fundu 0.2.0

Configurable, precise and fast string parser to a rust std::time::Duration

Table of Contents


fundu provides a parser to parse strings into a std::time::Duration. It tries to improve on the standard method Duration::from_secs_f64(input.parse().unwrap()) (Duration::from_secs_f64) by

  • Providing customizable TimeUnits which are accepted in the input string.
  • Using no floating point calculations and precisely parse the input as it is. So, what you put in you is what you get out within the range of a std::time::Duration.
  • Evaluating to Duration::MAX if the input number was larger than that maximum or the input string was positive infinity.
  • Supporting input strings of arbitrary length.
  • Providing better error messages.

This library aims for low runtime costs (See Benchmarks) and being a lightweight crate. fundu is purely built on top of the rust stdlib, and there are no additional dependencies required. The accepted string format is almost the same like the scientific floating point format and compatible to the f64::from_str format. In other words, if the accepted input string could previously converted to an f64 with f64::from_str, no change is needed to accept the same format with fundu. For further details see the Documentation!


Add this to Cargo.toml

fundu = "0.2.0"


If only the default configuration is required, the parse_duration method can be used.

use fundu::parse_duration;
use std::time::Duration;

let input = "1.0e2s";
assert_eq!(parse_duration(input).unwrap(), Duration::new(100, 0));

When a customization of the accepted TimeUnits is required, then the builder DurationParser can be used.

use fundu::DurationParser;
use std::time::Duration;

let input = "3m";
assert_eq!(DurationParser::with_all_time_units().parse(input).unwrap(), Duration::new(180, 0));

When no time units are configured, seconds is assumed.

use fundu::DurationParser;
use std::time::Duration;

let input = "1.0e2";
assert_eq!(DurationParser::without_time_units().parse(input).unwrap(), Duration::new(100, 0));

However, this will return an error because y (Years) is not a default time unit.

use fundu::DurationParser;

let input = "3y";

The parser is reusable and the set of time units is fully customizable

use fundu::{DurationParser, TimeUnit::*};
use std::time::Duration;

let mut parser = DurationParser::with_time_units(&[NanoSecond, Minute, Hour]);
for (input, expected) in &[
    ("9e3ns", Duration::new(0, 9000)),
    ("10m", Duration::new(600, 0)),
    ("1.1h", Duration::new(3960, 0)),
    ("7", Duration::new(7, 0)),
] {
    assert_eq!(parser.parse(input).unwrap(), *expected);

Also, fundu tries to give informative error messages

use fundu::DurationParser;
use std::time::Duration;

    "Syntax error: No time units allowed but found: y at column 1"

Time units

Time units are used to calculate the final Duration. Seconds are the default unit if no time unit was present in the input string. The table below gives an overview of the constructor methods and which time units are available. If a custom set of time units is required, DurationParser::with_time_units can be used.

Name Time unit Calculation DurationParser::new | parse_duration DurationParser:: with_all_time_units DurationParser:: without_time_units
Nanoseconds ns 1e-9s
Microseconds Ms 1e-6s
Milliseconds ms 1e-3s
Seconds s SI definition ☐ (seconds is still used as base)
Minutes m 60s
Hours h 60m
Days d 24h
Weeks w 7d
Months M Year / 12
Years y 365.25d

Note, that Months and Years are not included in the default configuration. The current implementation uses an approximate calculation of Months and Years in seconds. If they are included in the final configuration, the Julian year based calculation is used. (See table)


To run the benchmarks on your machine, clone the repository

git clone
cd fundu

and then run the benchmarks with

cargo bench

To get a rough idea about the parsing times, here the average parsing speed of two inputs on a comparatively slow machine (Quad core 3000Mhz, 8GB DDR3, Linux)

Input (parser without time units) avg parsing time ~ samples / s
1 54.260 ns 18429782
format!("{}.{}e-1022", "1".repeat(1022), "1".repeat(1022)) 4.0374 µs 247684


  • Improve api documentation
  • Improve performance especially for long inputs
  • Make base unit configurable to a different time unit than seconds.
  • Implement usage of more than one identifier for time units
  • Provide other year calculations:
    • mean Gregorian year
    • Sidereal year
    • Tropical year

See also Changelog


MIT license (LICENSE or