full_moon 0.17.0

A lossless Lua parser
mod parser_util;
mod parsers;
pub mod punctuated;
pub mod span;
mod update_positions;
mod visitors;

use crate::{
    tokenizer::{Symbol, Token, TokenReference, TokenType},
use derive_more::Display;
use full_moon_derive::{Node, Visit};

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt};

use parser_util::{
    InternalAstError, OneOrMore, Parser, ParserState, ZeroOrMore, ZeroOrMoreDelimited,

use punctuated::{Pair, Punctuated};
use span::ContainedSpan;

#[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
pub mod types;
#[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
use types::*;

#[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
mod type_visitors;

#[cfg(feature = "lua52")]
pub mod lua52;
#[cfg(feature = "lua52")]
use lua52::*;

#[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
pub mod lua54;
#[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
use lua54::*;

/// A block of statements, such as in if/do/etc block
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    fmt = "{}{}",
pub struct Block {
    stmts: Vec<(Stmt, Option<TokenReference>)>,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"))]
    last_stmt: Option<(LastStmt, Option<TokenReference>)>,

impl Block {
    /// Creates an empty block
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            stmts: Vec::new(),
            last_stmt: None,

    /// An iterator over the statements in the block, such as `local foo = 1`.
    /// Note that this does not contain the final statement which can be
    /// attained via [`Block::last_stmt`].
    pub fn stmts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Stmt> {
        self.stmts.iter().map(|(stmt, _)| stmt)

    /// An iterator over the statements in the block, including any optional
    /// semicolon token reference present
    pub fn stmts_with_semicolon(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &(Stmt, Option<TokenReference>)> {

    /// The last statement of the block if one exists, such as `return foo`
    pub fn last_stmt(&self) -> Option<&LastStmt> {

    /// The last statement of the block if on exists, including any optional semicolon token reference present
    pub fn last_stmt_with_semicolon(&self) -> Option<&(LastStmt, Option<TokenReference>)> {

    /// Returns a new block with the given statements
    /// Takes a vector of statements, followed by an optional semicolon token reference
    pub fn with_stmts(self, stmts: Vec<(Stmt, Option<TokenReference>)>) -> Self {
        Self { stmts, ..self }

    /// Returns a new block with the given last statement, if one is given
    /// Takes an optional last statement, with an optional semicolon
    pub fn with_last_stmt(self, last_stmt: Option<(LastStmt, Option<TokenReference>)>) -> Self {
        Self { last_stmt, ..self }

/// The last statement of a [`Block`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum LastStmt {
    /// A `break` statement
    /// A continue statement
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    /// A `return` statement

/// A `return` statement
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}", token, returns)]
pub struct Return {
    token: TokenReference,
    returns: Punctuated<Expression>,

impl Return {
    /// Creates a new empty Return
    /// Default return token is followed by a single space
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            token: TokenReference::symbol("return ").unwrap(),
            returns: Punctuated::new(),

    /// The `return` token
    pub fn token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The values being returned
    pub fn returns(&self) -> &Punctuated<Expression> {

    /// Returns a new Return with the given `return` token
    pub fn with_token(self, token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Return with the given punctuated sequence
    pub fn with_returns(self, returns: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self { returns, ..self }

impl Default for Return {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Fields of a [`TableConstructor`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Field {
    /// A key in the format of `[expression] = value`
        fmt = "{}{}{}{}{}",
    ExpressionKey {
        /// The `[...]` part of `[expression] = value`
        brackets: ContainedSpan,
        /// The `expression` part of `[expression] = value`
        key: Expression,
        /// The `=` part of `[expression] = value`
        equal: TokenReference,
        /// The `value` part of `[expression] = value`
        value: Expression,

    /// A key in the format of `name = value`
    #[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "key", "equal", "value")]
    NameKey {
        /// The `name` part of `name = value`
        key: TokenReference,
        /// The `=` part of `name = value`
        equal: TokenReference,
        /// The `value` part of `name = value`
        value: Expression,

    /// A field with no key, just a value (such as `"a"` in `{ "a" }`)
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]

/// A table being constructed, such as `{ 1, 2, 3 }` or `{ a = 1 }`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "braces.tokens().0", "fields", "braces.tokens().1")]
pub struct TableConstructor {
    #[visit(contains = "fields")]
    braces: ContainedSpan,
    fields: Punctuated<Field>,

impl TableConstructor {
    /// Creates a new empty TableConstructor
    /// Brace tokens are followed by spaces, such that { `fields` }
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            braces: ContainedSpan::new(
                TokenReference::symbol("{ ").unwrap(),
                TokenReference::symbol(" }").unwrap(),
            fields: Punctuated::new(),

    /// The braces of the constructor
    pub fn braces(&self) -> &ContainedSpan {

    /// Returns the [`Punctuated`] sequence of the fields used to create the table
    pub fn fields(&self) -> &Punctuated<Field> {

    /// Returns a new TableConstructor with the given braces
    pub fn with_braces(self, braces: ContainedSpan) -> Self {
        Self { braces, ..self }

    /// Returns a new TableConstructor with the given fields
    pub fn with_fields(self, fields: Punctuated<Field>) -> Self {
        Self { fields, ..self }

impl Default for TableConstructor {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// An expression, mostly useful for getting values
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(untagged))]
pub enum Expression {
    /// A binary operation, such as `1 + 3`
    #[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "lhs", "binop", "rhs")]
    BinaryOperator {
        /// The left hand side of the binary operation, the `1` part of `1 + 3`
        lhs: Box<Expression>,
        /// The binary operation used, the `+` part of `1 + 3`
        binop: BinOp,
        /// The right hand side of the binary operation, the `3` part of `1 + 3`
        rhs: Box<Expression>,

