fuel-pest 3.0.4

The Elegant Parser
// pest. The Elegant Parser
// Copyright (c) 2018 Dragoș Tiselice
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied,
// modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;

use error::{Error, ErrorVariant};
use iterators::{pairs, QueueableToken};
use position::{self, Position};
use span::Span;
use stack::Stack;
use RuleType;

/// The current lookahead status of a [`ParserState`].
/// [`ParserState`]: struct.ParserState.html
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Lookahead {

/// The current atomicity of a [`ParserState`].
/// [`ParserState`]: struct.ParserState.html
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Atomicity {

/// Type alias to simplify specifying the return value of chained closures.
pub type ParseResult<S> = Result<S, S>;

/// Match direction for the stack. Used in `PEEK[a..b]`/`stack_match_peek_slice`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum MatchDir {

/// The complete state of a [`Parser`].
/// [`Parser`]: trait.Parser.html
pub struct ParserState<R: RuleType> {
    position: Position,
    queue: Vec<QueueableToken<R>>,
    lookahead: Lookahead,
    pos_attempts: Vec<R>,
    neg_attempts: Vec<R>,
    attempt_pos: usize,
    atomicity: Atomicity,
    stack: Stack<Span>,

/// Creates a `ParserState` from a `&str`, supplying it to a closure `f`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use pest;
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("");
/// pest::state::<(), _>(input, |s| Ok(s)).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn state<'i, R: RuleType, F>(input: Arc<str>, f: F) -> Result<pairs::Pairs<R>, Error<R>>
    F: FnOnce(Box<ParserState<R>>) -> ParseResult<Box<ParserState<R>>>,
    let state = ParserState::new(input.clone());

    match f(state) {
        Ok(state) => {
            let len = state.queue.len();
            Ok(pairs::new(Rc::new(state.queue), input, 0, len))
        Err(mut state) => {

                ErrorVariant::ParsingError {
                    positives: state.pos_attempts.clone(),
                    negatives: state.neg_attempts.clone(),
                // TODO(performance): Guarantee state.attempt_pos is a valid position
                position::Position::new(input, state.attempt_pos).unwrap(),

impl<R: RuleType> ParserState<R> {
    /// Allocates a fresh `ParserState` object to the heap and returns the owned `Box`. This `Box`
    /// will be passed from closure to closure based on the needs of the specified `Parser`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("");
    /// let state: Box<pest::ParserState<&str>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// ```
    pub fn new(input: Arc<str>) -> Box<Self> {
        Box::new(ParserState {
            position: Position::from_start(input),
            queue: vec![],
            lookahead: Lookahead::None,
            pos_attempts: vec![],
            neg_attempts: vec![],
            attempt_pos: 0,
            atomicity: Atomicity::NonAtomic,
            stack: Stack::new(),

    /// Returns a reference to the current `Position` of the `ParserState`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     ab
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let position = state.position();
    /// assert_eq!(position.pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn position(&self) -> &Position {

    /// Returns the current atomicity of the `ParserState`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use pest::Atomicity;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     ab
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let atomicity = state.atomicity();
    /// assert_eq!(atomicity, Atomicity::NonAtomic);
    /// ```
    pub fn atomicity(&self) -> Atomicity {

    /// Wrapper needed to generate tokens. This will associate the `R` type rule to the closure
    /// meant to match the rule.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     a
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("a");
    /// let pairs: Vec<_> = pest::state(input, |state| {
    ///     state.rule(Rule::a, |s| Ok(s))
    /// }).unwrap().collect();
    /// assert_eq!(pairs.len(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn rule<F>(mut self: Box<Self>, rule: R, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let actual_pos = self.position.pos();
        let index = self.queue.len();

        let (pos_attempts_index, neg_attempts_index) = if actual_pos == self.attempt_pos {
            (self.pos_attempts.len(), self.neg_attempts.len())
        } else {
            // Attempts have not been cleared yet since the attempt_pos is older.
            (0, 0)

        if self.lookahead == Lookahead::None && self.atomicity != Atomicity::Atomic {
            // Pair's position will only be known after running the closure.
            self.queue.push(QueueableToken::Start {
                end_token_index: 0,
                input_pos: actual_pos,

        let attempts = self.attempts_at(actual_pos);

        let result = f(self);

        match result {
            Ok(mut new_state) => {
                if new_state.lookahead == Lookahead::Negative {

                if new_state.lookahead == Lookahead::None
                    && new_state.atomicity != Atomicity::Atomic
                    // Storing the pair's index in the first token that was added before the closure was
                    // run.
                    let new_index = new_state.queue.len();
                    match new_state.queue[index] {
                        QueueableToken::Start {
                            ref mut end_token_index,
                        } => *end_token_index = new_index,
                        _ => unreachable!(),

                    let new_pos = new_state.position.pos();

                    new_state.queue.push(QueueableToken::End {
                        start_token_index: index,
                        input_pos: new_pos,

