futures 0.1.4

An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces.
# Getting started with futures
[top]: #getting-started-with-futures

This document will help you learn about [`futures`], a Rust crate with a
zero-cost implementation of [futures] and streams. Futures are available in many
other languages like [C++][cpp-futures], [Java][java-futures], and
[Scala][scala-futures], and this crate draws inspiration from these
libraries. The `futures` crate, however, distinguishes itself by being
both ergonomic as well as adhering to the Rust philosophy of zero-cost
abstractions. More concretely, futures do not require allocations to
create and compose, and the per-connection `Task` that drives futures requires
only one. Futures are intended to be the foundation for asynchronous,
composable, high performance I/O in Rust, and [early benchmarks] show that a
simple HTTP server built on futures is really fast!

[`futures`]: https://github.com/alexcrichton/futures-rs
[futures]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_and_promises
[java-futures]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html
[cpp-futures]: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/future
[scala-futures]: http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html
[early benchmarks]: https://aturon.github.io/blog/2016/08/11/futures/

This document is split up into a few sections:

* [Hello, World!][hello-world]
* [The `Future` trait][future-trait]
* [The `Stream` trait][stream-trait]
* [Concrete futures and stream][concrete]
* [Returning futures][returning-futures]
* [`Task` and `Future`][task-and-future]
* [Task local data][task-local-data]

If you'd like to help contribute to this document you can find it on

[online-doc]: https://github.com/alexcrichton/futures-rs/blob/master/TUTORIAL.md


## Hello, World!
[hello-world]: #hello-world

[Back to top][top]

The `futures` crate requires Rust 1.10.0 or greater, which can be easily
obtained through [rustup]. Windows, macOS, and Linux are all tested and known to
work, but PRs for other platforms are always welcome! You can add
futures to your project's `Cargo.toml` like so:

[rustup]: https://www.rustup.rs/

futures = "0.1"
tokio-core = "0.1"
tokio-tls = { git = "https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio-tls" }

Here we're adding a dependency on three crates:

* [`futures`] - the definition and core implementation of [`Future`] and
* [`tokio-core`] - bindings to the [`mio`] crate providing concrete
  implementations of [`Future`] and [`Stream`] for TCP and UDP as well as the
  heart of the [Tokio] project
* [`tokio-tls`] - an SSL/TLS implementation for [Tokio]

[`mio`]: https://crates.io/crates/mio
[`tokio-core`]: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio-core
[`tokio-tls`]: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio-tls
[`Future`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html
[`Stream`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html
[Tokio]: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio

The [`futures`] crate itself is a low-level implementation of futures which does
not assume any particular runtime or I/O layer. For the examples below we'll be
using the concrete implementations available in [`tokio-core`] to show how
futures and streams can be used to perform sophisticated I/O with zero
abstraction overhead.

Now that we've got all that set up, let's write our first program! As
a "Hello, World!" for I/O, let's download the Rust home page:

extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_tls;

use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;

use futures::Future;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_core::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_tls::ClientContext;

fn main() {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let addr = "www.rust-lang.org:443".to_socket_addrs().unwrap().next().unwrap();

    let socket = TcpStream::connect(&addr, &core.handle());

    let tls_handshake = socket.and_then(|socket| {
        let cx = ClientContext::new().unwrap();
        cx.handshake("www.rust-lang.org", socket)
    let request = tls_handshake.and_then(|socket| {
        tokio_core::io::write_all(socket, "\
            GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\
            Host: www.rust-lang.org\r\n\
    let response = request.and_then(|(socket, _)| {
        tokio_core::io::read_to_end(socket, Vec::new())

    let (_, data) = core.run(response).unwrap();
    println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&data));

If you place that file in `src/main.rs`, and then execute `cargo run`, you
should see the HTML of the Rust home page!

There's a lot to digest here, though, so let's walk through it
line-by-line. First up in `main()`:

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let addr = "www.rust-lang.org:443".to_socket_addrs().unwrap().next().unwrap();

Here we [create an event loop][core-new] on which we will perform all our
I/O. Then we resolve the "www.rust-lang.org" host name by using
the standard library's [`to_socket_addrs`] method.