    /// A statement in parentheses, such as `(#list)`
        fmt = "{}{}{}",
    Parentheses {
        /// The parentheses of the `ParenExpression`
        contained: ContainedSpan,
        /// The expression inside the parentheses
        expression: Box<Expression>,

    /// A unary operation, such as `#list`
    #[display(fmt = "{}{}", "unop", "expression")]
    UnaryOperator {
        /// The unary operation, the `#` part of `#list`
        unop: UnOp,
        /// The expression the operation is being done on, the `list` part of `#list`
        expression: Box<Expression>,

    /// A value, such as "strings"
    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "roblox"), display(fmt = "{}", value))]
        feature = "roblox",
        display(fmt = "{}{}", value, "display_option(type_assertion)")
    Value {
        /// The value itself
        value: Box<Value>,
        /// What the value is being asserted as using `::`.
        /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
        #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"))]
        type_assertion: Option<TypeAssertion>,

/// Values that cannot be used standalone, but as part of things such as [`Stmt`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Value {
    /// An anonymous function, such as `function() end)`
    #[display(fmt = "{}{}", "_0.0", "_0.1")]
    Function((TokenReference, FunctionBody)),
    /// A call of a function, such as `call()`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// An if expression, such as `if foo then true else false`.
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// An interpolated string, such as `` `hello {"world"}` ``
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A table constructor, such as `{ 1, 2, 3 }`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A number token, such as `3.3`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// An expression between parentheses, such as `(3 + 2)`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A string token, such as `"hello"`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A symbol, such as `true`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A more complex value, such as `call().x`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]

/// A statement that stands alone
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Stmt {
    /// An assignment, such as `x = 1`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A do block, `do end`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A function call on its own, such as `call()`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A function declaration, such as `function x() end`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A generic for loop, such as `for index, value in pairs(list) do end`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// An if statement
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A local assignment, such as `local x = 1`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A local function declaration, such as `local function x() end`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A numeric for loop, such as `for index = 1, 10 do end`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A repeat loop
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A while loop
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]

    /// A compound assignment, such as `+=`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// An exported type declaration, such as `export type Meters = number`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    /// A type declaration, such as `type Meters = number`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]

    /// A goto statement, such as `goto label`
    /// Only available when the "lua52" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "lua52")]
    /// A label, such as `::label::`
    /// Only available when the "lua52" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "lua52")]

/// A node used before another in cases such as function calling
/// The `("foo")` part of `("foo"):upper()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Prefix {
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// A complicated expression, such as `("foo")`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
    /// Just a name, such as `foo`

/// The indexing of something, such as `x.y` or `x["y"]`
/// Values of variants are the keys, such as `"y"`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Index {
    /// Indexing in the form of `x["y"]`
        fmt = "{}{}{}",
    Brackets {
        /// The `[...]` part of `["y"]`
        brackets: ContainedSpan,
        /// The `"y"` part of `["y"]`
        expression: Expression,

    /// Indexing in the form of `x.y`
    #[display(fmt = "{}{}", "dot", "name")]
    Dot {
        /// The `.` part of `.y`
        dot: TokenReference,
        /// The `y` part of `.y`
        name: TokenReference,

/// Arguments used for a function
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum FunctionArgs {
    /// Used when a function is called in the form of `call(1, 2, 3)`
        fmt = "{}{}{}",
    Parentheses {
        /// The `(...) part of (1, 2, 3)`
        parentheses: ContainedSpan,
        /// The `1, 2, 3` part of `1, 2, 3`
        arguments: Punctuated<Expression>,
    /// Used when a function is called in the form of `call "foobar"`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// Used when a function is called in the form of `call { 1, 2, 3 }`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]

/// A numeric for loop, such as `for index = 1, 10 do end`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct NumericFor {
    for_token: TokenReference,
    index_variable: TokenReference,
    equal_token: TokenReference,
    start: Expression,
    start_end_comma: TokenReference,
    end: Expression,
    end_step_comma: Option<TokenReference>,
    step: Option<Expression>,
    do_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    end_token: TokenReference,
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"))]
    type_specifier: Option<TypeSpecifier>,

impl NumericFor {
    /// Creates a new NumericFor from the given index variable, start, and end expressions
    pub fn new(index_variable: TokenReference, start: Expression, end: Expression) -> Self {
        Self {
            for_token: TokenReference::symbol("for ").unwrap(),
            equal_token: TokenReference::symbol(" = ").unwrap(),
            start_end_comma: TokenReference::symbol(", ").unwrap(),
            end_step_comma: None,
            step: None,
            do_token: TokenReference::symbol(" do\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nend").unwrap(),
            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            type_specifier: None,

    /// The `for` token
    pub fn for_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The index identity, `index` in the initial example
    pub fn index_variable(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The `=` token
    pub fn equal_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The starting point, `1` in the initial example
    pub fn start(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// The comma in between the starting point and end point
    /// for _ = 1, 10 do
    ///          ^
    pub fn start_end_comma(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The ending point, `10` in the initial example
    pub fn end(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// The comma in between the ending point and limit, if one exists
    /// for _ = 0, 10, 2 do
    ///              ^
    pub fn end_step_comma(&self) -> Option<&TokenReference> {

    /// The step if one exists, `2` in `for index = 0, 10, 2 do end`
    pub fn step(&self) -> Option<&Expression> {

