99, 102, 98, etc.
    * be very fast

    One idea to create arbitrary integers that don't repeat themselves and span the whole search space was
    to use a binary-search-like approach, as written in the function binary_search_arbitrary. However that
    turns out to be quite slow for an integer mutator. So what I do instead is create a sequence of 256
    random non-repeating integers, which I store in a variable called “shuffled integers”
    Now, for an 8-bit integer type, it is enough to simply index that vector to get an arbitrary value that
    respects all the criteria I laid above. But for types that have 16, 32, 64, or 128 bits, I can't do that.
    So I index the shuffled_integers vector multiple times until I have all the bits I need. For an u32, I need
    to index it four times. It is done in the following way:
    1. first I look at the lower 8 bits of steps to get the first index
        * so if step == 67, then I use the index 67
        * but if step == 259, then I use the index 3
    2. I get a number between 0 and 255 by getting shuffled_integers[first_index], I memorize that pick.
    3. I place the picked number on the highest 8 bits of the generated integer
        * so imagine the step was 259, then the index is 3 and shuffled_integers[3] is 192
        * so the generated integer, so far, is (192 << 24) == 3_221_225_472

    Let's stop to think about what that achieves. It means that for the first 256 steps, the
    8 highest bits of the generated integer will be [0, 256, 128, 192, ...]. So we are covering a huge part
    of the possible space in the first 256 steps alone. The goal is to use that strategy recursively for the
    remaining bits, while adding a little but of arbitrariness to it.

    4. Then I shift the step right by 8 bits. If it was 259 originally, it is now equal to (259 >> 8) == 3.
    5. And then I XOR that index with the the previous pick (the purpose of that
    is to make the generation a little bit more arbitrary/less predictable)
        * so the new index is (3 ^ 192) == 195
    6. I then get the next pick by getting shuffled_integers[192], let's say it is == 43.
    7. Then we update the generated integer, it is now (192 << 24) | (43 << 16)
    8. The next step is (259 >> 16) ^ 43 == 43
    9. etc.

    You can find more details on how it is done in `uniform_permutation`

macro_rules! binary_search_arbitrary {
    ($name_function: ident, $uxx:ty) => {
        pub(crate) fn $name_function(low: $uxx, high: $uxx, step: u64) -> $uxx {
            let next = low.wrapping_add(high.wrapping_sub(low) / 2);
            if low.wrapping_add(1) >= high {
                if step % 2 == 0 {
                } else {
            } else if step == 0 {
            } else if step % 2 == 1 {
                $name_function(next.wrapping_add(1), high, step / 2)
            } else {
                // step % 2 == 0
                $name_function(low, next.wrapping_sub(1), (step - 1) / 2)
binary_search_arbitrary!(binary_search_arbitrary_u8, u8);
binary_search_arbitrary!(binary_search_arbitrary_u16, u16);
binary_search_arbitrary!(binary_search_arbitrary_u32, u32);
binary_search_arbitrary!(binary_search_arbitrary_u64, u64);


macro_rules! impl_int_mutator {
    ($name:ident, $name_unsigned: ident, $name_mutator:ident) => {
        pub struct $name_mutator {
            shuffled_integers: [u8; 256],
            rng: fastrand::Rng,
        impl Default for $name_mutator {
            fn default() -> Self {
                let mut shuffled_integers = [0; 256];
                for i in 0..=255_u8 {
                    shuffled_integers[i as usize] = i;
                let rng = fastrand::Rng::default();
                rng.shuffle(&mut shuffled_integers);
                $name_mutator {

        impl $name_mutator {
            fn uniform_permutation(&self, step: u64) -> $name_unsigned {
                let size = <$name>::BITS as u64;

                // granularity is the number of bits provided by shuffled_integers
                // in this case, it is fixed to 8 but I could use something different

                // xxxx ... xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx     <- 64 bits for usize
                // 0000 ... 0000 0001 0000 0000     <- - 57 leading zeros for shuffled_integers.len()
                // ____ ... ____ ____ xxxx xxxx     <- - 1
                //                                   =  8
                const GRANULARITY: u64 = ((usize::BITS as usize) - (256u64.leading_zeros() as usize) - 1) as u64;

                const STEP_MASK: u64 = ((u8::MAX as usize) >> (8 - GRANULARITY)) as u64;
                // if I have a number, such as 983487234238, I can `AND` it with the step_mask
                // to get an index I can use on shuffled_integers.
                // in this case, the step_mask is fixed to
                // 0000 ... 0000 1111 1111
                // it gives a number between 0 and 256

                // step_i is used to index into shuffled_integers. The first value is the step
                // given as argument to this function.
                let step_i = (step & STEP_MASK) as usize;

