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FUSE userspace library implementation

This is an improved rewrite of the FUSE userspace library (lowlevel interface) to fully take advantage of Rust’s architecture. The only thing we rely on in the real libfuse are mount and unmount calls which are needed to establish a fd to talk to the kernel driver.



The background session data structure

File attributes

Configuration of the fuse kernel module connection

Attribute Reply

Bmap Reply

Create reply

Data reply

Directory reply

DirectoryPlus reply

Empty reply

Entry reply

Ioctl Reply

Lock Reply

Lseek Reply

Open Reply

Statfs Reply

Write Reply

Xattr reply

Request data structure

The session data structure


File types

Mount options accepted by the FUSE filesystem type See ‘man mount.fuse’ for details

Possible input arguments for atime & mtime, which can either be set to a specified time, or to the current time



Filesystem trait.

Generic reply trait



Mount the given filesystem to the given mountpoint. This function will not return until the filesystem is unmounted.

Mount the given filesystem to the given mountpoint. This function will not return until the filesystem is unmounted.


Mount the given filesystem to the given mountpoint. This function spawns a background thread to handle filesystem operations while being mounted and therefore returns immediately. The returned handle should be stored to reference the mounted filesystem. If it’s dropped, the filesystem will be unmounted.

Mount the given filesystem to the given mountpoint. This function spawns a background thread to handle filesystem operations while being mounted and therefore returns immediately. The returned handle should be stored to reference the mounted filesystem. If it’s dropped, the filesystem will be unmounted.