            Err(mut new_state) => {
                if new_state.lookahead != Lookahead::Negative {

                if new_state.lookahead == Lookahead::None
                    && new_state.atomicity != Atomicity::Atomic


    fn attempts_at(&self, pos: usize) -> usize {
        if self.attempt_pos == pos {
            self.pos_attempts.len() + self.neg_attempts.len()
        } else {

    fn track(
        &mut self,
        rule: R,
        pos: usize,
        pos_attempts_index: usize,
        neg_attempts_index: usize,
        prev_attempts: usize,
    ) {
        if self.atomicity == Atomicity::Atomic {

        // If nested rules made no progress, there is no use to report them; it's only useful to
        // track the current rule, the exception being when only one attempt has been made during
        // the children rules.
        let curr_attempts = self.attempts_at(pos);
        if curr_attempts > prev_attempts && curr_attempts - prev_attempts == 1 {

        if pos == self.attempt_pos {

        if pos > self.attempt_pos {
            self.attempt_pos = pos;

        let attempts = if self.lookahead != Lookahead::Negative {
            &mut self.pos_attempts
        } else {
            &mut self.neg_attempts

        if pos == self.attempt_pos {

    /// Starts a sequence of transformations provided by `f` from the `Box<ParserState>`. Returns
    /// the same `Result` returned by `f` in the case of an `Ok`, or `Err` with the current
    /// `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// This method is useful to parse sequences that only match together which usually come in the
    /// form of chained `Result`s with
    /// [`Result::and_then`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html#method.and_then).
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     a
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("a");
    /// let pairs: Vec<_> = pest::state(input, |state| {
    ///     state.sequence(|s| {
    ///         s.rule(Rule::a, |s| Ok(s)).and_then(|s| {
    ///             s.match_string("b")
    ///         })
    ///     }).or_else(|s| {
    ///         Ok(s)
    ///     })
    /// }).unwrap().collect();
    /// assert_eq!(pairs.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn sequence<F>(self: Box<Self>, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let token_index = self.queue.len();
        let initial_pos = self.position.clone();

        let result = f(self);

        match result {
            Ok(new_state) => Ok(new_state),
            Err(mut new_state) => {
                // Restore the initial position and truncate the token queue.
                new_state.position = initial_pos;

    /// Repeatedly applies the transformation provided by `f` from the `Box<ParserState>`. Returns
    /// `Ok` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` returned by `f` wrapped up in an `Err`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     ab
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("aab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.repeat(|s| {
    ///     s.match_string("a")
    /// });
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// result = state.repeat(|s| {
    ///     s.match_string("b")
    /// });
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn repeat<F>(self: Box<Self>, mut f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnMut(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let mut result = f(self);

        loop {
            match result {
                Ok(state) => result = f(state),
                Err(state) => return Ok(state),

    /// Optionally applies the transformation provided by `f` from the `Box<ParserState>`. Returns
    /// `Ok` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` returned by `f` regardless of the `Result`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     ab
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let result = state.optional(|s| {
    ///     s.match_string("ab")
    /// });
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let result = state.optional(|s| {
    ///     s.match_string("ac")
    /// });
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// ```
    pub fn optional<F>(self: Box<Self>, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        match f(self) {
            Ok(state) | Err(state) => Ok(state),

    /// Attempts to match a single character based on a filter function. Returns `Ok` with the
    /// updated `Box<ParserState>` if successful, or `Err` with the updated `Box<ParserState>`
    /// otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let result = state.match_char_by(|c| c.is_ascii());
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 1);
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("❤");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let result = state.match_char_by(|c| c.is_ascii());
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn match_char_by<F>(mut self: Box<Self>, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(char) -> bool,
        if self.position.match_char_by(f) {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to match the given string. Returns `Ok` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` if
    /// successful, or `Err` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.match_string("ab");
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// result = state.match_string("ac");
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn match_string(mut self: Box<Self>, string: &str) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.match_string(string) {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to case-insensitively match the given string. Returns `Ok` with the updated
    /// `Box<ParserState>` if successful, or `Err` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.match_insensitive("AB");
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// result = state.match_insensitive("AC");
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn match_insensitive(mut self: Box<Self>, string: &str) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.match_insensitive(string) {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to match a single character from the given range. Returns `Ok` with the updated
    /// `Box<ParserState>` if successful, or `Err` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.match_range('a'..'z');
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 1);
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// result = state.match_range('A'..'Z');
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn match_range(mut self: Box<Self>, range: Range<char>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.match_range(range) {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to skip `n` characters forward. Returns `Ok` with the updated `Box<ParserState>`
    /// if successful, or `Err` with the updated `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.skip(1);
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 1);
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// result = state.skip(3);
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().position().pos(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn skip(mut self: Box<Self>, n: usize) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.skip(n) {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to skip forward until one of the given strings is found. Returns `Ok` with the
    /// updated `Box<ParserState>` whether or not one of the strings is found.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("abcd");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.skip_until(&["c", "d"]);
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_until(mut self: Box<Self>, strings: &[&str]) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {

