fundsp 0.12.0

Audio processing and synthesis library.
//! Oscillator components.

use super::audionode::*;
use super::filter::*;
use super::fir::*;
use super::math::*;
use super::signal::*;
use super::*;
use funutd::Rnd;
use numeric_array::*;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// Sine oscillator.
/// - Input 0: frequency in Hz.
/// - Output 0: sine wave.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct Sine<T: Real> {
    phase: T,
    sample_duration: T,
    hash: u64,
    initial_phase: Option<T>,

impl<T: Real> Sine<T> {
    /// Create sine oscillator.
    pub fn new(sample_rate: f64) -> Self {
        let mut sine = Sine::default();
    /// Create sine oscillator with optional initial phase in 0...1.
    pub fn with_phase(sample_rate: f64, initial_phase: Option<T>) -> Self {
        let mut sine = Self {
            phase: T::zero(),
            sample_duration: T::zero(),
            hash: 0,

impl<T: Real> AudioNode for Sine<T> {
    const ID: u64 = 21;
    type Sample = T;
    type Inputs = typenum::U1;
    type Outputs = typenum::U1;
    type Setting = ();

    fn reset(&mut self, sample_rate: Option<f64>) {
        self.phase = match self.initial_phase {
            Some(phase) => phase,
            None => T::from_f64(rnd(self.hash as i64)),
        if let Some(sr) = sample_rate {
            self.sample_duration = T::from_f64(1.0 / sr);

    fn tick(
        &mut self,
        input: &Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Inputs>,
    ) -> Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Outputs> {
        self.phase += input[0] * self.sample_duration;
        self.phase -= self.phase.floor();
        [sin(self.phase * T::from_f64(TAU))].into()

    fn process(
        &mut self,
        size: usize,
        input: &[&[Self::Sample]],
        output: &mut [&mut [Self::Sample]],
    ) {
        for i in 0..size {
            self.phase += input[0][i] * self.sample_duration;
            output[0][i] = sin(self.phase * T::from_f64(TAU));
        self.phase -= self.phase.floor();

    fn set_hash(&mut self, hash: u64) {
        self.hash = hash;

    fn route(&mut self, _input: &SignalFrame, _frequency: f64) -> SignalFrame {
        let mut output = new_signal_frame(self.outputs());
        output[0] = Signal::Latency(0.0);

/// Discrete summation formula. Returns sum, of `i` in `0..n`, of `r ** i * sin(f + i * d)`.
fn dsf<T: Real>(f: T, d: T, r: T, n: T) -> T {
    // Note: beware of division by zero, which results when `r` = 1 and `d` = 0.
    // Formula is from Moorer, J. A., The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Discrete Summation Formulae, 1976.
        - r * sin(f - d)
        - pow(r, n + T::one()) * (sin(f + (n + T::one()) * d) - r * sin(f + n * d)))
        / (T::one() + r * r - T::new(2) * r * cos(d))

/// DSF oscillator. Number of inputs is `N`, either 1 or 2.
/// Setting: roughness.
/// - Input 0: frequency in Hz.
/// - Input 1 (optional): roughness in 0...1 is the relative amplitude of successive partials.
/// - Output 0: DSF wave.
pub struct Dsf<T: Real, N: Size<T>> {
    phase: T,
    roughness: T,
    harmonic_spacing: T,
    sample_duration: T,
    hash: u64,
    _marker: PhantomData<N>,

impl<T: Real, N: Size<T>> Dsf<T, N> {
    pub fn new(sample_rate: f64, harmonic_spacing: T, roughness: T) -> Self {
        let mut node = Dsf {
            phase: T::zero(),
            sample_duration: T::zero(),
            hash: 0,
            _marker: PhantomData::default(),