[core-new]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/reactor/struct.Core.html#method.new
[`to_socket_addrs`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/trait.ToSocketAddrs.html

Next up:

let socket = TcpStream::connect(&addr, &core.handle());

We [get a handle] to our event loop and connect to the host with
[`TcpStream::connect`]. Note, though, that [`TcpStream::connect`] returns a
future! This means that we don't actually have the socket yet, but rather it
will be fully connected at some later point in time.

[get a handle]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/reactor/struct.Core.html#method.handle
[`TcpStream::connect`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/net/struct.TcpStream.html#method.connect

Once our socket is available we need to perform three tasks to download the
rust-lang.org home page:

1. Perform a TLS handshake. The home page is only served over HTTPS, so we had
   to connect to port 443 and we'll have to obey the TLS protocol.
2. An HTTP 'GET' request needs to be issued. For the purposes of this tutorial
   we will write the request by hand, though in a serious program you would
   use an HTTP client built on futures.
3. Finally, we download the response by reading off all the data on the socket.

Let's take a look at each of these steps in detail, the first being:

let tls_handshake = socket.and_then(|socket| {
    let cx = ClientContext::new().unwrap();
    cx.handshake("www.rust-lang.org", socket)

Here we use the [`and_then`] method on the [`Future`] trait to continue
building on the future returned by [`TcpStream::connect`]. The [`and_then`] method
takes a closure which receives the resolved value of this previous future. In
this case `socket` will have type [`TcpStream`]. The [`and_then`] closure,
however, will not run if [`TcpStream::connect`] returned an error.

[`and_then`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.and_then
[`TcpStream`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/net/struct.TcpStream.html

Once we have our `socket`, we create a client TLS context via
[`ClientContext::new`]. This type from the [`tokio-tls`] crate
represents the client half of a TLS connection. Next we call the
[`handshake`] method to actually perform the TLS handshake. The first
argument is the domain name we're connecting to, with the I/O object
as the second.

[`ClientContext::new`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-tls/tokio_tls/struct.ClientContext.html#method.new
[`handshake`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-tls/tokio_tls/struct.ClientContext.html#method.handshake

Like with [`TcpStream::connect`] from before, the [`handshake`] method
returns a future. The actual TLS handshake may take some time as the
client and server need to perform some I/O, agree on certificates,
etc. Once resolved, however, the future will become a [`TlsStream`],
similar to our previous [`TcpStream`]

[`TlsStream`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-tls/tokio_tls/struct.TlsStream.html

The [`and_then`] combinator is doing some heavy lifting behind the
scenes here by ensuring that it executes futures in the right order
and keeping track of the futures in flight. Even better, the value
returned from [`and_then`] itself implements [`Future`], so we can
keep chaining computation!

Next up, we issue our HTTP request:

let request = tls_handshake.and_then(|socket| {
    tokio_core::io::write_all(socket, "\
        GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\
        Host: www.rust-lang.org\r\n\

Here we take the future from the previous step, `tls_handshake`, and
use [`and_then`] again to continue the computation. The [`write_all`]
combinator writes the entirety of our HTTP request, issueing multiple
writes as necessary. Here we're just doing a simple HTTP/1.0 request,
so there's not much we need to write.

[`write_all`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/io/fn.write_all.html

The future returned by [`write_all`] will complete once all the data
has been written to the socket. Note that behind the scenes the
[`TlsStream`] will actually be encrypting all the data we write before
sending it to the underlying socket.

And the third and final piece of our request looks like:

let response = request.and_then(|(socket, _)| {
    tokio_core::io::read_to_end(socket, Vec::new())

The previous `request` future is chained again to the final future,
the [`read_to_end`] combinator. This future will read all data from the
`socket` provided and place it into the buffer provided (in this case an empty
one), and resolve to the buffer itself once the underlying connection hits EOF.

