futures_ringbuf 0.3.1

Mock Type implementing AsyncRead/AsyncWrite for testing and examples.
	rand        :: { Rng, RngCore, thread_rng, SeedableRng, distributions::uniform::SampleUniform } ,
	rand_chacha :: { ChaCha8Rng                                                                   } ,
	std         :: { ops::Range, fmt                                                              } ,
	log         :: { *                                                                            } ,

/// Dictator that makes random decisions based on a seed. That is the decisions are
/// reproducible. For reproducible decisions, your use of the dictator must be deterministic.
#[ derive( Debug ) ]
pub struct Dictator
	seed: u64,
	rng : ChaCha8Rng,

impl Dictator
	/// Birth place of all dictators. This method will log the seed with log::trace.
	/// Make sure you turn on logging for the futures_ringbuf crate so you can reproduce failing tests.
	pub fn new( seed: u64 ) -> Self
		trace!( "Creating new dictator with seed {}", seed );

			rng: ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64( seed ),

	/// Ask the dictator permission to do something.
	pub fn please( &mut self, question: &str, prob: f64 ) -> bool
		let answer = self.rng.gen_bool( prob );

		trace!( "dictator please {}, answer: {}", question, answer );


	/// Ask the dictator to pick from a range of values.
	pub fn pick<Idx: SampleUniform + fmt::Debug + Copy + PartialOrd>( &mut self, what: &str, range: Range<Idx> ) -> Idx
		let pick = self.rng.gen_range( range.clone() );

		trace!( "dictator pick {} from {:?}, answer: {:?}", what, range, pick );


	/// Create a new random seed from entropy.
	pub fn seed() -> u64

#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests
	use super::*;

	fn predictable()
		let mut bd = Dictator::new( 265468510 );

		assert!( !bd.please( "one"  , 0.4 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "two"  , 0.6 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "three", 0.5 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "four" , 0.3 ) );
		assert!(  bd.please( "five" , 0.9 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "six"  , 0.2 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "seven", 0.5 ) );
		assert!(  bd.please( "eight", 0.4 ) );

		assert_eq!( 1 , bd.pick( "nine"  , 0..100 ) );
		assert_eq!( 94, bd.pick( "ten"   , 0..100 ) );
		assert_eq!( 46, bd.pick( "eleven", 0..100 ) );

		assert!(  bd.please( "twelve"  , 0.6 ) );
		assert!(  bd.please( "thirteen", 0.5 ) );
		assert!(  bd.please( "fourteen", 0.5 ) );
		assert!(  bd.please( "fifteen" , 0.5 ) );
		assert!( !bd.please( "sixteen" , 0.5 ) );