fungus 0.1.24

Rust utilities to reduce code verbosity
# Check proper rustfmt.toml syntax
# rustfmt --check src/<file>

# Maximum width of an array literal before falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default value: 60 percent of `max_width` provided by `width_heuristics`
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for `max_width`
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
array_width = 60

# Maximum width of the args of a function-like attributes before falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default value: 70 percent of `max_width` provided by `width_heuristics`
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for max_width
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
attr_fn_like_width = 100

# Where to put a binary operator when a binary expression goes multiline.
# Default value: "Front"
# Possible values: "Front", "Back"
# Stable: Yes
binop_separator = "Front"

# Minimum number of blank lines which must be put between statements
# Default value: 0
# Possible values: unsigned integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3382)
blank_lines_lower_bound = 0

# Maximum number of blank lines which can be put between statements
# Default value: 1
# Possible values: any non-negative integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3381)
blank_lines_upper_bound = 1

# Brace style for items
# Default value: "SameLineWhere"
# Possible values: "AlwaysNextLine", "PreferSameLine", "SameLineWhere"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3376)
brace_style = "SameLineWhere"

# Maximum width of a chain to fit on one line.
# Default value: 60 percent of `max_width` provided by `width_heuristics`
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for max_width
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
chain_width = 130

# Combine control expressions with function calls.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3369)
combine_control_expr = true

# Maximum length of comments. No effect unlesswrap_comments = true.
# Default value: 80
# Possible values: any positive integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3349)
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
comment_width = 100

# Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. in tuple patterns
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3384)
condense_wildcard_suffixes = true

# Brace style for control flow constructs
# Default value: "AlwaysSameLine"
# Possible values: "AlwaysNextLine", "AlwaysSameLine", "ClosingNextLine"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3377)
control_brace_style = "AlwaysSameLine"

# Specifies which edition is used by the parser.
# Default value: "2015"
# Possible values: "2015", "2018"
# Stable: Yes
edition = "2018"

# Put empty-body functions and impls on a single line
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3356)
empty_item_single_line = true

# The maximum length of enum variant having discriminant, that gets vertically aligned with others.
# Variants without discriminants would be ignored for the purpose of alignment.
# Default value : 0
# Possible values: any positive integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3372)
enum_discrim_align_threshold = 0

# Error if Rustfmt is unable to get all lines within max_width, except for comments and string literals.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3391)
error_on_line_overflow = false

# Error if unable to get comments or string literals within max_width, or they are left with trailing whitespaces.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3392)
error_on_unformatted = false

# Control the layout of parameters in a function signature
# Default value: "Tall"
# Possible values: "Compressed", "Tall", "Vertical"
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
fn_params_layout = "Compressed"

# Maximum width of the args of a function call before falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default value: 60 percent of `max_width` provided by `width_heuristics`
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for max_width
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
fn_call_width = 190

# Put single-expression functions on a single line
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3358)
fn_single_line = false

# Always print the abi for extern items
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
# Note: Non-"C" ABIs are always printed. If false then "C" is removed.
force_explicit_abi = true

# Force multiline closure and match arm bodies to be wrapped in a block
# Default value: false
# Possible values: false, true
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3374)
force_multiline_blocks = false

# Format code snippet included in doc comments.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3348)
# Changed: enforces clean code formatting everywhere
format_code_in_doc_comments = true

# Format generated files. A file is considered as generated if the file starts
# with // @generated.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No
format_generated_files = false

# Format the metavariable matching patterns in macros.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3354)
format_macro_matchers = false

# Format the bodies of macros.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3355)
format_macro_bodies = true

# Format string literals where necessary
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3353)
format_strings = false

# Controls the strategy for how imports are grouped together.
# Default value: "Preserve"
# Possible values: Preserve, StdExternalCrate
# Stable: No
group_imports = "Preserve"

# Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
hard_tabs = false

# Do not show parse errors if the parser failed to parse files.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3390)
hide_parse_errors = false

# Skip formatting files and directories that match the specified pattern.
# The pattern format is the same as .gitignore. Be sure to use
# Unix/forwardslash / style paths. This path style will work on all platforms.
# Windows style paths with backslashes \ are not supported.
# Default value: format every file
# Possible values: See an example below
# Stable: Yes
# ignore = [ "src/"]

# Indent style of imports
# Default Value: "Block"
# Possible values: "Block", "Visual"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3360)
imports_indent = "Block"

# Item layout inside a imports block
# Default value: "Mixed"
# Possible values: "Horizontal", "HorizontalVertical", "Mixed", "Vertical"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3361)
imports_layout = "Mixed"

# Indent on expressions or items.
# Default value: "Block"
# Possible values: "Block", "Visual"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3346)
indent_style = "Block"

# Write an item and its attribute on the same line if their combined width is below a threshold
# Default value: 0
# Possible values: any positive integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3343)
inline_attribute_width = 0

# Check whether beginnings of files match a license template.
# Default value: ""
# Possible values: path to a license template file
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3352)
license_template_path = ""