[`read_to_end`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/io/fn.read_to_end.html

Like before, though, reads from the `socket` are actually decrypting data
received from the server under the covers, so we're just reading the decrypted

If we were to return at this point in the program, you might be surprised to see
that nothing happens when it's run! That's because all we've done so
far is construct a future-based computation, we haven't actually run it. Up to
this point in the program we've done no I/O, issued no HTTP requests, etc.

To actually execute our future and drive it to completion we'll need to run the
event loop:

let (_, data) = core.run(response).unwrap();
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&data));

Here we pass our `response` future, our entire HTTP request, to
the event loop, [asking it to resolve the future][`core_run`]. The event loop will
then run until the future has been resolved, returning the result of the future
which in this case is `io::Result<(TcpStream, Vec<u8>)>`.

[`core_run`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/reactor/struct.Core.html#method.run

Note that this `core.run(..)` call will block the calling thread until the
future can itself be resolved. This means that `data` here has type `Vec<u8>`.
We then print it out to stdout as usual.

Phew! At this point we've seen futures [initiate a TCP
connection][`TcpStream::connect`] [create a chain of computation][`and_then`],
and [read data from a socket][`read_to_end`]. But this is only a hint of what
futures can do, so let's dive more into the traits themselves!


## The `Future` trait
[future-trait]: #the-future-trait

[Back to top][top]

The core trait of the [`futures`] crate is [`Future`].  This trait represents an
asynchronous computation which will eventually get resolved. Let's take a look:

trait Future {
    type Item;
    type Error;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error>;

    // ...

I'm sure quite a few points jump out immediately about this definition, so
let's go through them all in detail!

* [`Item` and `Error`][item-and-error]
* [`poll`][poll]
* [`Future` combinators][combinators]

### `Item` and `Error`
[item-and-error]: #item-and-error

[Back to `Future`][future-trait]

type Item;
type Error;

The first aspect of the [`Future`] trait you'll probably notice is the two
associated types it contains. These represent the types of values that the
`Future` can resolve to. Each instance of `Future` can be thought of as
resolving to a `Result<Self::Item, Self::Error>`.

These two types will show up very frequently in `where` clauses when consuming
futures generically, and type signatures when futures are returned. For example
when returning a future you might write:

fn foo() -> Box<Future<Item = u32, Error = io::Error>> {
    // ...

Or when taking a future you might write:

fn foo<F>(future: F)
    where F: Future<Error = io::Error>,
          F::Item: Clone,
    // ...

### `poll`
[poll]: #poll

[Back to `Future`][future-trait]

fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error>;

The entire [`Future`] trait is built up around this one method, and it's the
only required method. The [`poll`] method is the sole entry point for extracting
the resolved value of a future as well as registering interest in the future
itself. As a consumer of futures you will rarely - if ever - need to call this
method directly. Rather, you interact with futures through [combinators] that
create higher-level abstractions around futures. But it's useful to our
understanding if we have a sense of how futures work under the hood.

[`poll`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#tymethod.poll

Let's take a closer look at [`poll`]. Notice the `&mut self` argument, which
conveys a number of restrictions and abilities:

* Futures may only be polled by one thread at a time.
* During a `poll`, futures can mutate their own state.
* When `poll`'d, futures are owned by another entity.

Next we see that [`Poll`][poll-type] is actually a type alias:

[poll-type]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/type.Poll.html

type Poll<T, E> = Result<Async<T>, E>;

Let's follow through and see what [`Async`] is as well:

pub enum Async<T> {

[`Async`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/enum.Async.html

Through this `enum` futures can communicate whether the future's value is ready
to go. If an error ever happens, then `Err` is returned immediately. Otherwise,
the [`Async`] type indicates whether the future is ready with a successful
payload or not ready.

The [`Future`] trait, like `Iterator`, doesn't specify what happens after
[`poll`] is called if the future has already resolved. Many implementations will
panic, some may never resolve again, etc. This means that implementors of the
[`Future`] trait don't need to maintain state to check if [`poll`] has already
returned successfully.