    /// The `do` token
    pub fn do_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The code inside the for loop
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The type specifiers of the index variable
    /// `for i: number = 1, 10 do` returns:
    /// `Some(TypeSpecifier(number))`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn type_specifier(&self) -> Option<&TypeSpecifier> {

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given for token
    pub fn with_for_token(self, for_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { for_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given index variable
    pub fn with_index_variable(self, index_variable: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given `=` token
    pub fn with_equal_token(self, equal_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given start expression
    pub fn with_start(self, start: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { start, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given comma between the start and end expressions
    pub fn with_start_end_comma(self, start_end_comma: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given end expression
    pub fn with_end(self, end: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { end, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given comma between the end and the step expressions
    pub fn with_end_step_comma(self, end_step_comma: Option<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given step expression
    pub fn with_step(self, step: Option<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self { step, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given `do` token
    pub fn with_do_token(self, do_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { do_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new NumericFor with the given type specifiers
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_type_specifier(self, type_specifier: Option<TypeSpecifier>) -> Self {
        Self {

impl fmt::Display for NumericFor {
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

    #[cfg(not(feature = "roblox"))]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// A generic for loop, such as `for index, value in pairs(list) do end`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct GenericFor {
    for_token: TokenReference,
    names: Punctuated<TokenReference>,
    in_token: TokenReference,
    expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>,
    do_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    end_token: TokenReference,
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>,

impl GenericFor {
    /// Creates a new GenericFor from the given names and expressions
    pub fn new(names: Punctuated<TokenReference>, expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self {
            for_token: TokenReference::symbol("for ").unwrap(),
            in_token: TokenReference::symbol(" in ").unwrap(),
            do_token: TokenReference::symbol(" do\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nend").unwrap(),
            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            type_specifiers: Vec::new(),

    /// The `for` token
    pub fn for_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence of names
    /// In `for index, value in pairs(list) do`, iterates over `index` and `value`
    pub fn names(&self) -> &Punctuated<TokenReference> {

    /// The `in` token
    pub fn in_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence of the expressions looped over
    /// In `for index, value in pairs(list) do`, iterates over `pairs(list)`
    pub fn expressions(&self) -> &Punctuated<Expression> {

    /// The `do` token
    pub fn do_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The code inside the for loop
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The type specifiers of the named variables, in the order that they were assigned.
    /// `for i, v: string in pairs() do` returns an iterator containing:
    /// `None, Some(TypeSpecifier(string))`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn type_specifiers(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&TypeSpecifier>> {

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given `for` token
    pub fn with_for_token(self, for_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { for_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given names
    pub fn with_names(self, names: Punctuated<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self { names, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given `in` token
    pub fn with_in_token(self, in_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { in_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given expression list
    pub fn with_expressions(self, expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self { expr_list, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given `do` token
    pub fn with_do_token(self, do_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { do_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new GenericFor with the given type specifiers
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_type_specifiers(self, type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>) -> Self {
        Self {

impl fmt::Display for GenericFor {
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            join_type_specifiers(&self.names, self.type_specifiers()),

    #[cfg(not(feature = "roblox"))]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// An if statement
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    fmt = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}",
pub struct If {
    if_token: TokenReference,
    condition: Expression,
    then_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    else_if: Option<Vec<ElseIf>>,
    else_token: Option<TokenReference>,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(rename = "else"))]
    r#else: Option<Block>,
    end_token: TokenReference,

impl If {
    /// Creates a new If from the given condition
    pub fn new(condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self {
            if_token: TokenReference::symbol("if ").unwrap(),
            then_token: TokenReference::symbol(" then").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            else_if: None,
            else_token: None,
            r#else: None,
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nend").unwrap(),

    /// The `if` token
    pub fn if_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The condition of the if statement, `condition` in `if condition then`
    pub fn condition(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// The `then` token
    pub fn then_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The block inside the initial if statement
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `else` token if one exists
    pub fn else_token(&self) -> Option<&TokenReference> {

    /// If there are `elseif` conditions, returns a vector of them
    /// Expression is the condition, block is the code if the condition is true
    // TODO: Make this return an iterator, and remove Option part entirely?
    pub fn else_if(&self) -> Option<&Vec<ElseIf>> {

    /// The code inside an `else` block if one exists
    pub fn else_block(&self) -> Option<&Block> {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns a new If with the given `if` token
    pub fn with_if_token(self, if_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { if_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given condition
    pub fn with_condition(self, condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { condition, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given `then` token
    pub fn with_then_token(self, then_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { then_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given list of `elseif` blocks
    pub fn with_else_if(self, else_if: Option<Vec<ElseIf>>) -> Self {
        Self { else_if, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given `else` token
    pub fn with_else_token(self, else_token: Option<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self { else_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given `else` body
    pub fn with_else(self, r#else: Option<Block>) -> Self {
        Self { r#else, ..self }

    /// Returns a new If with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

/// An elseif block in a bigger [`If`] statement
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}{}", "else_if_token", "condition", "then_token", "block")]
pub struct ElseIf {
    else_if_token: TokenReference,
    condition: Expression,
    then_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,

impl ElseIf {
    /// Creates a new ElseIf from the given condition
    pub fn new(condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self {
            else_if_token: TokenReference::symbol("elseif ").unwrap(),
            then_token: TokenReference::symbol(" then\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),

    /// The `elseif` token
    pub fn else_if_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The condition of the `elseif`, `condition` in `elseif condition then`
    pub fn condition(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// The `then` token
    pub fn then_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The body of the `elseif`
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// Returns a new ElseIf with the given `elseif` token
    pub fn with_else_if_token(self, else_if_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new ElseIf with the given condition
    pub fn with_condition(self, condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { condition, ..self }

