fstrings 0.1.1

Python3 fstring interpolation in Rust


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Basic fstring interpolation in Rust

The interpolation works as follows:

  1. if the (template) string literal contains a named parameters (e.g. {name})

  2. and no name = value argument is fed to the formatting call,

  3. then an automatic name = name argument is added, so that the variable is effectively interpolated from the current scope.


extern crate fstrings;

fn main ()
    let name = "World";

    // Usage is simple: just append `_f` to the name of any formatting macro
    println_f!("Hello, {name}!");

        f!("Hello, {name}!"), // shorthand for String creation (Python-like)
        String::from("Hello, World!"),

    // advanced_cases
        // it remains compatible with classic formatting parameters
            f!("{hi}, {name}!", hi = "Hello"),
            "Hello, World!",

        // you can override / shadow the named arguments
            f!("Hello, {name}!", name = "Earth"),
            "Hello, Earth!",