If a call to [`poll`] returns `NotReady`, then futures still need to know
how to figure out when to get poll'd later! To accomplish this, a future must
ensure that when `NotReady` is returned the *current task* is arranged to
receive a notification when the value may be available. We'll [talk more about
tasks later][task-and-future], and it's a sufficient mental model to understand
that `NotReady` means not only the item isn't ready, but you're now registered
to receive a notification when it is ready.

To actually deliver notifications, the [`park`] method is the primary
entry point. This function returns a threadsafe [`Task`] handle with one
primary method, [`unpark`]. The `unpark` method, when called, indicates that a
future can make progress, and may be able to resolve to a value.

[`Task`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/task/struct.Task.html
[`unpark`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/task/struct.Task.html#method.unpark
[`park`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/task/fn.park.html

More detailed documentation can be found on the [`poll`] methods itself.

### `Future` combinators
[combinators]: #future-combinators

[Back to `Future`][future-trait]

Now that we've seen the [`poll`] method, it seems like it may be a bit of a
pain to call! What if all you have is a future of `String` and you want to
convert it to a future of `u32`? For this sort of composition, the `Future`
trait also provides a large number of **combinators** which can be seen on the
[`Future`] trait itself.

These combinators are similar to the [`Iterator`] combinators in that they all
consume the receiving future and return a new future. For example, we could

fn parse<F>(future: F) -> Box<Future<Item=u32, Error=F::Error>>
    where F: Future<Item=String> + 'static,
    Box::new(future.map(|string| {

Here we're using [`map`] to transform a future of `String` to a future of `u32`,
ignoring errors. This example returns a [`Box`], but that's not always necessary,
and is discussed in the [returning futures][returning-futures] section.

The combinators on futures allow expressing concepts like:

* Change the type of a future ([`map`], [`map_err`])
* Run another future after one has completed ([`then`], [`and_then`],
* Figuring out which of two futures resolves first ([`select`])
* Waiting for two futures to both complete ([`join`])
* Defining the behavior of [`poll`] after resolution ([`fuse`])

[`Iterator`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html
[`Box`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/boxed/struct.Box.html
[`map`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.map
[`map_err`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.map_err
[`then`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.then
[`and_then`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.and_then
[`or_else`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.or_else
[`select`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.select
[`join`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.join
[`fuse`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.fuse

Usage of the combinators should feel very similar to the [`Iterator`] trait in
Rust or [futures in Scala][scala-futures]. Most composition of futures ends up
being done through these combinators. All combinators are zero-cost, meaning that
no memory is allocated internally and the implementation will optimize to what
you would have otherwise written by hand.


## The `Stream` trait
[stream-trait]: #the-stream-trait

[Back to top][top]

Previously, we've taken a long look at the [`Future`] trait, which is useful if
we're only producing one value over time. But sometimes computations are best
modeled as a *stream* of values being produced over time. For example, a TCP
listener produces a number of TCP socket connections over its lifetime.
Let's see how [`Future`] and [`Stream`] relate to their synchronous equivalents
in the standard library:

| # items | Sync | Async      | Common operations                              |
| ----- | -----  | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | [`Result`]   | [`Future`] | [`map`], [`and_then`]                        |
| ∞ | [`Iterator`] | [`Stream`] | [`map`][stream-map], [`fold`], [`collect`]   |

[`Result`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html

Let's take a look at the [`Stream`] trait in the [`futures`] crate:

trait Stream {
    type Item;
    type Error;

    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error>;

You'll notice that the [`Stream`] trait is very similar to the [`Future`]
trait. The primary difference is that a stream's [`poll`][stream-poll] method
returns `Option<Self::Item>` instead of `Self::Item`.

[stream-poll]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#tymethod.poll

A [`Stream`] produces optionally many values over time, signaling termination of
the stream by returning `Ready(None)`. At its heart a [`Stream`] represents
an asynchronous stream of values being produced in order.

