frunk 0.1.29

Frunk provides developers with a number of functional programming tools like HList, Coproduct, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid, Semigroup and friends.
extern crate frunk;
#[macro_use] // for the hlist macro
extern crate frunk_core;
extern crate time; //Time library

use frunk::hlist::*;
use frunk::labelled::*;

mod common;

use common::*;

use self::time::*;

fn test_struct_from_labelled_generic() {
    let h = hlist![field!((f, i, r, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), "Humpty"),
                   field!((l, a, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), "Drumpty"),
                   field!((a, g, e), 3)];
    let u: NewUser = from_labelled_generic(h);
               NewUser {
                   first_name: "Humpty",
                   last_name: "Drumpty",
                   age: 3,

fn test_labelled_generic_names() {
    let u = NewUser {
        first_name: "Humpty",
        last_name: "Drumpty",
        age: 3,
    let h = into_labelled_generic(u);
    let l_name_field: &Field<(l, a, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), _> = h.get();
    assert_eq!(, "last_name");
    let f_name_field: &Field<(f, i, r, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), _> = h.get();
    assert_eq!(, "first_name")

fn test_struct_into_labelled_generic() {
    let u = NewUser {
        first_name: "Humpty",
        last_name: "Drumpty",
        age: 3,
    let h = into_labelled_generic(u);
               hlist![field!((f, i, r, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), "Humpty", "first_name"),
                      field!((l, a, s, t, __, n, a, m, e), "Drumpty", "last_name"),
                      field!((a, g, e), 3)]);

fn test_reshaped_labelled_generic_conversion() {
    let n_u = NormalUser {
        first_name: "Moe",
        last_name: "Ali",
        age: 30,
    // Convert to labelled-generic representation
    let n_gen = into_labelled_generic(n_u);
    // Reshape the labelled generic to fit the JumbledUser's generic Repr
    let (jumbled_gen, _): (<JumbledUser as LabelledGeneric>::Repr, _) = n_gen.sculpt();
    let j_u: JumbledUser = from_labelled_generic(jumbled_gen); // Done

    assert_eq!(j_u.first_name, "Moe");
    assert_eq!(j_u.last_name, "Ali");
    assert_eq!(j_u.age, 30)

fn test_aligned_labelled_convert_from() {
    let n_u = NormalUser {
        first_name: "Moe",
        last_name: "Ali",
        age: 30,
    // even less boilerplate than before
    let j_u: JumbledUser = transform_from(n_u); // Done

    assert_eq!(j_u.first_name, "Moe");
    assert_eq!(j_u.last_name, "Ali");
    assert_eq!(j_u.age, 30)

type CreatedAt = (c, r, e, a, t, e, d, __, a, t);

/// Converts from the Input type to the Output type,
/// provided that the Output type has a compatible labelled representation
/// with Input *AND* has a created_at Time field
/// If we wanted to, we could even make the time field type a parameter too for
/// even more generalisation.
/// Type parameters:
/// I stands for Input
/// O stands for Output
/// Indices is for the indices used for sculpting I with created_at Field into O's generic representation
fn to_audited<I, O, Indices>(o: I) -> O
    where I: LabelledGeneric,
          O: LabelledGeneric,
          HCons<Field<CreatedAt, Tm>, <I as LabelledGeneric>::Repr>: Sculptor<<O as LabelledGeneric>::Repr, Indices>
    // Add created_at field to LabelledGeneric repr of I
    let i_with_time = HCons {
        head: field!(CreatedAt, time::now()),
        tail: into_labelled_generic(o),
    // sculpt it to fit Output LabelledGeneric representation
    let (compatible_with_o, _): (<O as LabelledGeneric>::Repr, _) = i_with_time.sculpt();
    // convert from LabelledGeneric to Output

fn test_generalised_auditing() {
    let now = time::now().tm_nsec;
    // Need to help the compiler out by annotating, but no biggie
    let n_u_audited: NormalUserWithAudit = to_audited(NormalUser::build());

    // We can even go from NormalUser to JumbledUser since they have compatible LabelledGeneric::Reprs
    let j_u_audited: JumbledUserWithAudit = to_audited(NormalUser::build());
    assert!(n_u_audited.created_at.tm_nsec >= now);
    assert!(j_u_audited.created_at.tm_nsec >= now);