futures-macro 0.3.28

The futures-rs procedural macro implementations.
//! The futures-rs `select! macro implementation.

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::{parse_quote, Expr, Ident, Pat, Token};

mod kw {

struct Select {
    // span of `complete`, then expression after `=> ...`
    complete: Option<Expr>,
    default: Option<Expr>,
    normal_fut_exprs: Vec<Expr>,
    normal_fut_handlers: Vec<(Pat, Expr)>,

enum CaseKind {
    Normal(Pat, Expr),

impl Parse for Select {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
        let mut select = Self {
            complete: None,
            default: None,
            normal_fut_exprs: vec![],
            normal_fut_handlers: vec![],

        while !input.is_empty() {
            let case_kind = if input.peek(kw::complete) {
                // `complete`
                if select.complete.is_some() {
                    return Err(input.error("multiple `complete` cases found, only one allowed"));
            } else if input.peek(Token![default]) {
                // `default`
                if select.default.is_some() {
                    return Err(input.error("multiple `default` cases found, only one allowed"));
            } else {
                // `<pat> = <expr>`
                let pat = Pat::parse_multi_with_leading_vert(input)?;
                let expr = input.parse()?;
                CaseKind::Normal(pat, expr)

            // `=> <expr>`
            let expr = input.parse::<Expr>()?;

            // Commas after the expression are only optional if it's a `Block`
            // or it is the last branch in the `match`.
            let is_block = match expr {
                Expr::Block(_) => true,
                _ => false,
            if is_block || input.is_empty() {
            } else {

            match case_kind {
                CaseKind::Complete => select.complete = Some(expr),
                CaseKind::Default => select.default = Some(expr),
                CaseKind::Normal(pat, fut_expr) => {
                    select.normal_fut_handlers.push((pat, expr));


// Enum over all the cases in which the `select!` waiting has completed and the result
// can be processed.
// `enum __PrivResult<_1, _2, ...> { _1(_1), _2(_2), ..., Complete }`
fn declare_result_enum(
    result_ident: Ident,
    variants: usize,
    complete: bool,
    span: Span,
) -> (Vec<Ident>, syn::ItemEnum) {
    // "_0", "_1", "_2"
    let variant_names: Vec<Ident> =
        (0..variants).map(|num| format_ident!("_{}", num, span = span)).collect();

    let type_parameters = &variant_names;
    let variants = &variant_names;

    let complete_variant = if complete { Some(quote!(Complete)) } else { None };

    let enum_item = parse_quote! {
        enum #result_ident<#(#type_parameters,)*> {

    (variant_names, enum_item)

/// The `select!` macro.
pub(crate) fn select(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    select_inner(input, true)

/// The `select_biased!` macro.
pub(crate) fn select_biased(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    select_inner(input, false)

fn select_inner(input: TokenStream, random: bool) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as Select);

    // should be def_site, but that's unstable
    let span = Span::call_site();

    let enum_ident = Ident::new("__PrivResult", span);

    let (variant_names, enum_item) = declare_result_enum(

    // bind non-`Ident` future exprs w/ `let`
    let mut future_let_bindings = Vec::with_capacity(parsed.normal_fut_exprs.len());
    let bound_future_names: Vec<_> = parsed
        .map(|(expr, variant_name)| {
            match expr {
                syn::Expr::Path(path) => {
                    // Don't bind futures that are already a path.
                    // This prevents creating redundant stack space
                    // for them.
                    // Passing Futures by path requires those Futures to implement Unpin.
                    // We check for this condition here in order to be able to
                    // safely use Pin::new_unchecked(&mut #path) later on.
                    future_let_bindings.push(quote! {
                _ => {
                    // Bind and pin the resulting Future on the stack. This is
                    // necessary to support direct select! calls on !Unpin
                    // Futures. The Future is not explicitly pinned here with
                    // a Pin call, but assumed as pinned. The actual Pin is
                    // created inside the poll() function below to defer the
                    // creation of the temporary pointer, which would otherwise
                    // increase the size of the generated Future.
                    // Safety: This is safe since the lifetime of the Future
                    // is totally constraint to the lifetime of the select!
                    // expression, and the Future can't get moved inside it
                    // (it is shadowed).
                    future_let_bindings.push(quote! {
                        let mut #variant_name = #expr;
                    parse_quote! { #variant_name }

    // For each future, make an `&mut dyn FnMut(&mut Context<'_>) -> Option<Poll<__PrivResult<...>>`
    // to use for polling that individual future. These will then be put in an array.
    let poll_functions = bound_future_names.iter().zip(variant_names.iter()).map(
        |(bound_future_name, variant_name)| {
            // Below we lazily create the Pin on the Future below.
            // This is done in order to avoid allocating memory in the generator
            // for the Pin variable.
            // Safety: This is safe because one of the following condition applies:
            // 1. The Future is passed by the caller by name, and we assert that
            //    it implements Unpin.
            // 2. The Future is created in scope of the select! function and will
            //    not be moved for the duration of it. It is thereby stack-pinned
            quote! {
                let mut #variant_name = |__cx: &mut __futures_crate::task::Context<'_>| {
                    let mut #bound_future_name = unsafe {
                        __futures_crate::Pin::new_unchecked(&mut #bound_future_name)
                    if __futures_crate::future::FusedFuture::is_terminated(&#bound_future_name) {
                    } else {
                            &mut #bound_future_name,
                let #variant_name: &mut dyn FnMut(
                    &mut __futures_crate::task::Context<'_>
                ) -> __futures_crate::Option<__futures_crate::task::Poll<_>> = &mut #variant_name;

    let none_polled = if parsed.complete.is_some() {
        quote! {
    } else {
        quote! {
            panic!("all futures in select! were completed,\
                    but no `complete =>` handler was provided")

    let branches = parsed.normal_fut_handlers.into_iter().zip(variant_names.iter()).map(
        |((pat, expr), variant_name)| {
            quote! {
                #enum_ident::#variant_name(#pat) => { #expr },
    let branches = quote! { #( #branches )* };

    let complete_branch = parsed.complete.map(|complete_expr| {
        quote! {
            #enum_ident::Complete => { #complete_expr },

    let branches = quote! {

    let await_select_fut = if parsed.default.is_some() {
        // For select! with default this returns the Poll result
        quote! {
            __poll_fn(&mut __futures_crate::task::Context::from_waker(
    } else {
        quote! {

    let execute_result_expr = if let Some(default_expr) = &parsed.default {
        // For select! with default __select_result is a Poll, otherwise not
        quote! {
            match __select_result {
                __futures_crate::task::Poll::Ready(result) => match result {
                _ => #default_expr
    } else {
        quote! {
            match __select_result {

    let shuffle = if random {
        quote! {
            __futures_crate::async_await::shuffle(&mut __select_arr);
    } else {

    TokenStream::from(quote! { {

        let __select_result = {
            #( #future_let_bindings )*

            let mut __poll_fn = |__cx: &mut __futures_crate::task::Context<'_>| {
                let mut __any_polled = false;

                #( #poll_functions )*

                let mut __select_arr = [#( #variant_names ),*];
                for poller in &mut __select_arr {
                    let poller: &mut &mut dyn FnMut(
                        &mut __futures_crate::task::Context<'_>
                    ) -> __futures_crate::Option<__futures_crate::task::Poll<_>> = poller;
                    match poller(__cx) {
                        __futures_crate::Some(x @ __futures_crate::task::Poll::Ready(_)) =>
                            return x,
                        __futures_crate::Some(__futures_crate::task::Poll::Pending) => {
                            __any_polled = true;
                        __futures_crate::None => {}

                if !__any_polled {
                } else {


    } })