A [`Stream`] is actually just a special instance of a [`Future`], and can be
converted to a future through the [`into_future`] method. The [returned
future][`StreamFuture`] will resolve to the next value on the stream plus the
stream itself, allowing more values to later be extracted. This also allows
composing streams and other arbitrary futures with the core future combinators.

[`into_future`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.into_future
[`StreamFuture`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/struct.StreamFuture.html

Like [`Future`], the [`Stream`] trait provides a large number of combinators.
Many future-like combinators are provided, like [`then`][stream-then], in
addition to stream-specific combinators like [`fold`].

[stream-then]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.then
[stream-map]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.map
[`fold`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.fold
[`collect`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.collect

### `Stream` Example
[stream-example]: #stream-example

[Back to `Stream`][stream-trait]

We saw an example of using futures at the beginning of this tutorial, so let's
take a look at an example of streams now, the [`incoming`] implementation of
[`Stream`] on [`TcpListener`]. The simple server below will accept connections,
write out the word "Hello!" to them, and then close the socket:

[`incoming`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/net/struct.TcpListener.html#method.incoming
[`TcpListener`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/net/struct.TcpListener.html

extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;

use futures::stream::Stream;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_core::net::TcpListener;

fn main() {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let address = "".parse().unwrap();
    let listener = TcpListener::bind(&address, &core.handle()).unwrap();

    let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();
    println!("Listening for connections on {}", addr);

    let clients = listener.incoming();
    let welcomes = clients.and_then(|(socket, _peer_addr)| {
        tokio_core::io::write_all(socket, b"Hello!\n")
    let server = welcomes.for_each(|(_socket, _welcome)| {


Like before, let's walk through this line-by-line:

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let address = "".parse().unwrap();
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&address, &core.handle()).unwrap();

Here we initialize our event loop, like before, and then we use the
[`TcpListener::bind`] function to create a TCP listener which will accept

[`TcpListener::bind`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/net/struct.TcpListener.html#method.bind

Now that we've got the TCP listener we can inspect its state:

let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();
println!("Listening for connections on {}", addr);

Here we're just calling the [`local_addr`] method to print out what address we
ended up binding to. We know that at this point the port is actually bound
successfully, so clients can now connect.

[`local_addr`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/struct.TcpListener.html#method.local_addr

Next up, we actually create our [`Stream`]!

let clients = listener.incoming();

Here the [`incoming`] method returns a [`Stream`] of [`TcpListener`] and
[`SocketAddr`] pairs. This is similar to [libstd's `TcpListener`] and the
[`accept` method][accept], only we're receiving all of the events as a stream rather
than having to manually accept sockets.

The stream, `clients`, produces sockets forever. This mirrors how socket servers
tend to accept clients in a loop and then dispatch them to the rest of the
system for processing.

[libstd's `TcpListener`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/struct.TcpListener.html
[`SocketAddr`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/enum.SocketAddr.html
[accept]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/struct.TcpListener.html#method.accept

Now that we've got our stream of clients, we can manipulate it via the standard
methods on the [`Stream`] trait:

let welcomes = clients.and_then(|(socket, _peer_addr)| {
    tokio_core::io::write_all(socket, b"Hello!\n")

Here we use the [`and_then`][stream-and-then] method on [`Stream`] to perform an
action over each item of the stream. In this case we're chaining on a
computation for each element of the stream (in this case a `TcpStream`). The
computation is the same [`write_all`] we saw earlier, where it'll write the
entire buffer to the socket provided.

[stream-and-then]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.and_then

This block means that `welcomes` is now a stream of sockets which have had
"Hello!" written to them. For our purposes we're done with the connection at
that point, so we can collapse the entire `welcomes` stream into a future with
the [`for_each`] method:

welcomes.for_each(|(_socket, _welcome)| {

Here we take the results of the previous future, [`write_all`], and discard
them, closing the socket.

[`for_each`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html#method.for_each

Note that an important limitation of this server is that there is *no concurrency*!
Streams represent in-order processing of data, and in this case the order of the
original stream is the order in which sockets are received, which the
[`and_then`][stream-and-then] and [`for_each`] combinators preserve. Chaining
these therefore has the effect of taking each socket from the stream and
processing all chained operations on it before taking the next socket.