    /// Returns a new ElseIf with the given `then` token
    pub fn with_then_token(self, then_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { then_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new ElseIf with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

/// A while loop
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    fmt = "{}{}{}{}{}",
pub struct While {
    while_token: TokenReference,
    condition: Expression,
    do_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    end_token: TokenReference,

impl While {
    /// Creates a new While from the given condition
    pub fn new(condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self {
            while_token: TokenReference::symbol("while ").unwrap(),
            do_token: TokenReference::symbol(" do\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("end\n").unwrap(),

    /// The `while` token
    pub fn while_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The `condition` part of `while condition do`
    pub fn condition(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// The `do` token
    pub fn do_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The code inside the while loop
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns a new While with the given `while` token
    pub fn with_while_token(self, while_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new While with the given condition
    pub fn with_condition(self, condition: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { condition, ..self }

    /// Returns a new While with the given `do` token
    pub fn with_do_token(self, do_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { do_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new While with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new While with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

/// A repeat loop
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}{}", "repeat_token", "block", "until_token", "until")]
pub struct Repeat {
    repeat_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    until_token: TokenReference,
    until: Expression,

impl Repeat {
    /// Creates a new Repeat from the given expression to repeat until
    pub fn new(until: Expression) -> Self {
        Self {
            repeat_token: TokenReference::symbol("repeat\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            until_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nuntil ").unwrap(),

    /// The `repeat` token
    pub fn repeat_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The code inside the `repeat` block
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `until` token
    pub fn until_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The condition for the `until` part
    pub fn until(&self) -> &Expression {

    /// Returns a new Repeat with the given `repeat` token
    pub fn with_repeat_token(self, repeat_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new Repeat with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Repeat with the given `until` token
    pub fn with_until_token(self, until_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new Repeat with the given `until` block
    pub fn with_until(self, until: Expression) -> Self {
        Self { until, ..self }

/// A method call, such as `x:y()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "colon_token", "name", "args")]
pub struct MethodCall {
    colon_token: TokenReference,
    name: TokenReference,
    args: FunctionArgs,

impl MethodCall {
    /// Returns a new MethodCall from the given name and args
    pub fn new(name: TokenReference, args: FunctionArgs) -> Self {
        Self {
            colon_token: TokenReference::symbol(":").unwrap(),

    /// The `:` in `x:y()`
    pub fn colon_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The arguments of a method call, the `x, y, z` part of `method:call(x, y, z)`
    pub fn args(&self) -> &FunctionArgs {

    /// The method being called, the `call` part of `method:call()`
    pub fn name(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns a new MethodCall with the given `:` token
    pub fn with_colon_token(self, colon_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new MethodCall with the given name
    pub fn with_name(self, name: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { name, ..self }

    /// Returns a new MethodCall with the given args
    pub fn with_args(self, args: FunctionArgs) -> Self {
        Self { args, ..self }

/// Something being called
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Call {
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A function being called directly, such as `x(1)`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A method call, such as `x:y()`

/// A function body, everything except `function x` in `function x(a, b, c) call() end`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct FunctionBody {
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    generics: Option<GenericDeclaration>,

    parameters_parentheses: ContainedSpan,
    parameters: Punctuated<Parameter>,

    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>,

    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"))]
    return_type: Option<TypeSpecifier>,

    block: Block,
    end_token: TokenReference,

impl FunctionBody {
    /// Returns a new empty FunctionBody
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            generics: None,

            parameters_parentheses: ContainedSpan::new(
            parameters: Punctuated::new(),

            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            type_specifiers: Vec::new(),

            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            return_type: None,

            block: Block::new(),
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nend").unwrap(),

    /// The parentheses of the parameters
    pub fn parameters_parentheses(&self) -> &ContainedSpan {

    /// Returns the [`Punctuated`] sequence of the parameters for the function declaration
    pub fn parameters(&self) -> &Punctuated<Parameter> {

    /// The code of a function body
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The generics declared for the function body.
    /// The `<T, U>` part of `function x<T, U>() end`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn generics(&self) -> Option<&GenericDeclaration> {

    /// The type specifiers of the variables, in the order that they were assigned.
    /// `(foo: number, bar, baz: boolean)` returns an iterator containing:
    /// `Some(TypeSpecifier(number)), None, Some(TypeSpecifier(boolean))`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn type_specifiers(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&TypeSpecifier>> {

    /// The return type of the function, if one exists.
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn return_type(&self) -> Option<&TypeSpecifier> {

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given parentheses for the parameters
    pub fn with_parameters_parentheses(self, parameters_parentheses: ContainedSpan) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given parameters
    pub fn with_parameters(self, parameters: Punctuated<Parameter>) -> Self {
        Self { parameters, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given generics declaration
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_generics(self, generics: Option<GenericDeclaration>) -> Self {
        Self { generics, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given type specifiers
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_type_specifiers(self, type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given return type
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_return_type(self, return_type: Option<TypeSpecifier>) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionBody with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

impl Default for FunctionBody {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for FunctionBody {
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            join_type_specifiers(&self.parameters, self.type_specifiers()),

    #[cfg(not(feature = "roblox"))]
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// A parameter in a function declaration
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Eq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Parameter {
    /// The `...` vararg syntax, such as `function x(...)`
    /// A name parameter, such as `function x(a, b, c)`

