ftd 0.1.7

ftd: FifthTry Document Format parser


How to run ftd

1. Build ftd-rt wasm

cd ftd-rt
wasm-pack build --target web -- --features=wasm

This commmand will create pkg folder inside ftd-rt

2. Build FTD Files

cd ftd
cargo run

This will create HTML (.html and -rt.html) files inside ftd/build folder for all .ftd files inside ftd/examples folder

  1. -rt.html: It is runtime file rendered using wasm.
  2. .html: It is static html file.

3. View Files

Run a local server:

cd ftd/build
python -m http.server 8000

And visit: http://localhost:8000/.


Docs: fifthtry.com/fifthtry/ftd/