fuser 0.5.0

Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) for Rust
//! Filesystem session
//! A session runs a filesystem implementation while it is being mounted to a specific mount
//! point. A session begins by mounting the filesystem and ends by unmounting it. While the
//! filesystem is mounted, the session loop receives, dispatches and replies to kernel requests
//! for filesystem operations under its mount point.

use log::{error, info};
#[cfg(feature = "libfuse")]
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{fmt, ptr};
use thread_scoped::{scoped, JoinGuard};

use crate::channel::{self, Channel};
use crate::request::Request;
use crate::Filesystem;
#[cfg(not(feature = "libfuse"))]
use crate::MountOption;

/// The max size of write requests from the kernel. The absolute minimum is 4k,
/// FUSE recommends at least 128k, max 16M. The FUSE default is 16M on macOS
/// and 128k on other systems.
pub const MAX_WRITE_SIZE: usize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;

/// Size of the buffer for reading a request from the kernel. Since the kernel may send
/// up to MAX_WRITE_SIZE bytes in a write request, we use that value plus some extra space.
const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = MAX_WRITE_SIZE + 4096;

/// The session data structure
pub struct Session<FS: Filesystem> {
    /// Filesystem operation implementations
    pub filesystem: FS,
    /// Communication channel to the kernel driver
    ch: Channel,
    /// FUSE protocol major version
    pub proto_major: u32,
    /// FUSE protocol minor version
    pub proto_minor: u32,
    /// True if the filesystem is initialized (init operation done)
    pub initialized: bool,
    /// True if the filesystem was destroyed (destroy operation done)
    pub destroyed: bool,

impl<FS: Filesystem> Session<FS> {
    /// Create a new session by mounting the given filesystem to the given mountpoint
    #[cfg(feature = "libfuse")]
    pub fn new(filesystem: FS, mountpoint: &Path, options: &[&OsStr]) -> io::Result<Session<FS>> {
        info!("Mounting {}", mountpoint.display());
        Channel::new(mountpoint, options).map(|ch| Session {
            proto_major: 0,
            proto_minor: 0,
            initialized: false,
            destroyed: false,

    /// Create a new session by mounting the given filesystem to the given mountpoint
    #[cfg(not(feature = "libfuse"))]
    pub fn new2(
        filesystem: FS,
        mountpoint: &Path,
        options: &[MountOption],
    ) -> io::Result<Session<FS>> {
        info!("Mounting {}", mountpoint.display());
        Channel::new2(mountpoint, options).map(|ch| Session {
            proto_major: 0,
            proto_minor: 0,
            initialized: false,
            destroyed: false,

    /// Return path of the mounted filesystem
    pub fn mountpoint(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Run the session loop that receives kernel requests and dispatches them to method
    /// calls into the filesystem. This read-dispatch-loop is non-concurrent to prevent
    /// having multiple buffers (which take up much memory), but the filesystem methods
    /// may run concurrent by spawning threads.
    pub fn run(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        // Buffer for receiving requests from the kernel. Only one is allocated and
        // it is reused immediately after dispatching to conserve memory and allocations.
        let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(BUFFER_SIZE);
        loop {
            // Read the next request from the given channel to kernel driver
            // The kernel driver makes sure that we get exactly one request per read
            match self.ch.receive(&mut buffer) {
                Ok(()) => match Request::new(self.ch.sender(), &buffer) {
                    // Dispatch request
                    Some(req) => req.dispatch(self),
                    // Quit loop on illegal request
                    None => break,
                Err(err) => match err.raw_os_error() {
                    // Operation interrupted. Accordingly to FUSE, this is safe to retry
                    Some(ENOENT) => continue,
                    // Interrupted system call, retry
                    Some(EINTR) => continue,
                    // Explicitly try again
                    Some(EAGAIN) => continue,
                    // Filesystem was unmounted, quit the loop
                    Some(ENODEV) => break,
                    // Unhandled error
                    _ => return Err(err),

impl<'a, FS: Filesystem + Send + 'a> Session<FS> {
    /// Run the session loop in a background thread
    /// # Safety
    /// This interface is inherently unsafe if the BackgroundSession is allowed to leak without being
    /// dropped. See rust-lang/rust#24292 for more details.
    pub unsafe fn spawn(self) -> io::Result<BackgroundSession<'a>> {

impl<FS: Filesystem> Drop for Session<FS> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        info!("Unmounted {}", self.mountpoint().display());

/// The background session data structure
pub struct BackgroundSession<'a> {
    /// Path of the mounted filesystem
    pub mountpoint: PathBuf,
    /// Thread guard of the background session
    pub guard: JoinGuard<'a, io::Result<()>>,
    fuse_session: *mut libc::c_void,
    fd: libc::c_int,

impl<'a> BackgroundSession<'a> {
    /// Create a new background session for the given session by running its
    /// session loop in a background thread. If the returned handle is dropped,
    /// the filesystem is unmounted and the given session ends.
    /// # Safety
    /// This interface is inherently unsafe if the BackgroundSession is allowed to leak without being
    /// dropped. See rust-lang/rust#24292 for more details.
    pub unsafe fn new<FS: Filesystem + Send + 'a>(
        mut se: Session<FS>,
    ) -> io::Result<BackgroundSession<'a>> {
        let mountpoint = se.mountpoint().to_path_buf();
        // Take the fuse_session, so that we can unmount it
        let fuse_session = se.ch.fuse_session;
        let fd = se.ch.fd;
        se.ch.fuse_session = ptr::null_mut();
        let guard = scoped(move || {
            let mut se = se;
        Ok(BackgroundSession {

impl<'a> Drop for BackgroundSession<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        info!("Unmounting {}", self.mountpoint.display());
        // Unmounting the filesystem will eventually end the session loop,
        // drop the session and hence end the background thread.
        match channel::unmount(&self.mountpoint, self.fuse_session, self.fd) {
            Ok(()) => (),
            Err(err) => error!("Failed to unmount {}: {}", self.mountpoint.display(), err),

// replace with #[derive(Debug)] if Debug ever gets implemented for
// thread_scoped::JoinGuard
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for BackgroundSession<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            "BackgroundSession {{ mountpoint: {:?}, guard: JoinGuard<()> }}",