funfun 0.2.1

Macro for allocating closures to the heap.


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heap_fn! allocates a given closure to the heap, returning an asynchronous reference to it. Heap-allocated closures can be convenient when (re)assigning closures to structure fields, though heap allocation comes at the expense of closure inline optimization. I don't see a use for hiding a function behind an Arc in the heap, but the macro also works with fn objects.


  • A HeapFn type is an Arc pointing towards a boxed value (e.g. a closure). In many instances where you need a heap-allocated closure, just boxing it (without worrying about asynchronous reference management) is enough. Make sure that you actually want the overhead of asynchronous pointers before you use the heap_fn macro!
  • Closures were boxed in earlier versions of Rust, but the advantages of inline optimization on performance drove the development of inline closures.
  • In this implementation, the closure is stored on the heap as long as it is being referenced. The closure's space in memory is released as soon as the last reference to it (including clones and across all threads) is destroyed.


let closure = heap_fn!(
    || {
        println!("This closure lives in the heap now!")

closure(); // "This closure lives in the heap now!"

let closure_identifier = || {println!("Named closure!")};

heap_fn!(closure_identifier)(); // "Named closure!"

// example use in structs:

type T = HeapFn<Fn(&str) -> String>;

struct F {
    c: T

let c: T = heap_fn!(|s: &str| -> String {s.to_string()});

let mut f = F { c };

f.c = heap_fn!(
    |d: &str| -> String {"reassign once".to_string()}

f.c = heap_fn!(
    |d: &str| -> String {"and again".to_string()}