                // now we start building the integer by taking bits from shuffled_integers
                // repeatedly. First by indexing it with step_i
                let mut prev = unsafe { *self.shuffled_integers.get_unchecked(step_i) as $name_unsigned };

                // I put those bits at the highest  position, then I will fill in the lower bits
                let mut result = (prev << (size - GRANULARITY)) as $name_unsigned;

                // remember, granularity is the number of bits we fill in at a time
                // and size is the total size of the generated integer, in bits
                // For u64 and a granularity of 8, we get
                // for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] { ... }
                for i in 1..(size / GRANULARITY) {
                    // each time, we shift step by `granularity` (e.g. 8) more bits to the right

                    // so, for a step of 167 and a granularity of 8, then the next step will be 0
                    // it's only after steps larger than 255 that the next step will be greater than 0

                    // and then we XOR it with previous integer picked from shuffled_integers[step_i]
                    // to get the next index into shuffled_integers, which we insert into
                    // the generated integer at the right place
                    let step_i = (((step >> (i * GRANULARITY)) ^ prev as u64) & STEP_MASK) as usize;
                    prev = unsafe { *self.shuffled_integers.get_unchecked(step_i) as $name_unsigned };
                    result |= prev << (size - (i + 1) * GRANULARITY);


        impl Mutator<$name> for $name_mutator {
            type Cache = ();
            type MutationStep = u64; // mutation step
            type ArbitraryStep = u64;
            type UnmutateToken = $name; // old value

            fn default_arbitrary_step(&self) -> Self::ArbitraryStep {
            fn is_valid(&self, _value: &$name) -> bool {
            fn validate_value(&self, _value: &$name) -> Option<Self::Cache> {
            fn default_mutation_step(&self, _value: &$name, _cache: &Self::Cache) -> Self::MutationStep {

            fn global_search_space_complexity(&self) -> f64 {
                <$name>::BITS as f64

            /// The maximum complexity of an input of this type
            fn max_complexity(&self) -> f64 {
                <$name>::BITS as f64
            /// The minimum complexity of an input of this type
            fn min_complexity(&self) -> f64 {
                <$name>::BITS as f64
            fn complexity(&self, _value: &$name, _cache: &Self::Cache) -> f64 {
                <$name>::BITS as f64
            fn ordered_arbitrary(&self, step: &mut Self::ArbitraryStep, max_cplx: f64) -> Option<($name, f64)> {
                if max_cplx < self.min_complexity() {
                    return None;
                if *step > <$name_unsigned>::MAX as u64 {
                } else {
                    let value = self.uniform_permutation(*step) as $name;
                    *step += 1;
                    Some((value, <$name>::BITS as f64))
            fn random_arbitrary(&self, _max_cplx: f64) -> ($name, f64) {
                let value = self.rng.$name(..);
                (value, <$name>::BITS as f64)
            fn ordered_mutate(
                value: &mut $name,
                _cache: &mut Self::Cache,
                step: &mut Self::MutationStep,
                _subvalue_provider: &dyn crate::SubValueProvider,
                max_cplx: f64,
            ) -> Option<(Self::UnmutateToken, f64)> {
                if max_cplx < self.min_complexity() {
                    return None;
                if *step > 10u64.saturating_add(<$name>::MAX as u64) {
                    return None;
                let token = *value;
                *value = {
                    let mut tmp_step = *step;
                    if tmp_step < 8 {
                        let nudge = (tmp_step + 2) as $name;
                        if nudge % 2 == 0 {
                            value.wrapping_add(nudge / 2)
                        } else {
                            value.wrapping_sub(nudge / 2)
                    } else {
                        tmp_step -= 7;
                        self.uniform_permutation(tmp_step) as $name
                *step = step.wrapping_add(1);

                Some((token, <$name>::BITS as f64))
            fn random_mutate(
                value: &mut $name,
                _cache: &mut Self::Cache,
                _max_cplx: f64,
            ) -> (Self::UnmutateToken, f64) {
                (std::mem::replace(value, self.rng.$name(..)), <$name>::BITS as f64)
            fn unmutate(&self, value: &mut $name, _cache: &mut Self::Cache, t: Self::UnmutateToken) {
                *value = t;

            fn visit_subvalues<'a>(
                _value: &'a $name,
                _cache: &'a Self::Cache,
                _visit: &mut dyn FnMut(&'a dyn Any, f64),
            ) {

        impl DefaultMutator for $name {
            type Mutator = $name_mutator;
            fn default_mutator() -> Self::Mutator {

impl_int_mutator!(u8, u8, U8Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(u16, u16, U16Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(u32, u32, U32Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(u64, u64, U64Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(usize, usize, USizeMutator);
impl_int_mutator!(i8, u8, I8Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(i16, u16, I16Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(i32, u32, I32Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(i64, u64, I64Mutator);
impl_int_mutator!(isize, isize, ISizeMutator);