fungi-lang 0.1.39

Fungi: A typed, functional language for programs that name their cached dependency graphs
# <img src="" alt="Logo" style="width: 64px;"/> Fungi: A typed functional language for programs that name their own cached dependency graphs [![Travis]]

## Fungi programs _compute incrementally_

consists of successively running a program while it computes related
outputs from related inputs that change over time.  Often, these input
changes arise from an external source, such as a human, or another
computer program.

**Fungi** provides a pair of complementary sub-languages for
expressing the interactions of incremental computations, which it
organizes into two **computation roles**:

1. The **Archivist role** computes output from input using a
   _**functional** language_, and

2. the **Editor role** uses an _**imperative** language_ to
   incrementally mutate this input over time, and change demand for
   output in the process (e.g., placing or removing focus on different
   outputs of the archivists' functions).

## Fungi programs name their (incremental) data and subcomputations

The semantics of Fungi programs are _effectful_, as they allocate
**programmer-named** values and computations, and read these objects
from memory later.  However, due to the Fungi **type and effect
system** for names, **the behavior of Fungi archivists is
functional**: the key invariant of its type-and-effects system.

In particular, Fungi provides language affordances for  
- [_first-class names_],  
- [_first class name-functions_],  
- nominal, incremental collections, 
  whose types are indexed by [_sets of names_] 
  (e.g., to uniquely name positions in a list, or elements in a set, etc.), and  
- [nominal, incremental functions over these collections], 
  whose types are indexed by **read and write effects**, as name sets.  

## Fungi is a core calculus, and target language

Fungi gives a **typed**, **general-purpose core caluclus** for
**demand-driven incremental computations**, following the core calculi
and run-time semantics of [Adapton](  Unlike prior
Adapton-related projects, Fungi provides additional language
affordances for describing names, both statically and dynamically, but
especially statically, before the incremental program runs.

Fungi serves as a typed target language for
[IODyn](  Unlike IODyn,
which offers an **implicit** incremental language, the incremental
features of Fungi are intentionally made **explicit**.

## Status:

 - We have implemented the [AST structure]
 - We have implemented [big-step evaluation]
 - Currently, we implementing a [bidirectional type system],
   and eventually, the refinement types and associated decision
   - For technical background and formal definitions, see the [latest draft of the technical report]
   - We are presently implementing these formalisms; the deductive
     proof rules for index equivalence and apartness do not indicate
     an obvious algorithm, or obvious encoding into SMT.  Creating
     these decision procedures is a key research challenge.

## Resources:

 - [Rust Implementation: Documentation]  
 - [Rust Implementation: Crate]  
 - [Visualization tools for Fungi programs]  

## Other links:

 - [Adapton]  
 - [IODyn]