fuzzcheck 0.12.1

A modular, structure-aware, and feedback-driven fuzzing engine for Rust functions
//! Fuzzcheck is an evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions.
//! It is recommended to use it with the command line tool `cargo-fuzzcheck`, which
//! makes it easy to compile your crate with code coverage instrumentation and
//! to manage fuzz targets.
//! The best way to get started is to follow [the guide at fuzzcheck.neocities.org](https://fuzzcheck.neocities.org).
//! The crate documentation contains information on how to set up and launch a fuzz-test ([here](crate::builder)) but
//! also documents the core traits ([`Pool`], [`Sensor`], [`Mutator`], etc.) that are useful to understand how it works
//! and to extend it.

// Note: ideally fuzzcheck would work on stable Rust
// Recently, -C instrument-coverage was stabilised. The next truly essential
// feature that needs to be stabilised is #[no_coverage]. After that is done,
// I would like to release fuzzcheck on stable.
// I have annotated the nightly features below to keep track of what their
// roles are and whether they can be removed easily.

// documentation, not essential
// can be replaced by an empty enum
// essential
// used to add #[no_coverage] on closures
// very very nice to use, but I guess not essential?
// essential for tuple mutators, but there may be a (more complicated) way
// to do without them
// end nightly features

pub extern crate fastrand;

mod bitset;
mod bloom_filter;
pub mod builder;
mod code_coverage_sensor;
mod data_structures;
mod fenwick_tree;
mod fuzzer;
pub mod mutators;
pub mod sensors_and_pools;
pub mod serializers;
mod signals_handler;
mod split_string;
pub mod subvalue_provider;
mod traits;
mod world;

pub use builder::fuzz_test;
pub use fuzzcheck_common::arg::Arguments;
    Make a mutator for a custom type, optionally making it the type’s default mutator.

    The syntax is as follows:
    # #![feature(no_coverage)]
    # #![feature(trivial_bounds)]
    use fuzzcheck_mutators_derive::make_mutator;

    use fuzzcheck::mutators::integer_within_range::U8WithinRangeMutator;

    // somewhere, this type is defined
    pub struct S<T> {
        x: u8,
        y: T
    // create a mutator for this type:
    make_mutator! {
        name: SMutator, // the name of the mutator
        recursive: false, // the type is not recursive
        default: false, // if `true`, impl DefaultMutator<Mutator = SMutator> for S
        type:  // repeat the declaration of S
            pub struct S<T> {
            // left hand side: the type of the mutator for the field
            // right hand side (optional): the default value of that mutator
            #[field_mutator(U8WithinRangeMutator = { U8WithinRangeMutator::new(0 ..= 10) })]
            x: u8,
            y: T
    For enums:
    # #![feature(no_coverage)]
    use fuzzcheck::make_mutator;

    use fuzzcheck::mutators::integer::U8Mutator;

    // somewhere, this type is defined
    pub enum E<T> {
        Two(T, u8),
        Three { x: Option<u8> }
    // create a mutator for this type:
    make_mutator! {
        name: EMutator, // the name of the mutator
        recursive: false, // the type is not recursive
        default: true, // this is E's default mutator
        type: // repeat the declaration of E
            pub enum E<T> {
                Two(T, #[field_mutator(U8Mutator)] u8),
                Three { x: Option<u8> }
    Create a recursive mutator:
    # #![feature(no_coverage)]
    use fuzzcheck::make_mutator;
    use fuzzcheck::mutators::{option::OptionMutator, boxed::BoxMutator};
    use fuzzcheck::mutators::recursive::RecurToMutator;

    pub struct R<T> {
        x: u8,
        y: Option<Box<R<T>>>,
        z: Vec<T>,
    make_mutator! {
        name: RMutator,
        recursive: true,
        default: true,
        type: // repeat the declaration of R
            pub struct R<T> {
                x: u8,
                // for recursive mutators, it is necessary to indicate *where* the recursion is
                // and use a `RecurToMutator` as the recursive field's mutator
                // M0 is the type parameter for the mutator of the `x` field, M2 is the type parameter for the mutator of the `z` field
                #[field_mutator(OptionMutator<Box<R<T>>, BoxMutator<RecurToMutator<RMutator<T, M0, M2>>>> = { OptionMutator::new(BoxMutator::new(self_.into())) })]
                //                                                                                            self_.into() creates the RecurToMutator
                y: Option<Box<R<T>>>,
                z: Vec<T>
    Ignore certain variants of an enum:
    # #![feature(no_coverage)]
    use fuzzcheck::make_mutator;
    pub enum F<T> {
        Two(T, u8),
        Three { x: Option<u8> }
    make_mutator! {
        name: FMutator, // the name of the mutator
        default: true, // this is F's default mutator
        type: // repeat the declaration of F
            pub enum F<T> {
                Two(T, u8),
                #[ignore_variant] // never produce values of the form F::Three { .. }
                Three { x: Option<u8> }
pub use fuzzcheck_mutators_derive::make_mutator;
/// Implement a mutator for the type and make it the type’s `DefaultMutator`.
/// The mutator will be called `<Name>Mutator`. It can be constructed in two ways:
/// 1. Through the `DefaultMutator` trait, for example:
/// ```
/// # #![feature(no_coverage)]
/// use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator;
/// #[derive(Clone, DefaultMutator)]
/// struct X<A> {
///     field: A,
/// }
/// let mutator = <X<u8> as DefaultMutator>::default_mutator();
/// // but it can also be inferred by the rust compiler:
/// let mutator = X::<u8>::default_mutator();
/// ```
/// 2. By using `<Name>Mutator::new(..)` with the submutators for every field given as argument, for example:
/// ```
/// # #![feature(no_coverage)]
/// use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator;
/// #[derive(Clone, DefaultMutator)]
/// enum Either<A, B> {
///     Left(A),
///     Right(B)
/// }
/// let mutator = EitherMutator::new(u8::default_mutator(), bool::default_mutator());
/// // mutator impl Mutator<Either<u8, bool>>
/// ```
/// Similarly to [`make_mutator!`](crate::make_mutator), you can use the attributes `#[field_mutator]` and `#[ignore_variant]`
/// to customise the generated mutator.
pub use fuzzcheck_mutators_derive::DefaultMutator;
pub use fuzzer::FuzzingResult;
pub use fuzzer::PoolStorageIndex;
pub use fuzzer::ReasonForStopping;
pub use mutators::DefaultMutator;
pub use mutators::MutatorExt;
pub(crate) use mutators::CROSSOVER_RATE;
pub use sensors_and_pools::PoolExt;
pub use sensors_and_pools::SensorExt;
pub use serializers::ByteSerializer;
#[cfg(feature = "serde_json_serializer")]
pub use serializers::SerdeSerializer;
pub use serializers::StringSerializer;
pub(crate) use split_string::split_string_by_whitespace;
pub use subvalue_provider::SubValueProvider;
pub use subvalue_provider::SubValueProviderId;
pub use traits::CompatibleWithObservations;
pub use traits::CorpusDelta;
pub use traits::Mutator;
pub use traits::Pool;
pub use traits::SaveToStatsFolder;
pub use traits::Sensor;
pub use traits::SensorAndPool;
pub use traits::Serializer;
pub use traits::Stats;
pub use traits::{CSVField, ToCSV};