[][src]Crate futures_ringbuf


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A fake async network stream for testing and examples without having to do tcp.

It acts like both ends of a network connection. You can think of it like the network connection to an echo server. You can frame it with futures_codec, split it to get both halves separately and send and receive messages on it. You can use this in testing and examples to avoid having to make actual TCP connections.

Data in transit is held in an internal RingBuffer from the ringbuf crate.

Table of Contents


With cargo add: cargo add futures_ringbuf

With cargo yaml:


   futures_ringbuf: ^0.1

With raw Cargo.toml


    futures_ringbuf = "^0.1"


Please check out the changelog when upgrading.


This crate has few dependiencies. Cargo will automatically handle it's dependencies for you.

There are no optional features.


This crate uses #![ forbid( unsafe_code ) ], but it's dependencies use quite some unsafe. On first sight the unsafe usage in ringbuf looks sound, but I haven't scrutinized every detail of it and it's not documented. A lot of unsafe code is present in the futures library, which I haven't reviewed.


The crate provides a RingBuffer<T> struct which implements AsyncRead/AsyncWrite from the futures library when T is u8. You can now call split provided by AsyncRead and treat them as both ends of a network connection.

The reader will return Poll::Pending when the buffer is empty, and the writer when the buffer is full. They will wake eachother up when new data/space is available.

If you want to play with std::io::Read/std::io::Write, check out the ringbuf crate directly, as it's Producer and Consumer types implement these traits, so I didn't include them here.

I haven't yet included Stream<T>, Sink<T>, because on u8 that doesn't make much sense, but if there is demand, it can definitely be added.

The requirements on T are T: Sized + Copy.

If you want to seed the buffer before using it with futures_ringbuf, you can use the Producer and Consumer types of ringbuf. futures_ringbuf::RingBuffer implements From< (Producer<T>, Consumer<T>) >.


This crate works on wasm. See the integration test for wasm for some code.

Basic example

//! Frame a RingBuf with futures_codec. This example shows how the sending task will
//! block when the buffer is full. When a reader consumes the buffer, the sender is woken up.
//! Run with `cargo run --example basic`.
   futures_ringbuf :: { *                                            } ,
   futures         :: { SinkExt, StreamExt, executor::block_on, join } ,
   futures_codec   :: { Framed, LinesCodec                           } ,

fn main()
   let program = async
         let mock = RingBuffer::new( 13 );
         let (mut writer, mut reader) = Framed::new( mock, LinesCodec{} ).split();

         let send_task = async move
            writer.send( "Hello World\n".to_string() ).await.expect( "send" );
            println!( "sent first line" );

            writer.send( "Second line\n".to_string() ).await.expect( "send" );
            println!( "sent second line" );

            writer.close().await.expect( "close sender" );
            println!( "sink closed" );

         let receive_task = async move
            // If we would return here, the second line will never get sent
            // because the buffer is full.
            // return;

            while let Some(msg) = reader.next().await.transpose().expect( "receive message" )
                  println!( "Received: {:#?}", msg );

         // Poll them in concurrently
         join!( send_task, receive_task );

   block_on( program );


Api documentation can be found on docs.rs.


This repository accepts contributions. Ideas, questions, feature requests and bug reports can be filed through github issues.

Pull Requests are welcome on github. By commiting pull requests, you accept that your code might be modified and reformatted to fit the project coding style or to improve the implementation. Please discuss what you want to see modified before filing a pull request if you don't want to be doing work that might be rejected.

Please file PR's against the dev branch, don't forget to update the changelog and the documentation.


cargo test

On wasm, after installing wasm-pack:

wasm-pack test --firefox --headless


wasm-pack test --chrome --headless

Code of conduct

Any of the behaviors described in point 4 "Unacceptable Behavior" of the Citizens Code of Conduct are not welcome here and might get you banned. If anyone including maintainers and moderators of the project fail to respect these/your limits, you are entitled to call them out.





Represents a network endpoint. This is for duplex connection mocking. Each direction has a separate ringbuffer and one buffers readhalf is combined with the other buffers writehalf in order to simulate a duplex connection.


A RingBuffer that implements AsyncRead and AsyncWrite from the futures library.