If, instead, we want to handle all clients concurrently, we can use the
[`spawn`] method on [`Handle`]\:

[`spawn`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/reactor/struct.Handle.html#method.spawn

let clients = listener.incoming();
let welcomes = clients.map(|(socket, _peer_addr)| {
    tokio_core::io::write_all(socket, b"hello!\n")
let handle = core.handle();
let server = welcomes.for_each(|future| {
    handle.spawn(future.then(|_| Ok(())));

Instead of [`and_then`][stream-and-then] we're using [`map`][stream-map] here
which changes our stream of clients to a stream of futures. We then change our
[`for_each`] closure to *[`spawn`]* the future, which allows the future to
execute concurrently on the event loop. Note that [`spawn`] requires the future
to have the item/error types as `()`.

We'll talk a bit more about spawning futures in the [tasks and
futures][task-and-future] section.


## Concrete futures and streams
[concrete]: #concrete-futures-and-streams

[Back to top][top]

Alright! At this point we've got a good understanding of the [`Future`] and
[`Stream`] traits, both how they're implemented as well as how they're composed
together.  But where do all these futures originally come from? Let's take a
look at a few concrete implementations of futures and streams.

First, any value already available is trivially a future that is immediately
ready. For this, the [`done`], [`failed`], and [`finished`] functions suffice. The
[`done`] variant takes a `Result<T, E>` and returns a `Future<Item=T, Error=E>`.
The [`failed`] and [`finished`] variants then specify either `T` or `E` and
leave the other associated type as a wildcard.

[`done`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/fn.done.html
[`finished`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/fn.finished.html
[`failed`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/fn.failed.html

For streams, the equivalent of an "immediately ready" stream is the [`iter`]
function which creates a stream that yields the same items as the underlying

[`iter`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/fn.iter.html

In situations though where a value isn't immediately ready, there are also
more general implementations of [`Future`] and [`Stream`] that are available in
the [`futures`] crate, the first of which is [`oneshot`]. Let's take a look:

[`oneshot`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/fn.oneshot.html

extern crate futures;

use std::thread;
use futures::Future;

fn expensive_computation() -> u32 {
    // ...

fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = futures::oneshot();

    thread::spawn(move || {

    let rx = rx.map(|x| x + 3);

Here we can see that the [`oneshot`] function returns two halves (like
[`mpsc::channel`]). The first half, `tx` ("transmitter"), is of type [`Complete`]
and is used to complete the oneshot, providing a value to the future on the
other end. The [`Complete::complete`] method will transmit the value to the
receiving end.

The second half, `rx` ("receiver"), is of type [`Oneshot`][oneshot-type] which is
a type that implements the [`Future`] trait. The `Item` type is `T`, the type
of the oneshot.  The `Error` type is [`Canceled`], which happens when the
[`Complete`] half is dropped without completing the computation.

[`mpsc::channel`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/mpsc/fn.channel.html
[`Complete`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/struct.Complete.html
[`Complete::complete`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/struct.Complete.html#method.complete
[oneshot-type]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/struct.Oneshot.html
[`Canceled`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/struct.Canceled.html

This concrete implementation of `Future` can be used (as shown here) to
communicate values across threads. Each half implements the `Send` trait and is
a separately owned entity to get passed around. It's generally not recommended
to make liberal use of this type of future, however; the combinators above or
other forms of base futures should be preferred wherever possible.

For the [`Stream`] trait, a similar primitive is available, [`channel`]. This
type also has two halves, where the sending half is used to send messages and
the receiving half implements `Stream`.

The channel's [`Sender`] type differs from the standard library's in an
important way: when a value is sent to the channel it consumes the sender,
returning a future that will resolve to the original sender only once the sent
value is consumed. This creates backpressure so that a producer won't be able to
make progress until the consumer has caught up.

