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Concurrency extensions for Future and Stream.

Companion library for the “Futures Concurrency” blog post series:

The purpose of this library is to serve as a staging ground for what eventually may become the futures concurrency methods provided by the stdlib. See the future and stream submodules for more.


Concurrently await multiple heterogenous futures:

use futures_concurrency::prelude::*;
use futures_lite::future::block_on;
use std::future;

fn main() {
    block_on(async {
        let a = future::ready(1u8);
        let b = future::ready("hello");
        let c = future::ready(3u16);
        assert_eq!((a, b, c).join().await, (1, "hello", 3));


Helper functions and types for fixed-length arrays.
Asynchronous basic functionality.
The futures concurrency prelude.
Composable asynchronous iteration.
A contiguous growable array type with heap-allocated contents, written Vec<T>.