Crate funspace[][src]

Expand description


Collection of function spaces.

A function space is composed of elements of basis functions. Each function in the function space can be represented as a linear combination of basis functions, represented by real/complex coefficients (spectral space).

Implemented function spaces:


A transformation describes a change from physical space to functional space. For example, a Fourier transform describes a transformation of a function on a regular grid into coefficients of sine/cosine polynomials. This is analogous to other function spaces. The transformations are implemented by the Transform trait.


Apply forward transform of 1d array in cheb_dirichlet space

use funspace::{Transform, cheb_dirichlet};
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use ndarray::Array1;
let mut cd = cheb_dirichlet::<f64>(5);
let input = array![1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
let output: Array1<f64> = cd.forward(&input, 0);


An essential advantage of the representation of a function with coefficients in the function space is its ease of differentiation. Differentiation in Fourier space becomes multiplication with the wavenumber vector. Differentiation in Chebyshev space is done by a recurrence relation and almost as fast as in Fourier space. Each base implements a differentiation method, which is applied to an array of coefficents. This is defined by the Differentiate trait.


Apply differentiation

use funspace::{Transform, Differentiate, Basics, fourier_r2c};
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use ndarray::Array1;
use num_complex::Complex;
// Define base
let mut fo = fourier_r2c(8);
// Get coordinates in physical space
let x = fo.coords().clone();
let v = x.mapv(|xi: f64| (2. * xi).sin());
// Transform to physical space
let vhat: Array1<Complex<f64>> = fo.forward(&v, 0);

// Apply differentiation twice along first axis
let dvhat = fo.differentiate(&vhat, 2, 0);
// Transform back to spectral space
let dv: Array1<f64> = fo.backward(&dvhat, 0);
// Compare with correct derivative
for (exp, ist) in x
    .mapv(|xi: f64| -4. * (2. * xi).sin())
    assert!((exp - ist).abs() < 1e-5);

Composite Bases

Bases such as those of Fourier polynomials or Chebyshev polynomials are are considered as orthogonal bases, i.e. the dot product of every single polynomial with any other polynomial in its set vanishes. In these cases the mass matrix is a diagonal matrix. However, other function spaces can be constructed by a linear combination of the orthogonal basis functions. In this way, bases can be constructed construct bases that satisfy certain boundary conditions such as Dirichlet (zero at the ends) or Neumann (zero derivative at the ends). This is useful for solving partial differential equations. If they are expressed in these composite function spaces, the boundary condition is automatically satisfied. This is known as the Galerkin method.

To switch from its composite form to the orthogonal form, each base implements a FromOrtho trait, which defines the transform to_ortho and from_ortho. If the base is already orthogonal, the input will be returned, otherwise it is transformed from the composite space to the orthogonal space. Note that the size of the composite space is usually less than its orthogonal counterpart. In other words, the composite space is usually a lower dimensional subspace of the orthogonal space. Therefore the output array must not maintain the same shape.


Transform composite space cheb_dirichlet to its orthogonal counterpart chebyshev. Note that cheb_dirichlet has 6 spectral coefficients, while the chebyshev bases has 8.

use funspace::{Transform, FromOrtho, Basics};
use funspace::{cheb_dirichlet, chebyshev};
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use ndarray::Array1;
use num_complex::Complex;
// Define base
let mut ch = chebyshev(8);
let mut cd = cheb_dirichlet(8);
// Get coordinates in physical space
let x = ch.coords().clone();
let v = x.mapv(|xi: f64| (PI / 2. * xi).cos());
// Transform to physical space
let ch_vhat: Array1<f64> = ch.forward(&v, 0);
let cd_vhat: Array1<f64> = cd.forward(&v, 0);
// Send array to orthogonal space (cheb_dirichlet
// to chebyshev in this case)
let cd_vhat_ortho = cd.to_ortho(&cd_vhat, 0);
// Both arrays are equal, because field was
// initialized with correct boundary conditions,
// i.e. dirichlet ones
for (exp, ist) in ch_vhat.iter().zip(cd_vhat_ortho.iter()) {
    assert!((exp - ist).abs() < 1e-5);