[`channel`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/fn.channel.html
[`Sender`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/stream/struct.Sender.html


## Returning futures
[returning-futures]: #returning-futures

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When working with futures, one of the first things you're likely to need to do
is to return a [`Future`]! Like with the [`Iterator`] trait, however, this
isn't (yet) the easiest thing to do. Let's walk through your options:

* [Trait objects][return-trait-objects]
* [Custom types][return-custom-types]
* [Named types][return-named-types]
* [`impl Trait`][return-impl-trait]

### Trait objects
[return-trait-objects]: #trait-objects

[Back to returning future][returning-futures]

First, what you can do is return a boxed [trait object]:

fn foo() -> Box<Future<Item = u32, Error = io::Error>> {
    // ...

The upside of this strategy is that it's easy to write down (just a [`Box`]) and
easy to create. This is also maximally flexible in terms of future changes to
the method as *any* type of future can be returned as an opaque, boxed `Future`.

Note that the [`boxed`] method actually returns a `BoxFuture`, but this is just
a type alias for `Box<Future + Send>`:

fn foo() -> BoxFuture<u32, u32> {

The downside of this approach is that it requires a runtime allocation
when the future is constructed. The `Box` needs to be allocated on the heap and
the future itself is then placed inside. Note, though that this is the *only*
allocation here, otherwise while the future is being executed no allocations
will be made. Furthermore, the cost is not always that high in the end because
internally there are no boxed futures (i.e. chains of combinators do not
generally introduce allocations), it's only at the fringe that a `Box` comes
into effect.

[trait object]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/trait-objects.html
[`boxed`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/trait.Future.html#method.boxed

### Custom types
[return-custom-types]: #custom-types

[Back to returning future][returning-futures]

If you'd like to not return a `Box`, however, another option is to name the
return type explicitly. For example:

struct MyFuture {
    inner: Oneshot<i32>,

fn foo() -> MyFuture {
    let (tx, rx) = oneshot();
    // ...
    MyFuture { inner: tx }

impl Future for MyFuture {
    // ...

In this example we're returning a custom type, `MyFuture`, and we implement the
`Future` trait directly for it. This implementation leverages an underlying
`Oneshot<i32>`, but any other kind of protocol can also be implemented here as

The upside to this approach is that it won't require a `Box` allocation and it's
still maximally flexible. The implementation details of `MyFuture` are hidden to
the outside world so it can change without breaking others.

The downside to this approach, however, is that it's not always ergonomically
viable. Defining new types gets cumbersome after awhile, and if you're very
frequently returning futures it may be too much.

### Named types
[return-named-types]: #named-types

[Back to returning future][returning-futures]

The next possible alternative is to name the return type directly:

fn add_10<F>(f: F) -> Map<F, fn(i32) -> i32>
    where F: Future<Item = i32>,
    fn do_map(i: i32) -> i32 { i + 10 }

Here we name the return type exactly as the compiler sees it. The [`map`]
function returns the [`Map`] struct which internally contains the future and the
function to perform the map.

The upside to this approach is that it's more ergonomic than the custom future
type above and it also doesn't have the runtime overhead of `Box` from before.

The downside, however, is that it's often quite difficult to name the type.
Sometimes the types can get quite large or be unnameable altogether. Here we're
using a function pointer (`fn(i32) -> i32`) but we would ideally use a closure.
Unfortunately the return type cannot name the closure, for now.

[`Map`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/struct.Map.html

### `impl Trait`
[return-impl-trait]: #impl-trait

[Back to returning future][returning-futures]

In an ideal world, however, we can have our cake and eat it too with a new
language feature called [`impl Trait`]. This language feature will allow, for

[`impl Trait`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1522-conservative-impl-trait.md

fn add_10<F>(f: F) -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = F::Error>
    where F: Future<Item = i32>,
    f.map(|i| i + 10)

Here we're indicating that the return type is "something that implements
`Future`" with the given associated types. Other than that we just use the
future combinators as we normally would.

The upsides to this approach are that it is zero overhead with no `Box`
necessary, it's maximally flexible to future implementations as the actual
return type is hidden, and it's ergonomic to write as it's similar to the nice
`Box` example above.