/// A suffix in certain cases, such as `:y()` in `x:y()`
/// Can be stacked on top of each other, such as in `x()()()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Suffix {
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A call, including method calls and direct calls
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// An index, such as `x.y`

/// A complex expression used by [`Var`], consisting of both a prefix and suffixes
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}", "prefix", "join_vec(suffixes)")]
pub struct VarExpression {
    prefix: Prefix,
    suffixes: Vec<Suffix>,

impl VarExpression {
    /// Returns a new VarExpression from the given prefix
    pub fn new(prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
        Self {
            suffixes: Vec::new(),

    /// The prefix of the expression, such as a name
    pub fn prefix(&self) -> &Prefix {

    /// An iter over the suffixes, such as indexing or calling
    pub fn suffixes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Suffix> {

    /// Returns a new VarExpression with the given prefix
    pub fn with_prefix(self, prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
        Self { prefix, ..self }

    /// Returns a new VarExpression with the given suffixes
    pub fn with_suffixes(self, suffixes: Vec<Suffix>) -> Self {
        Self { suffixes, ..self }

/// Used in [`Assignment`s](Assignment) and [`Value`s](Value)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum Var {
    /// An expression, such as `x.y.z` or `x()`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]
    /// A literal identifier, such as `x`
    #[display(fmt = "{}", "_0")]

/// An assignment, such as `x = y`. Not used for [`LocalAssignment`s](LocalAssignment)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "var_list", "equal_token", "expr_list")]
pub struct Assignment {
    var_list: Punctuated<Var>,
    equal_token: TokenReference,
    expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>,

impl Assignment {
    /// Returns a new Assignment from the given variable and expression list
    pub fn new(var_list: Punctuated<Var>, expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self {
            equal_token: TokenReference::symbol(" = ").unwrap(),

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence over the expressions being assigned.
    /// This is the the `1, 2` part of `x, y["a"] = 1, 2`
    pub fn expressions(&self) -> &Punctuated<Expression> {

    /// The `=` token in between `x = y`
    pub fn equal_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence over the variables being assigned to.
    /// This is the `x, y["a"]` part of `x, y["a"] = 1, 2`
    pub fn variables(&self) -> &Punctuated<Var> {

    /// Returns a new Assignment with the given variables
    pub fn with_variables(self, var_list: Punctuated<Var>) -> Self {
        Self { var_list, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Assignment with the given `=` token
    pub fn with_equal_token(self, equal_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new Assignment with the given expressions
    pub fn with_expressions(self, expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self { expr_list, ..self }

/// A declaration of a local function, such as `local function x() end`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    not(feature = "roblox"),
    display(fmt = "{}{}{}{}", "local_token", "function_token", "name", "body")
    feature = "roblox",
    display(fmt = "{}{}{}{}", "local_token", "function_token", "name", "body")
pub struct LocalFunction {
    local_token: TokenReference,
    function_token: TokenReference,
    name: TokenReference,
    body: FunctionBody,

impl LocalFunction {
    /// Returns a new LocalFunction from the given name
    pub fn new(name: TokenReference) -> Self {
        LocalFunction {
            local_token: TokenReference::symbol("local ").unwrap(),
            function_token: TokenReference::symbol("function ").unwrap(),
            body: FunctionBody::new(),

    /// The `local` token
    pub fn local_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The `function` token
    pub fn function_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The function body, everything except `local function x` in `local function x(a, b, c) call() end`
    pub fn body(&self) -> &FunctionBody {

    /// The name of the function, the `x` part of `local function x() end`
    pub fn name(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns a new LocalFunction with the given `local` token
    pub fn with_local_token(self, local_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new LocalFunction with the given `function` token
    pub fn with_function_token(self, function_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new LocalFunction with the given name
    pub fn with_name(self, name: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { name, ..self }

    /// Returns a new LocalFunction with the given function body
    pub fn with_body(self, body: FunctionBody) -> Self {
        Self { body, ..self }

/// An assignment to a local variable, such as `local x = 1`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Node)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct LocalAssignment {
    local_token: TokenReference,
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
        feature = "serde",
        serde(skip_serializing_if = "empty_optional_vector")
    type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>,
    name_list: Punctuated<TokenReference>,
    #[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
        feature = "serde",
        serde(skip_serializing_if = "empty_optional_vector")
    attributes: Vec<Option<Attribute>>,
    equal_token: Option<TokenReference>,
    expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>,

impl LocalAssignment {
    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment from the given name list
    pub fn new(name_list: Punctuated<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self {
            local_token: TokenReference::symbol("local ").unwrap(),
            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            type_specifiers: Vec::new(),
            #[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
            attributes: Vec::new(),
            equal_token: None,
            expr_list: Punctuated::new(),

    /// The `local` token
    pub fn local_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The `=` token in between `local x = y`, if one exists
    pub fn equal_token(&self) -> Option<&TokenReference> {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence of the expressions being assigned.
    /// This is the `1, 2` part of `local x, y = 1, 2`
    pub fn expressions(&self) -> &Punctuated<Expression> {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence of names being assigned to.
    /// This is the `x, y` part of `local x, y = 1, 2`
    pub fn names(&self) -> &Punctuated<TokenReference> {

    /// The type specifiers of the variables, in the order that they were assigned.
    /// `local foo: number, bar, baz: boolean` returns an iterator containing:
    /// `Some(TypeSpecifier(number)), None, Some(TypeSpecifier(boolean))`
    /// Only available when the "roblox" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn type_specifiers(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&TypeSpecifier>> {

