fundamentum-sdk-mqtt 0.5.1

MQTT client targeting Fundamentum IoT's MQTT broker

Fundamentum SDK MQTT

Rust MQTT client targeting Fundamentum IoT's MQTT broker.

The Fundamentum's MQTT SDK is designed to quickly set up a Rust environment with an MQTT client, focusing on consuming Fundamentum's MQTT services.

Getting Started

To get started with the SDK, you'll need to install Rust. You can follow the instructions on the official Rust website: Install Rust.


To test your environment, you can build and run a simple command-line application. Check out the examples directory for code samples.

$ cargo run --example pubsub -- \
  --private-key ./rsa_private.pem \
  --project-id 13 --region-id 1 --registry-id 12 \
  --serial 123456789
# ..


  • pubsub: an advanced example with heartbeat and pub/sub pattern.
  • commands: a basic example with the commands workflow.
  • heartbeat: a very simple example with the heartbeat.
  • config: a very simple example that prints the current configuration.

Development setup

Please see the development setup guide.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 LICENSE