    /// Roughness accessor.
    pub fn roughness(&self) -> T {

    /// Set roughness. Roughness in 0...1 is the relative amplitude of successive partials.
    pub fn set_roughness(&mut self, roughness: T) {
        self.roughness = clamp(T::from_f64(0.0001), T::from_f64(0.9999), roughness);

impl<T: Real, N: Size<T>> AudioNode for Dsf<T, N> {
    const ID: u64 = 55;
    type Sample = T;
    type Inputs = N;
    type Outputs = typenum::U1;
    type Setting = T;

    fn set(&mut self, setting: Self::Setting) {

    fn reset(&mut self, sample_rate: Option<f64>) {
        self.phase = T::from_f64(rnd(self.hash as i64));
        if let Some(sr) = sample_rate {
            self.sample_duration = T::from_f64(1.0 / sr);

    fn tick(
        &mut self,
        input: &Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Inputs>,
    ) -> Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Outputs> {
        if N::USIZE > 1 {
        self.phase = (self.phase + input[0] * self.sample_duration).fract();
        let n = floor(T::new(22_050) / input[0] / self.harmonic_spacing);
            self.phase * T::from_f64(TAU),
            self.phase * T::from_f64(TAU) * self.harmonic_spacing,

    fn set_hash(&mut self, hash: u64) {
        self.hash = hash;

    fn route(&mut self, _input: &SignalFrame, _frequency: f64) -> SignalFrame {
        let mut output = new_signal_frame(self.outputs());
        output[0] = Signal::Latency(0.0);

/// Karplus-Strong oscillator.
/// - Input 0: extra string excitation.
/// - Output 0: plucked string.
pub struct Pluck<T: Float> {
    damping: Fir<T, typenum::U3>,
    tuning: Allpole<T, T, typenum::U1>,
    line: Vec<T>,
    gain: T,
    pos: usize,
    hash: u64,
    frequency: T,
    sample_rate: f64,
    initialized: bool,

impl<T: Float> Pluck<T> {
    // Create new Karplus-Strong oscillator. High frequency damping is in 0...1.
    pub fn new(
        sample_rate: f64,
        frequency: T,
        gain_per_second: T,
        high_frequency_damping: T,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            damping: fir3(T::one() - high_frequency_damping),
            tuning: Allpole::new(sample_rate, T::one()),
            line: Vec::new(),
            gain: T::from_f64(pow(gain_per_second.to_f64(), 1.0 / frequency.to_f64())),
            pos: 0,
            hash: 0,
            initialized: false,

    fn initialize_line(&mut self) {
        // Allpass filter delay is in epsilon ... epsilon + 1.
        let epsilon = 0.2;
        // Damping filter delay is 1 sample.
        let total_delay = self.sample_rate / self.frequency.to_f64() - 1.0;
        let loop_delay = floor(total_delay - epsilon);
        let allpass_delay = total_delay - loop_delay;
        self.tuning = Allpole::new(self.sample_rate, T::from_f64(allpass_delay));
        self.line.resize(loop_delay as usize, T::zero());
        let mut rnd = Rnd::from_u64(self.hash);
        for i in 0..self.line.len() {
            self.line[i] = T::from_f32(rnd.f32() * 2.0 - 1.0);
        self.pos = 0;
        self.initialized = true;

impl<T: Float> AudioNode for Pluck<T> {
    const ID: u64 = 58;
    type Sample = T;
    type Inputs = typenum::U1;
    type Outputs = typenum::U1;
    type Setting = ();

    fn reset(&mut self, sample_rate: Option<f64>) {
        if let Some(sr) = sample_rate {
            self.sample_rate = sr;
        self.initialized = false;

    fn tick(
        &mut self,
        input: &Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Inputs>,
    ) -> Frame<Self::Sample, Self::Outputs> {
        if !self.initialized {
        let output = self.line[self.pos] * self.gain + input[0];
        let output = self.damping.filter_mono(output);
        let output = self.tuning.filter_mono(output);
        self.line[self.pos] = output;
        self.pos += 1;
        if self.pos == self.line.len() {
            self.pos = 0;

    fn set_hash(&mut self, hash: u64) {
        self.hash = hash;
        self.initialized = false;

    fn route(&mut self, _input: &SignalFrame, _frequency: f64) -> SignalFrame {
        let mut output = new_signal_frame(self.outputs());
        output[0] = Signal::Latency(0.0);