    /// Attempts to match the start of the input. Returns `Ok` with the current `Box<ParserState>`
    /// if the parser has not yet advanced, or `Err` with the current `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.start_of_input();
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// state = state.match_string("ab").unwrap();
    /// result = state.start_of_input();
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn start_of_input(self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.at_start() {
        } else {

    /// Attempts to match the end of the input. Returns `Ok` with the current `Box<ParserState>` if
    /// there is no input remaining, or `Err` with the current `Box<ParserState>` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// let mut result = state.end_of_input();
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// state = pest::ParserState::new(input.clone());
    /// state = state.match_string("ab").unwrap();
    /// result = state.end_of_input();
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// ```
    pub fn end_of_input(self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        if self.position.at_end() {
        } else {

    /// Starts a lookahead transformation provided by `f` from the `Box<ParserState>`. It returns
    /// `Ok` with the current `Box<ParserState>` if `f` also returns an `Ok`, or `Err` with the current
    /// `Box<ParserState>` otherwise. If `is_positive` is `false`, it swaps the `Ok` and `Err`
    /// together, negating the `Result`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     a
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("a");
    /// let pairs: Vec<_> = pest::state(input, |state| {
    ///     state.lookahead(true, |state| {
    ///         state.rule(Rule::a, |s| Ok(s))
    ///     })
    /// }).unwrap().collect();
    /// assert_eq!(pairs.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn lookahead<F>(mut self: Box<Self>, is_positive: bool, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let initial_lookahead = self.lookahead;

        self.lookahead = if is_positive {
            match initial_lookahead {
                Lookahead::None | Lookahead::Positive => Lookahead::Positive,
                Lookahead::Negative => Lookahead::Negative,
        } else {
            match initial_lookahead {
                Lookahead::None | Lookahead::Positive => Lookahead::Negative,
                Lookahead::Negative => Lookahead::Positive,

        let initial_pos = self.position.clone();

        let result = f(self.checkpoint());

        let result_state = match result {
            Ok(mut new_state) => {
                new_state.position = initial_pos;
                new_state.lookahead = initial_lookahead;
            Err(mut new_state) => {
                new_state.position = initial_pos;
                new_state.lookahead = initial_lookahead;

        if is_positive {
        } else {
            match result_state {
                Ok(state) => Err(state),
                Err(state) => Ok(state),

    /// Transformation which stops `Token`s from being generated according to `is_atomic`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest::{self, Atomicity};
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {
    ///     a
    /// }
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("a");
    /// let pairs: Vec<_> = pest::state(input, |state| {
    ///     state.atomic(Atomicity::Atomic, |s| {
    ///         s.rule(Rule::a, |s| Ok(s))
    ///     })
    /// }).unwrap().collect();
    /// assert_eq!(pairs.len(), 0);
    /// ```
    pub fn atomic<F>(mut self: Box<Self>, atomicity: Atomicity, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let initial_atomicity = self.atomicity;
        let should_toggle = self.atomicity != atomicity;

        if should_toggle {
            self.atomicity = atomicity;

        let result = f(self);

        match result {
            Ok(mut new_state) => {
                if should_toggle {
                    new_state.atomicity = initial_atomicity;
            Err(mut new_state) => {
                if should_toggle {
                    new_state.atomicity = initial_atomicity;

    /// Evaluates the result of closure `f` and pushes the span of the input consumed from before
    /// `f` is called to after `f` is called to the stack. Returns `Ok(Box<ParserState>)` if `f` is
    /// called successfully, or `Err(Box<ParserState>)` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a"));
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_push<F>(self: Box<Self>, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        let start = self.position.clone();

        let result = f(self);

        match result {
            Ok(mut state) => {
                let end = state.position.clone();
            Err(state) => Err(state),

    /// Peeks the top of the stack and attempts to match the string. Returns `Ok(Box<ParserState>)`
    /// if the string is matched successfully, or `Err(Box<ParserState>)` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("aa");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a")).and_then(
    ///     |state| state.stack_peek()
    /// );
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_peek(self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        let span = self
            .expect("peek was called on empty stack")
        let string = span.as_str();

