funzzy 1.2.0

Yet another fancy watcher inspired by entr.

funzzy (fzz) Crate version CI integration tests CI Checks

Yet another fancy watcher. (Inspired by antr / entr). See also funzzy.nvim

Configure auto-execution of different commands using semantic YAML and Unix shell style pattern match or stdin.

As simple as

find . -name '*.ts' | funzzy 'npx eslint .'

Or complicated as

# .watch.yaml (or .watch.yml)
# list here all the events and the commands that it should execute
# TIP: include '.watch.yaml' in your .git/info/exclude to ignore it.

- name: run my tests
  run: make test
  change: "tests/**"
  ignore: "tests/integration/**"

- name: Starwars
  run: telnet
  change: ".watch.yaml"

- name: say hello
  run: echo "hello on init"
  change: "./*.yaml"
  run_on_init: true

# Command templates for custom scripts
- name: run test & linter for a single file
  run: [
    "npm run lint -- {{filepath}}",
    "npm test -- $(echo '{{filepath}}' | sed -r s/.(j|t)sx?//)"
  change: ["src/**", "libs/**"]
  ignore: ["src/**/*.stories.*", "libs/**/*.log"]


Create a lightweight watcher to run my tests every time something in my project change. So I won't forget to keep my tests passing. Funzzy was made with Rust which is why it consumes almost nothing to run.


  • OSX:
brew tap cristianoliveira/tap
brew update
brew install funzzy
  • Linux:
curl -s | sh
  • With Cargo
cargo install funzzy

*Make sure you have $HOME/.cargo/bin in your PATH export $PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin

From source

Make sure you have installed the following dependencies:

  • Rust
  • Cargo


cargo install --git

Or, clone this repo and run:

make install


Initializing with boilerplate:

funzzy init

Change the config file .watch.yaml as you want. Then run:

# or use the short version


Use a different config file:

fzz -c ~/watch.yaml

Filtering task by target (contais in task name):

fzz -t "my task"

Run with some arbitrary command and stdin

find . -name '*.rs' | fzz 'cargo build'

Templates for composing commands

find . -name '*.[jt]s' | fzz 'npx eslint {{filepath}}'

Running in "non-block" mode which cancels the currently running task once something changes super useful if you need to run a long task and don't want to wait for it to finish after a change in the code. See: long task test

fzz --non-block

See more in examples or in the integration specs


Why the watcher is running the same task multiple times?

This might be due to different causes, the most common issue when using VIM is because of the default backup setting which causes changes to multiple files on save. See Why does Vim save files with a ~ extension?. For such cases either disable the backup or ignore them in your watch rules.

For other cases use the verbose funzzy -V to understand what is triggering a task to be executed.

Automated tests

Running unit tests:

cargo test

or simple make tests

Running integration tests:

make integration

Code Style

We use clippy for linting the funzzy's source code. Make sure you had validated it before committing.


  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request

Pull Requests are really welcome! Others support also.

Pull Request should have unit tests


This project was made under MIT License.