futures 0.3.20

An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces.

use futures::{executor::block_on, try_join};

// TODO: This abuses https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/58733 in order to
// test behavior of the `try_join!` macro with the never type before it is
// stabilized. Once `!` is again stabilized this can be removed and replaced
// with direct use of `!` below where `Never` is used.
trait MyTrait {
    type Output;
impl<T> MyTrait for fn() -> T {
    type Output = T;
type Never = <fn() -> ! as MyTrait>::Output;

fn try_join_never_error() {
    block_on(async {
        let future1 = async { Ok::<(), Never>(()) };
        let future2 = async { Ok::<(), Never>(()) };
        try_join!(future1, future2)

fn try_join_never_ok() {
    block_on(async {
        let future1 = async { Err::<Never, ()>(()) };
        let future2 = async { Err::<Never, ()>(()) };
        try_join!(future1, future2)