futures-async-stream-macro 0.1.1

Definition of the `#[async_stream]` macro for the `futures-async-stream` crate as well as a few other assorted macros.
version = "1.0"

version = "1.0"

features = ["full", "visit-mut"]
version = "1.0"

proc-macro = true

authors = ["Taiki Endo <te316e89@gmail.com>"]
categories = ["asynchronous"]
description = "Definition of the `#[async_stream]` macro for the `futures-async-stream` crate as well as a few other assorted macros.\n"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/futures-async-stream-macro/"
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["async", "future", "futures", "stream", "macros"]
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
name = "futures-async-stream-macro"
repository = "https://github.com/taiki-e/futures-async-stream"
version = "0.1.1"