// However, if the physical field values do not
// satisfy dirichlet boundary conditions, they
// will be enforced by the transform to cheb_dirichle
// and ultimately the transformed values will deviate
// from a pure chebyshev transform (which does not)
// enfore the boundary conditions.
let mut v = x.mapv(|xi: f64| (PI / 2. * xi).sin());
let ch_vhat: Array1<f64> = ch.forward(&v, 0);
let cd_vhat: Array1<f64> = cd.forward(&v, 0);
let cd_vhat_ortho = cd.to_ortho(&cd_vhat, 0);
// They will deviate
println!("chebyshev     : {:?}", ch_vhat);
println!("cheb_dirichlet: {:?}", cd_vhat_ortho);

Multidimensional Spaces

A collection of bases forms a function space on which one can in turn define operations along a specfic dimension (= axis). However, to transform a field from the physical space into the spectral space, special attention must be paid to how the transformations are concatenated in a multidimensional space. Not all combinations are possible. For example, cheb_dirichlet is a real-to-real transform, while fourier_r2c defines a real-to-complex transform. Thus, for a given real-valued physical field, the Chebyshev transform must precede the fourier transform in the forward transform, and in reverse order in the backward transform.

Note: Currently funspace supports 1- 2- and 3 - dimensional spaces.


Apply transform from physical to spectral in a two-dimensional space

use funspace::{fourier_r2c, cheb_dirichlet, Space2, BaseSpace};
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use num_complex::Complex;
// Define the space and allocate arrays
let mut space = Space2::new(&fourier_r2c(5), &cheb_dirichlet(5));
let mut v: Array2<f64> = space.ndarray_physical();
// Set some field values
let x = space.coords_axis(0);
let y = space.coords_axis(1);
for (i,xi) in x.iter().enumerate() {
    for (j,yi) in y.iter().enumerate() {
        v[[i,j]] = xi.sin() * (PI/2.*yi).cos();
// Transform forward (vhat is complex)
let mut vhat = space.forward(&v);
// Transform backward (v is real)
let v = space.backward(&vhat);

MPI Support

An mpi version of funspace can be found on

The mpi enabled version will be merged into this crate as soon as rustmpi releases an updated version on


pub use crate::enums::BaseAll;
pub use crate::enums::BaseC2c;
pub use crate::enums::BaseR2c;
pub use crate::enums::BaseR2r;
pub use crate::traits::BaseSize;
pub use crate::traits::Basics;
pub use crate::traits::Differentiate;
pub use crate::traits::DifferentiatePar;
pub use crate::traits::FromOrtho;
pub use crate::traits::FromOrthoPar;
pub use crate::traits::LaplacianInverse;
pub use crate::traits::Transform;
pub use crate::traits::TransformKind;
pub use crate::traits::TransformPar;
pub use space1::Space1;
pub use space2::Space2;
pub use space3::Space3;
pub use space_traits::BaseSpace;
pub use types::FloatNum;
pub use types::Scalar;


Function spaces of type Chebyshev

Inidividual enums for all bases who transform either real-to-real, real-to-complex or complex-to-complex plus a collective enum of enums, which combines these three types and which can be used to put all Bases in a single array.

Function spaces of type Fourier

One-dmensional space

Two-dmensional space

Three-dmensional space

Common traits for space, independent of dimensionality

Collection of usefull traits for function spaces

Collection of Types for funspace

Collection of general functions


Function space with Dirichlet boundary conditions

Functions space for inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions

Function space with Neumann boundary conditions

Functions space for inhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions

Function space for Chebyshev Polynomials

Function space for Fourier Polynomials

Function space for Fourier Polynomials (Real-to-complex)