futures-diagnose 0.1.0

Wraps around a Spawn and provides lots of diagnostics

This crate allows one to generate logs about how tasks are scheduled, in order to generate a profile of the CPU usage of the binary.

This crate leverages https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/tree/11513e359cd60e369bbbd1f4f2ef648c1bccabd0/tracing


First, import the traits:

use futures_diagnose_exec::{FutureExt as _, Future01Ext as _};

Then whenever you create a Future, append .with_diagnostics("name"). For example:


Then, run your code. A profile.json file will be generated in the current working directory. (TODO: it is highly likely that in the future one will control that through an environment variable, so if you don't find the file it's likely that we forgot to update this README)

Then, open Chrome and go to the URL chrome://tracing, and load the profile.json.