fundsp 0.12.0

Audio processing and synthesis library.
//! This is a monophonic synthesizer that demonstrates `adsr_live()`, `shared()`, and `var()`. It
//! listens to messages from the first connected MIDI input device it finds and plays the
//! corresponding pitches with the volume moderated by an `adsr_live()` envelope. It uses
//! four `shared()` objects to share data between threads:
//! * `pitch`: Controls the current pitch. Altered by MIDI `NoteOn` messages as they arrive.
//! * `volume`: Controls the current volume. Altered by MIDI `NoteOn` and `NoteOff` messages as they arrive.
//! * `pitch_bend`: Scales the current pitch according to MIDI `PitchBend` messages as they arrive.
//! * `control`: Signals when to start the attack, stop the sustain, and start the release.
//!    Altered by MIDI `NoteOn` and `NoteOff` messages as they arrive.
//! This program's design is structured around these two threads:
//! * The `main()` thread listens for MIDI inputs and alters the `shared()` objects as described above.
//! * The thread spawned by the `run_synth()` function passes the `shared()` objects to `create_sound()`.
//!   It then starts playing the sound. As the `shared()` objects change, the sound automatically
//!   changes accordingly.
//! The MIDI input code is adapted from the
//! [`test_read_input`](
//! example in the [`midir` crate](

use anyhow::bail;
use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
use cpal::{Device, Sample, SampleFormat, StreamConfig};
use fundsp::hacker::{adsr_live, midi_hz, shared, triangle, var, Shared};
use fundsp::prelude::AudioUnit64;
use midi_msg::{ChannelVoiceMsg, MidiMsg};
use midir::{Ignore, MidiInput, MidiInputPort};
use read_input::prelude::*;

/// The `shared()` objects are created in `main()`. They are cloned when passed to `run_output()` so
/// as not to lose ownership. But as with other Rust types intended for sharing between threads
/// (e.g. `Arc`), cloning does not duplicate them - it creates an alternative reference.
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut midi_in = MidiInput::new("midir reading input")?;
    let in_port = get_midi_device(&mut midi_in)?;

    let pitch = shared(0.0);
    let volume = shared(0.0);
    let pitch_bend = shared(1.0);
    let control = shared(0.0);

    run_input(midi_in, in_port, pitch, volume, pitch_bend, control)

/// This function is where the `adsr_live()` function is employed. The `shared()` objects are wrapped
/// in `var()` objects in order to be placed in the signal graph. We have the following signal
/// chain in place:
/// * The `pitch_bend` value (determined by MIDI `PitchBend` messages) is multiplied by the pitch.
/// * The `triangle()` transforms the envelope output into a triangle waveform. For different
///   sounds, try out some different waveform functions here!
/// * The `adsr_live()` modulates the volume of the sound over time. Play around with the different
///   values to get a feel for the impact of different ADSR levels. The `control` `shared()` is set
///   to 1.0 to start the attack and 0.0 to start the release.
/// * Finally, we modulate the volume further using the MIDI velocity.
fn create_sound(
    pitch: Shared<f64>,
    volume: Shared<f64>,
    pitch_bend: Shared<f64>,
    control: Shared<f64>,
) -> Box<dyn AudioUnit64> {
        var(&pitch_bend) * var(&pitch)
            >> triangle() * (var(&control) >> adsr_live(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2)) * var(&volume),

fn get_midi_device(midi_in: &mut MidiInput) -> anyhow::Result<MidiInputPort> {
    let in_ports = midi_in.ports();
    if in_ports.is_empty() {
        bail!("No MIDI devices attached")
    } else {
            "Chose MIDI device {}",

/// This function is where MIDI events control the values of the `shared()` objects.
/// * A `NoteOn` event alters all four `shared()` objects:
///   * Using `midi_hz()`, a MIDI pitch is converted to a frequency and stored.
///   * MIDI velocity values range from 0 to 127. We divide by 127 and store in `volume`.
///   * Setting `pitch_bend` to 1.0 makes the bend neutral.
///   * Setting `control` to 1.0 starts the attack.
/// * A `NoteOff` event sets `control` to 0.0 to start the release.
/// * A `PitchBend` event calls `pitch_bend_factor()` to convert the MIDI values into
///   a scaling factor for the pitch, which it stores in `pitch_bend`.
fn run_input(
    midi_in: MidiInput,
    in_port: MidiInputPort,
    pitch: Shared<f64>,
    volume: Shared<f64>,
    pitch_bend: Shared<f64>,
    control: Shared<f64>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    println!("\nOpening connection");
    let in_port_name = midi_in.port_name(&in_port)?;
    let _conn_in = midi_in
            move |_stamp, message, _| {
                let (msg, _len) = MidiMsg::from_midi(message).unwrap();
                if let MidiMsg::ChannelVoice { channel: _, msg } = msg {
                    println!("Received {msg:?}");
                    match msg {
                        ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOn { note, velocity } => {
                            pitch.set_value(midi_hz(note as f64));
                            volume.set_value(velocity as f64 / 127.0);
                        ChannelVoiceMsg::NoteOff { note, velocity: _ } => {
                            if pitch.value() == midi_hz(note as f64) {
                        ChannelVoiceMsg::PitchBend { bend } => {
                        _ => {}
    println!("Connection open, reading input from '{in_port_name}'");

    let _ = input::<String>().msg("(press enter to exit)...\n").get();
    println!("Closing connection");

/// This function figures out the sample format and calls `run_synth()` accordingly.
fn run_output(
    pitch: Shared<f64>,
    volume: Shared<f64>,
    pitch_bend: Shared<f64>,
    control: Shared<f64>,
) {
    let host = cpal::default_host();
    let device = host
        .expect("failed to find a default output device");
    let config = device.default_output_config().unwrap();
    match config.sample_format() {
        SampleFormat::F32 => {
            run_synth::<f32>(pitch, volume, pitch_bend, control, device, config.into())
        SampleFormat::I16 => {
            run_synth::<i16>(pitch, volume, pitch_bend, control, device, config.into())
        SampleFormat::U16 => {
            run_synth::<u16>(pitch, volume, pitch_bend, control, device, config.into())

/// This function is where the sound is created and played. Once the sound is playing, it loops
/// infinitely, allowing the `shared()` objects to shape the sound in response to MIDI events.
fn run_synth<T: Sample>(
    pitch: Shared<f64>,
    volume: Shared<f64>,
    pitch_bend: Shared<f64>,
    control: Shared<f64>,
    device: Device,
    config: StreamConfig,
) {
    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let sample_rate = config.sample_rate.0 as f64;
        let mut sound = create_sound(pitch, volume, pitch_bend, control);

        let mut next_value = move || sound.get_stereo();
        let channels = config.channels as usize;
        let err_fn = |err| eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {err}");
        let stream = device
                move |data: &mut [T], _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo| {
                    write_data(data, channels, &mut next_value)
        loop {

/// Algorithm is from here:
/// Converts MIDI pitch-bend message to +/- 1 semitone.
fn pitch_bend_factor(bend: u16) -> f64 {
    2.0_f64.powf(((bend as f64 - 8192.0) / 8192.0) / 12.0)

/// Callback function to send the current sample to the speakers.
fn write_data<T: Sample>(
    output: &mut [T],
    channels: usize,
    next_sample: &mut dyn FnMut() -> (f64, f64),
) {
    for frame in output.chunks_mut(channels) {
        let sample = next_sample();
        let left: T = Sample::from::<f32>(&(sample.0 as f32));
        let right: T = Sample::from::<f32>(&(sample.1 as f32));

        for (channel, sample) in frame.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            *sample = if channel & 1 == 0 { left } else { right };