    /// The attributes specified for the variables, in the order that they were assigned.
    /// `local foo <const>, bar, baz <close>` returns an iterator containing:
    /// `Some(Attribute("const")), None, Some(Attribute("close"))`
    /// Only available when the "lua54" feature flag is enabled.
    #[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
    pub fn attributes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&Attribute>> {

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given `local` token
    pub fn with_local_token(self, local_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given type specifiers
    #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
    pub fn with_type_specifiers(self, type_specifiers: Vec<Option<TypeSpecifier>>) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given attributes
    #[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
    pub fn with_attributes(self, attributes: Vec<Option<Attribute>>) -> Self {
        Self { attributes, ..self }

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given name list
    pub fn with_names(self, name_list: Punctuated<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self { name_list, ..self }

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given `=` token
    pub fn with_equal_token(self, equal_token: Option<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new LocalAssignment with the given expression list
    pub fn with_expressions(self, expr_list: Punctuated<Expression>) -> Self {
        Self { expr_list, ..self }

impl fmt::Display for LocalAssignment {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        #[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
        let attributes = self.attributes();
        #[cfg(not(feature = "lua54"))]
        let attributes = std::iter::repeat_with(|| None::<TokenReference>);
        #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
        let type_specifiers = self.type_specifiers();
        #[cfg(not(feature = "roblox"))]
        let type_specifiers = std::iter::repeat_with(|| None::<TokenReference>);

            join_iterators(&self.name_list, attributes, type_specifiers),

/// A `do` block, such as `do ... end`
/// This is not used for things like `while true do end`, only those on their own
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "do_token", "block", "end_token")]
pub struct Do {
    do_token: TokenReference,
    block: Block,
    end_token: TokenReference,

impl Do {
    /// Creates an empty Do
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            do_token: TokenReference::symbol("do\n").unwrap(),
            block: Block::new(),
            end_token: TokenReference::symbol("\nend").unwrap(),

    /// The `do` token
    pub fn do_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The code inside the `do ... end`
    pub fn block(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The `end` token
    pub fn end_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// Returns a new Do with the given `do` token
    pub fn with_do_token(self, do_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { do_token, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Do with the given block
    pub fn with_block(self, block: Block) -> Self {
        Self { block, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Do with the given `end` token
    pub fn with_end_token(self, end_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { end_token, ..self }

impl Default for Do {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// A function being called, such as `call()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[display(fmt = "{}{}", "prefix", "join_vec(suffixes)")]
pub struct FunctionCall {
    prefix: Prefix,
    suffixes: Vec<Suffix>,

impl FunctionCall {
    /// Creates a new FunctionCall from the given prefix
    /// Sets the suffixes such that the return is `prefixes()`
    pub fn new(prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
        FunctionCall {
            suffixes: vec![Suffix::Call(Call::AnonymousCall(
                FunctionArgs::Parentheses {
                    arguments: Punctuated::new(),
                    parentheses: ContainedSpan::new(

    /// The prefix of a function call, the `call` part of `call()`
    pub fn prefix(&self) -> &Prefix {

    /// The suffix of a function call, the `()` part of `call()`
    pub fn suffixes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Suffix> {

    /// Returns a new FunctionCall with the given prefix
    pub fn with_prefix(self, prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
        Self { prefix, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionCall with the given suffixes
    pub fn with_suffixes(self, suffixes: Vec<Suffix>) -> Self {
        Self { suffixes, ..self }

/// A function name when being declared as [`FunctionDeclaration`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Eq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    fmt = "{}{}{}",
pub struct FunctionName {
    names: Punctuated<TokenReference>,
    colon_name: Option<(TokenReference, TokenReference)>,

impl FunctionName {
    /// Creates a new FunctionName from the given list of names
    pub fn new(names: Punctuated<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self {
            colon_name: None,

    /// The colon between the name and the method, the `:` part of `function x:y() end`
    pub fn method_colon(&self) -> Option<&TokenReference> {

    /// A method name if one exists, the `y` part of `function x:y() end`
    pub fn method_name(&self) -> Option<&TokenReference> {

    /// Returns the punctuated sequence over the names used when defining the function.
    /// This is the `x.y.z` part of `function x.y.z() end`
    pub fn names(&self) -> &Punctuated<TokenReference> {

    /// Returns a new FunctionName with the given names
    pub fn with_names(self, names: Punctuated<TokenReference>) -> Self {
        Self { names, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionName with the given method name
    /// The first token is the colon, and the second token is the method name itself
    pub fn with_method(self, method: Option<(TokenReference, TokenReference)>) -> Self {
        Self {
            colon_name: method,

/// A normal function declaration, supports simple declarations like `function x() end`
/// as well as complicated declarations such as `function x.y.z:a() end`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Node, Visit)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
    not(feature = "roblox"),
    display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "function_token", "name", "body")
    feature = "roblox",
    display(fmt = "{}{}{}", "function_token", "name", "body")
pub struct FunctionDeclaration {
    function_token: TokenReference,
    name: FunctionName,
    body: FunctionBody,

impl FunctionDeclaration {
    /// Creates a new FunctionDeclaration from the given name
    pub fn new(name: FunctionName) -> Self {
        Self {
            function_token: TokenReference::symbol("function ").unwrap(),
            body: FunctionBody::new(),

    /// The `function` token
    pub fn function_token(&self) -> &TokenReference {

    /// The body of the function
    pub fn body(&self) -> &FunctionBody {

    /// The name of the function
    pub fn name(&self) -> &FunctionName {

    /// Returns a new FunctionDeclaration with the given `function` token
    pub fn with_function_token(self, function_token: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Returns a new FunctionDeclaration with the given function name
    pub fn with_name(self, name: FunctionName) -> Self {
        Self { name, ..self }

