futuresdr-remote 0.0.2

Remote interaction library for FutureSDR.

FutureSDR Remote

A library for remote interaction with a FutureSDR runtime, flowgraph, and its blocks through the REST API.

Crates.io Apache 2.0 licensed Docs


use futuresdr_remote::Error;
use futuresdr_remote::Handler;
use futuresdr_remote::Remote;
use futuresdr_types::Pmt;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let remote = Remote::new("");

    let fgs = remote.flowgraphs().await?;
    let blocks = fgs[0].blocks();

    let p = blocks[0].callback(Handler::Id(0), Pmt::U32(123)).await?;
    println!("result: {:?}", p);