# Wrap the body of arms in blocks when it does not fit on the same line with the pattern of arms
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3373)
match_arm_blocks = true

# Controls whether to include a leading pipe on match arms
# Default value: "Never"
# Possible values: Always, Never, Preserve
# Stable: Yes
match_arm_leading_pipes = "Never"

# Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: keeps it uniform with non-block arms
match_block_trailing_comma = true

# Maximum width of each line
# Default value: 100
# Possible values: any positive integer
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
max_width = 250

# Merge multiple derives into a single one.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
merge_derives = true

# Merge multiple imports into a single nested import.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3362)
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
merge_imports = true

# Unix or Windows line endings
# Default value: "Auto"
# Possible values: "Auto", "Native", "Unix", "Windows"
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: keeps things more uniform
newline_style = "Unix"

# Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3350)
# Changed: keeps things more uniform
normalize_comments = true

# Convert #![doc] and #[doc] attributes to //! and /// doc comments.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3351)
# Changed: keeps things more uniform
normalize_doc_attributes = true

# Preserves blanks lines at the start of the block. Note that this will preserve newlines,
# but strip any other whitespace on those lines.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No
preserve_block_start_blank_lines = false

# Preserves block wraping arround closures. For example, useful when the closure || can be confused with OR.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No
preserve_closure_block_wrapping = false

# When structs, slices, arrays, and block/array-like macros are used as the last argument
# in an expression list, allow them to overflow (like blocks/closures) instead of being
# indented on a new line.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3370)
# Changed: modern monitors have more horizontal width than they used to
overflow_delimited_expr = true

# Remove nested parens.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
remove_nested_parens = true

# Reorder impl items. type and const are put first, then macros and methods.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3363)
# Changed: keeps things more uniform
reorder_impl_items = true

# Reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically in groups (a group is separated by a newline).
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
reorder_imports = true

# Reorder mod declarations alphabetically in group.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
reorder_modules = true

# Require a specific version of rustfmt. If you want to make sure that the specific version of rustfmt is used in your CI, use this option.
# Default value: "CARGO_PKG_VERSION"
# Possible values: any published version (e.g. "0.3.8")
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3386)
# required_version = "CARGO_PKG_VERSION"

# Leave a space after the colon.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3366)
space_after_colon = true

# Leave a space before the colon.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3365)
space_before_colon = false

# Whether to put a space before the opening paren in function signatures
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No
space_before_fn_sig_paren = false

# Put spaces around the .., ..=, and ... range operators
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3367)
spaces_around_ranges = false

# Determines if '=' are wrapped in spaces in attributes.
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No
space_around_attr_eq = true

# The maximum diff of width between struct fields to be aligned with each other.
# Default value : 0
# Possible values: any non-negative integer
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3371)
struct_field_align_threshold = 0

# Put small struct literals on a single line
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3357)
struct_lit_single_line = true

# Maximum width in the body of a struct literal before falling back to vertical formatting.
# A value of 0 (zero) results in struct literals always being broken into multiple lines.
# Note this occurs when width_heuristics is set to Off.
# Default value: 18
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for max_width
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: more readable
struct_lit_width = 80

# Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before falling back to vertical formatting.
# A value of 0 (zero) results in struct literals always being broken into multiple lines.
# Note this occurs when width_heuristics is set to Off.
# Default value: 35 percent of `max_width` provided by `width_heuristics`
# Possible values: any positive integer that is less than or equal to the value specified for max_width
# Stable: Yes
struct_variant_width = 80

 # Number of spaces per tab
 # Default value: 4
 # Possible values: any positive integer
 # Stable: Yes
tab_spaces = 4

# How to handle trailing commas for lists
# Default value: "Vertical"
# Possible values: "Always", "Never", "Vertical"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3379)
trailing_comma = "Vertical"

# Add trailing semicolon after break, continue and return
# Default value: true
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3378)
trailing_semicolon = true

# Determines if + or = are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types
# Default value: "Wide"
# Possible values: "Compressed", "Wide"
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3364)
# Changed: more readable
type_punctuation_density = "Compressed"

# Enable unstable features on stable and beta channels (unstable features are available by default on nightly).
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: use all the format features all the time
unstable_features = true

# Use field initialize shorthand if possible.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: more readable
use_field_init_shorthand = true

# Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: Yes
# Changed: more readable
use_try_shorthand = true

# Forces the where clause to be laid out on a single line.
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3359)
where_single_line = false

# This option can be used to simplify the management and bulk updates of the granular width
# configuration settings (fn_call_width, attr_fn_like_width, struct_lit_width,
# struct_variant_width, array_width, chain_width, single_line_if_else_max_width),
# that respectively control when formatted constructs are multi-lined/vertical based on width.
# Default value: "Scaled"
# Possible values: "Scaled", "Off", "Max"
# Stable: Yes
width_heuristics = "Off"

# Break comments to fit on the line
# Default value: false
# Possible values: true, false
# Stable: No (tracking issue: #3347)
# Changed: more readable
wrap_comments = true