The downside to this approach is only that it's not on stable Rust yet. As of
the time of this writing [`impl Trait`] has an [initial implementation as a
PR][impl-trait-pr] but it will still take some time to make its way into nightly
and then finally the stable channel. The good news, however, is that as soon as
`impl Trait` hits stable Rust all crates using futures can immediately benefit!
It should be a backwards-compatible extension to change return types
from `Box` to [`impl Trait`]

[impl-trait-pr]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/35091


## `Task` and `Future`
[task-and-future]: #task-and-future

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Up to this point we've talked a lot about how to build computations by creating
futures, but we've barely touched on how to actually *run* a future. When
talking about [`poll`][poll] earlier it was mentioned that if `poll` returns
`NotReady` then it's arranged for a task to be notified, but where did this task
come from? Additionally, where'd [`poll`] get called from in the first place?

Enter, a [`Task`]!

In the [`futures`] crate a task drives a computation represented by
futures. Tasks can be thought of as being similar to green threads or normal OS
threads: they're spawned to represent concurrent computations (which in this
case are futures). Any particular instance of a `Future` may be short-lived,
only a part of a larger computation. For example, in our ["hello
world"][hello-world] example we had a number of futures, but only one actually
ran at a time. For the entire program, we had one task that followed the
logical "thread of execution" as each future resolved and the overall
computation progressed.

When a future is [`spawn`]ed it is fused with a task, and then this structure
can be polled for completion. Precisely how and when a `poll` happens is up to
the function which spawned the future. Normally you won't call [`spawn`] but
rather one of [`CpuPool::spawn`] with a thread pool or [`Handle::spawn`] with
an event loop. These internally use [`spawn`] and handle managing calls to
`poll` for you.

[`CpuPool::spawn`]: http://alexcrichton.com/futures-rs/futures_cpupool/struct.CpuPool.html#method.spawn
[`Handle::spawn`]: https://tokio-rs.github.io/tokio-core/tokio_core/reactor/struct.Handle.html#method.spawn

_The clever implementation of `Task` is the key to the `futures` crate's
efficiency: when a future is spawned, each of the `Future`s in the chain of
computations is combined into a single state machine structure and moved
together from the stack into the heap_. This action is the only allocation
imposed by the futures library. In effect, the `Task` behaves as if you had
written an efficient state machine by hand while allowing you to express that
state machine as straight-line sequence of computations.


## Task-local data
[task-local-data]: #task-local-data

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In the previous section we've now seen how each individual future is only
one piece of a larger asynchronous computation. This means that futures come
and go, but there could also be data that lives for the entire span of a
computation that many futures need access to.

Futures themselves are often required to be `'static`, so we have two choices
to share data between futures:

* If the data is only ever used by one future at a time we can thread through
  ownership of the data between each future.
* If the data needs to be accessed concurrently, however, then we'd have to
  naively store data in an `Arc`/`Rc` or worse, in an `Arc<Mutex>` if we wanted
  to mutate it.

But both of these solutions are relatively heavyweight, so let's see if we
can do better!

In the [`Task` and `Future`][task-and-future] section we saw how an
asynchronous computation has access to a [`Task`] for its entire lifetime, and
from the signature of [`poll`] we also see that it has mutable access to
this task. The [`Task`] API leverages these facts and allows you to store
data inside a `Task`. Data associated with a `Task` can be created with two

* The [`task_local!`] macro behaves similarly to the `thread_local!` macro in
  the standard library. Data initialized this way is lazily initialized on
  first access for a task, and then it's destroyed when a task itself is
* The [`TaskRc`] structure provides the ability to create a reference-counted
  piece of data that can only be accessed on an appropriate task. It can be
  cloned, however, like an `Rc`.

[`task_local!`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/macro.task_local.html
[`TaskRc`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/task/struct.TaskRc.html

Note that both of these methods will fuse data with the currently running task,
which may not always be desired. These two should likely be used sparingly in