fts_gamemath 0.1.1

fts_gamemath is a collection of crates that provide basic building blocks for 3d video game math

name = "fts_gamemath"

version = "0.1.1"

authors = ["Forrest Smith <forrestthewoods@gmail.com>"]

description = """
fts_gamemath is a collection of crates that provide basic building blocks for 3d video game math

documentation = "https://github.com/forrestthewoods/fts_gamemath"

homepage  = "https://github.com/forrestthewoods/fts_gamemath"

repository  = "https://github.com/forrestthewoods/fts_gamemath"

readme = "readme.md"

keywords = ["gamedev", "math", "units"]

categories = ["games", "science", "rendering"]

license = "Unlicense OR MIT"

edition = "2018"


members = [




fts_units = { path = "fts_units", version = "0.1.1" }

typenum = "1.10.0"

num-traits = "0.2.5"