    /// Returns a new FunctionDeclaration with the given function body
    pub fn with_body(self, body: FunctionBody) -> Self {
        Self { body, ..self }

    #[doc = "Operators that require two operands, such as X + Y or X - Y"]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]

impl BinOp {
    /// The precedence of the operator, from a scale of 1 to 8. The larger the number, the higher the precedence.
    /// See more at <http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.5.6>
    #[cfg(not(feature = "lua53"))]
    pub fn precedence(&self) -> u8 {
        match *self {
            BinOp::Caret(_) => 8,
            BinOp::Star(_) | BinOp::Slash(_) | BinOp::Percent(_) => 6,
            BinOp::Plus(_) | BinOp::Minus(_) => 5,
            BinOp::TwoDots(_) => 4,
            | BinOp::LessThan(_)
            | BinOp::GreaterThanEqual(_)
            | BinOp::LessThanEqual(_)
            | BinOp::TildeEqual(_)
            | BinOp::TwoEqual(_) => 3,
            BinOp::And(_) => 2,
            BinOp::Or(_) => 1,

    /// The precedence of the operator, from a scale of 1 to 10. The larger the number, the higher the precedence.
    /// See more at <https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#2.5.6>
    #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
    pub fn precedence(&self) -> u8 {
        match *self {
            BinOp::Caret(_) => 12,
            BinOp::Star(_) | BinOp::Slash(_) | BinOp::DoubleSlash(_) | BinOp::Percent(_) => 10,
            BinOp::Plus(_) | BinOp::Minus(_) => 9,
            BinOp::TwoDots(_) => 8,
            BinOp::DoubleLessThan(_) | BinOp::DoubleGreaterThan(_) => 7,
            BinOp::Ampersand(_) => 6,
            BinOp::Tilde(_) => 5,
            BinOp::Pipe(_) => 4,
            | BinOp::LessThan(_)
            | BinOp::GreaterThanEqual(_)
            | BinOp::LessThanEqual(_)
            | BinOp::TildeEqual(_)
            | BinOp::TwoEqual(_) => 3,
            BinOp::And(_) => 2,
            BinOp::Or(_) => 1,

    /// Whether the operator is right associative. If not, it is left associative.
    /// See more at <https://www.lua.org/pil/3.5.html>
    pub fn is_right_associative(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(*self, BinOp::Caret(_) | BinOp::TwoDots(_))

    /// The token associated with the operator
    pub fn token(&self) -> &TokenReference {
        match self {
            | BinOp::Caret(token)
            | BinOp::GreaterThan(token)
            | BinOp::GreaterThanEqual(token)
            | BinOp::LessThan(token)
            | BinOp::LessThanEqual(token)
            | BinOp::Minus(token)
            | BinOp::Or(token)
            | BinOp::Percent(token)
            | BinOp::Plus(token)
            | BinOp::Slash(token)
            | BinOp::Star(token)
            | BinOp::TildeEqual(token)
            | BinOp::TwoDots(token)
            | BinOp::TwoEqual(token) => token,
            #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
            | BinOp::DoubleSlash(token)
            | BinOp::DoubleLessThan(token)
            | BinOp::Pipe(token)
            | BinOp::DoubleGreaterThan(token)
            | BinOp::Tilde(token) => token,

    #[doc = "Operators that require just one operand, such as #X"]
        #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]

impl UnOp {
    /// The precedence of the operator, from a scale of 1 to 8. The larger the number, the higher the precedence.
    /// See more at <http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.5.6>
    #[cfg(not(feature = "lua53"))]
    pub fn precedence(&self) -> u8 {

    /// The precedence of the operator, from a scale of 1 to 11. The larger the number, the higher the precedence.
    /// See more at <https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#2.5.6>
    #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
    pub fn precedence(&self) -> u8 {

    /// The token associated with the operator
    pub fn token(&self) -> &TokenReference {
        match self {
            UnOp::Minus(token) | UnOp::Not(token) | UnOp::Hash(token) => token,
            #[cfg(feature = "lua53")]
            UnOp::Tilde(token) => token,

/// An error that occurs when creating the ast *after* tokenizing
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub enum AstError {
    /// There were no tokens passed, which shouldn't happen normally
    /// Tokens passed had no end of file token, which shouldn't happen normally
    /// An unexpected token, the most likely scenario when getting an AstError
    UnexpectedToken {
        /// The token that caused the error
        token: Token,
        /// Any additional information that could be provided for debugging
        additional: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,

impl fmt::Display for AstError {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            AstError::Empty => write!(formatter, "tokens passed was empty, which shouldn't happen normally"),
            AstError::NoEof => write!(formatter, "tokens passed had no eof token, which shouldn't happen normally"),
            AstError::UnexpectedToken { token, additional } => write!(
                "unexpected token `{}`. (starting from line {}, character {} and ending on line {}, character {}){}",
                match additional {
                    Some(additional) => format!("\nadditional information: {}", additional),
                    None => String::new(),

impl std::error::Error for AstError {}

/// An abstract syntax tree, contains all the nodes used in the code
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct Ast {
    pub(crate) nodes: Block,
    pub(crate) eof: TokenReference,

