[][src]Macro funck::export

macro_rules! export {
    ($function_type:ty, $call_path:path, $str:tt) => { ... };

export!() auto-implements the Funcktion trait and generates an FFI wrapper to construct the exported structure.

The implementation of the Funcktion trait wraps the provided callback in an panic handler so as not to unwind through the FFI boundary. The macro also auto-generates an extern "C" function that constructs the provided struct and returns a raw mutable pointer to it. This constructor function will then be used by the funcktion server to load your funcktion object.


use funck::{Request, Response, CallError};

const FUNCTION_NAME: &str = "my_function";

pub struct MyFunck;

impl MyFunck {
    fn some_function(&self, request: Request) -> Result<Response, CallError> {
        Ok(Response::new().with_text(String::from("Hello from FFI")))

funck::export!(MyFunck, MyFunck::some_function, FUNCTION_NAME);