    /// Pops the top of the stack and attempts to match the string. Returns `Ok(Box<ParserState>)`
    /// if the string is matched successfully, or `Err(Box<ParserState>)` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("aa");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a")).and_then(
    ///     |state| state.stack_pop()
    /// );
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_pop(mut self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        let span = self
            .expect("pop was called on empty stack")
        let string = span.as_str();

    /// Matches part of the state of the stack.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest::{self, MatchDir};
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("abcd cd cb");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state
    ///     .stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a"))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("b")))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("c")))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("d")))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.match_string(" "))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_match_peek_slice(2, None, MatchDir::BottomToTop))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.match_string(" "))
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_match_peek_slice(1, Some(-1), MatchDir::TopToBottom));
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 10);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_match_peek_slice(
        mut self: Box<Self>,
        start: i32,
        end: Option<i32>,
        match_dir: MatchDir,
    ) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        let range = match constrain_idxs(start, end, self.stack.len()) {
            Some(r) => r,
            None => return Err(self),
        // return true if an empty sequence is requested
        if range.end <= range.start {
            return Ok(self);

        let mut position = self.position.clone();
        let result = {
            let mut iter_b2t = self.stack[range].iter();
            let matcher = |span: &Span| position.match_string(span.as_str());
            match match_dir {
                MatchDir::BottomToTop => iter_b2t.all(matcher),
                MatchDir::TopToBottom => iter_b2t.rev().all(matcher),
        if result {
            self.position = position;
        } else {

    /// Matches the full state of the stack.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("abba");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state
    ///     .stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a"))
    ///     .and_then(|state| { state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("b")) })
    ///     .and_then(|state| state.stack_match_peek());
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 4);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_match_peek(self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        self.stack_match_peek_slice(0, None, MatchDir::TopToBottom)

    /// Matches the full state of the stack. This method will clear the stack as it evaluates.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("aaaa");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a")).and_then(|state| {
    ///     state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a"))
    /// }).and_then(|state| state.stack_match_peek());
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 4);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_match_pop(mut self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        let mut position = self.position.clone();
        let mut result = true;
        while let Some(span) = self.stack.pop() {
            result = position.match_string(span.as_str());
            if !result {

        if result {
            self.position = position;
        } else {

    /// Drops the top of the stack. Returns `Ok(Box<ParserState>)` if there was a value to drop, or
    /// `Err(Box<ParserState>)` otherwise.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("aa");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.stack_push(|state| state.match_string("a")).and_then(
    ///     |state| state.stack_drop()
    /// );
    /// assert!(result.is_ok());
    /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap().position().pos(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn stack_drop(mut self: Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>> {
        match self.stack.pop() {
            Some(_) => Ok(self),
            None => Err(self),

    /// Restores the original state of the `ParserState` when `f` returns an `Err`. Currently,
    /// this method only restores the stack.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use pest;
    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
    /// # #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
    /// enum Rule {}
    /// let input: Arc<str> = Arc::from("ab");
    /// let mut state: Box<pest::ParserState<Rule>> = pest::ParserState::new(input);
    /// let mut result = state.restore_on_err(|state| state.stack_push(|state|
    ///     state.match_string("a")).and_then(|state| state.match_string("a"))
    /// );
    /// assert!(result.is_err());
    /// // Since the the rule doesn't match, the "a" pushed to the stack will be removed.
    /// let catch_panic = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| result.unwrap_err().stack_pop());
    /// assert!(catch_panic.is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn restore_on_err<F>(self: Box<Self>, f: F) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>
        F: FnOnce(Box<Self>) -> ParseResult<Box<Self>>,
        match f(self.checkpoint()) {
            Ok(state) => Ok(state.checkpoint_ok()),
            Err(state) => Err(state.restore()),

    // Mark the current state as a checkpoint and return the `Box`.
    pub(crate) fn checkpoint(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self> {

    // The checkpoint was cleared successfully
    // so remove it without touching other stack state.
    pub(crate) fn checkpoint_ok(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self> {

    // Restore the current state to the most recent checkpoint.
    pub(crate) fn restore(mut self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self> {

fn constrain_idxs(start: i32, end: Option<i32>, len: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
    let start_norm = normalize_index(start, len)?;
    let end_norm = end.map_or(Some(len), |e| normalize_index(e, len))?;

/// Normalizes the index using its sequence’s length.
/// Returns `None` if the normalized index is OOB.
fn normalize_index(i: i32, len: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    if i > len as i32 {
    } else if i >= 0 {
        Some(i as usize)
    } else {
        let real_i = len as i32 + i;
        if real_i >= 0 {
            Some(real_i as usize)
        } else {

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn normalize_index_pos() {
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(4, 6), Some(4));
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(5, 5), Some(5));
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(6, 3), None);

    fn normalize_index_neg() {
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(-4, 6), Some(2));
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(-5, 5), Some(0));
        assert_eq!(normalize_index(-6, 3), None);