impl Ast {
    /// Create an Ast from the passed tokens. You probably want [`parse`](crate::parse)
    /// # Errors
    /// If the tokens passed are impossible to get through normal tokenization,
    /// an error of Empty (if the vector is empty) or NoEof (if there is no eof token)
    /// will be returned.
    /// More likely, if the tokens pass are invalid Lua 5.1 code, an
    /// UnexpectedToken error will be returned.
    pub fn from_tokens(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<Ast, AstError> {
        if *tokens.last().ok_or(AstError::Empty)?.token_type() != TokenType::Eof {
            return Err(AstError::NoEof);

        let mut tokens = extract_token_references(tokens);
        let mut state = ParserState::new(&tokens);

        if tokens
            .filter(|token| !token.token_type().is_trivia())
            == 1
            // Entirely comments/whitespace
            return Ok(Ast {
                nodes: Block {
                    stmts: Vec::new(),
                    last_stmt: None,
                eof: tokens
                    .expect("(internal full-moon error) No EOF in tokens after checking for EOF."),

        // ParserState has to have at least 2 tokens, the last being an EOF, thus unwrap() can't fail
        if state.peek().token_type().is_trivia() {
            state = state.advance().unwrap();

        match parsers::ParseBlock.parse(state) {
            Ok((state, block)) => {
                if state.index == tokens.len() - 1 {
                    Ok(Ast {
                        nodes: block,
                        eof: tokens.pop().expect(
                            "(internal full-moon error) No EOF in tokens after checking for EOF.",
                } else {
                    Err(AstError::UnexpectedToken {
                        token: state.peek().token.clone(),
                        additional: Some(Cow::Borrowed("leftover token")),

            Err(InternalAstError::NoMatch) => Err(AstError::UnexpectedToken {
                token: state.peek().token.clone(),
                additional: None,

            Err(InternalAstError::UnexpectedToken { token, additional }) => {
                Err(AstError::UnexpectedToken {
                    token: token.token,

    /// Returns a new Ast with the given nodes
    pub fn with_nodes(self, nodes: Block) -> Self {
        Self { nodes, ..self }

    /// Returns a new Ast with the given EOF token
    pub fn with_eof(self, eof: TokenReference) -> Self {
        Self { eof, ..self }

    /// The entire code of the function
    /// ```rust
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// assert_eq!(full_moon::parse("local x = 1; local y = 2")?.nodes().stmts().count(), 2);
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn nodes(&self) -> &Block {

    /// The entire code of the function, but mutable
    pub fn nodes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Block {
        &mut self.nodes

    /// The EOF token at the end of every Ast
    pub fn eof(&self) -> &TokenReference {

/// Extracts leading and trailing trivia from tokens
pub(crate) fn extract_token_references(mut tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Vec<TokenReference> {
    let mut references = Vec::new();
    let (mut leading_trivia, mut trailing_trivia) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new());
    let mut tokens = tokens.drain(..).peekable();

    while let Some(token) = tokens.next() {
        if token.token_type().is_trivia() {
        } else {
            while let Some(token) = tokens.peek() {
                if token.token_type().is_trivia() {
                    // Take all trivia up to and including the newline character. If we see a newline character
                    // we should break once we have taken it in.
                    let should_break =
                        if let TokenType::Whitespace { ref characters } = token.token_type() {
                            // Use contains in order to tolerate \r\n line endings and mixed whitespace tokens
                        } else {


                    if should_break {
                } else {

            references.push(TokenReference {
                leading_trivia: leading_trivia.drain(..).collect(),
                trailing_trivia: trailing_trivia.drain(..).collect(),


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{parse, print, tokenizer::tokens, visitors::VisitorMut};

    fn test_extract_token_references() {
        let tokens = tokens("print(1)\n-- hello world\nlocal foo -- this is the word foo").unwrap();

        let references = extract_token_references(tokens);
        assert_eq!(references.len(), 7);

        assert_eq!(references[0].token.to_string(), "print");

        assert_eq!(references[1].token.to_string(), "(");

        assert_eq!(references[2].token.to_string(), "1");

        assert_eq!(references[3].trailing_trivia[0].to_string(), "\n");
        assert_eq!(references[3].token.to_string(), ")");

            "-- hello world",

        assert_eq!(references[4].leading_trivia[1].to_string(), "\n");
        assert_eq!(references[4].token.to_string(), "local");
        assert_eq!(references[4].trailing_trivia[0].to_string(), " ");

    fn test_with_eof_safety() {
        let new_ast = {
            let ast = parse("local foo = 1").unwrap();
            let eof = ast.eof().clone();


    fn test_with_nodes_safety() {
        let new_ast = {
            let ast = parse("local foo = 1").unwrap();
            let nodes = ast.nodes().clone();


    fn test_with_visitor_safety() {
        let new_ast = {
            let ast = parse("local foo = 1").unwrap();

            struct SyntaxRewriter;
            impl VisitorMut for SyntaxRewriter {
                fn visit_token(&mut self, token: Token) -> Token {



    // Tests AST nodes with new methods that call unwrap
    fn test_new_validity() {
        let token: TokenReference = TokenReference::new(
            Token::new(TokenType::Identifier {
                identifier: "foo".into(),

        let expression = Expression::Value {
            value: Box::new(Value::Var(Var::Name(token.clone()))),
            #[cfg(feature = "roblox")]
            type_assertion: None,

        Assignment::new(Punctuated::new(), Punctuated::new());
        GenericFor::new(Punctuated::new(), Punctuated::new());
            FunctionArgs::Parentheses {
                arguments: Punctuated::new(),
                parentheses: ContainedSpan::new(token.clone(), token.clone()),
        NumericFor::new(token, expression.clone(), expression.clone());