frunk 0.1.19

Frunk provides developers with a number of functional programming tools like HList, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid, Semigroup and friends.
//! Module for holding Validated logic
//! `Validated` is a way of running a bunch of operations that can go wrong (for example,
//! functions returning `Result<T, E>`) and, in the case of one or more things going wrong,
//! having all the errors returned to you all at once. In the case that everything went well, you get
//! an `HList` of all your results.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk_core;
//! # use frunk_core::hlist::*;
//! # use frunk::validated::*;
//! # fn main() {
//! #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
//! struct Person {
//!     age: i32,
//!     name: String,
//! }
//! fn get_name() -> Result<String, String> {
//!     Result::Ok("James".to_owned())
//! }
//! fn get_age() -> Result<i32, String> {
//!     Result::Ok(32)
//! }
//! let v: Validated<Hlist!(String, i32), String> = get_name().into_validated() + get_age();
//! let person = v.into_result()
//!                .map(|hlist_pat!(name, age)| {
//!                     Person {
//!                         name: name,
//!                         age: age,
//!                     }
//!                 });
//!  assert_eq!(person.unwrap(),
//!             Person {
//!                 name: "James".to_owned(),
//!                 age: 32,
//!             });
//! # }
//! ```

use frunk_core::hlist::*;
use std::ops::Add;

/// A Validated is either an Ok holding an HList or an Err, holding a vector
/// of collected errors.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Eq, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Validated<T, E>
    where T: HList

impl<T, E> Validated<T, E>
    where T: HList
    /// Returns true if this validation is Ok, false otherwise
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use frunk::validated::*;
    /// let r1: Result<String, String> = Result::Ok(String::from("hello"));
    /// let v = r1.into_validated();
    /// assert!(v.is_ok());
    /// ```
    pub fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
        match *self {
            Validated::Ok(_) => true,
            _ => false,

    /// Returns true if this validation is Err, false otherwise
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use frunk::validated::*;
    /// let r1: Result<String, i32> = Result::Err(32);
    /// let v = r1.into_validated();
    /// assert!(v.is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool {

    /// Turns this Validated into a Result.
    /// If this Validated is Ok, it will become a Result::Ok, holding an HList of all the accumulated
    /// results. Otherwise, it will become a Result::Err with a list of all accumulated errors.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk;
    /// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk_core;
    /// # use frunk_core::hlist::*;
    /// # use frunk::validated::*;
    /// # fn main() {
    /// #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
    /// struct Person {
    ///     age: i32,
    ///     name: String,
    /// }
    /// fn get_name() -> Result<String, String> {
    ///     Result::Ok("James".to_owned())
    /// }
    /// fn get_age() -> Result<i32, String> {
    ///     Result::Ok(32)
    /// }
    /// let v = get_name().into_validated() + get_age();
    /// let person = v.into_result()
    ///                .map(|hlist_pat!(name, age)| {
    ///                     Person {
    ///                         name: name,
    ///                         age: age,
    ///                     }
    ///                 });
    ///  assert_eq!(person.unwrap(),
    ///             Person {
    ///                 name: "James".to_owned(),
    ///                 age: 32,
    ///             });
    /// # }
    pub fn into_result(self) -> Result<T, Vec<E>> {
        match self {
            Validated::Ok(h) => Result::Ok(h),
            Validated::Err(errors) => Result::Err(errors),

/// Trait for "lifting" a given type into a Validated
pub trait IntoValidated<T, E> {
    /// Consumes the current Result into a Validated so that we can begin chaining
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use frunk::validated::*;
    /// let r1: Result<String, i32> = Result::Err(32);
    /// let v = r1.into_validated();
    /// assert!(v.is_err());
    /// ```
    fn into_validated(self) -> Validated<HCons<T, HNil>, E>;

impl<T, E> IntoValidated<T, E> for Result<T, E> {
    fn into_validated(self) -> Validated<HCons<T, HNil>, E> {
        match self {
            Result::Err(e) => Validated::Err(vec![e]),
            Result::Ok(v) => {
                Validated::Ok(HCons {
                    head: v,
                    tail: HNil,

/// Implements Add for the current Validated with a Result, returning a new Validated.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk;
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk_core;
/// # use frunk_core::hlist::*;
/// # use frunk::validated::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let r1: Result<String, String> = Result::Ok(String::from("hello"));
/// let r2: Result<i32, String> = Result::Ok(1);
/// let v = r1.into_validated() + r2;
/// assert_eq!(v, Validated::Ok(hlist!(String::from("hello"), 1)))
/// # }
/// ```
impl<T, E, T2> Add<Result<T2, E>> for Validated<T, E>
    where T: HList + Add<HCons<T2, HNil>>,
          <T as Add<HCons<T2, HNil>>>::Output: HList
    type Output = Validated<<T as Add<HCons<T2, HNil>>>::Output, E>;

    fn add(self, other: Result<T2, E>) -> Self::Output {
        let other_as_validated = other.into_validated();
        self + other_as_validated

/// Implements Add for the current Validated with another Validated, returning a new Validated.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk;
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate frunk_core;
/// # use frunk_core::hlist::*;
/// # use frunk::validated::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let r1: Result<String, String> = Result::Ok(String::from("hello"));
/// let r2: Result<i32, String> = Result::Ok(1);
/// let v1 = r1.into_validated();
/// let v2 = r2.into_validated();
/// let v3 = v1 + v2;
/// assert_eq!(v3, Validated::Ok(hlist!(String::from("hello"), 1)))
/// # }
/// ```
impl<T, E, T2> Add<Validated<T2, E>> for Validated<T, E>
    where T: HList + Add<T2>,
          T2: HList,
          <T as Add<T2>>::Output: HList
    type Output = Validated<<T as Add<T2>>::Output, E>;

    fn add(self, other: Validated<T2, E>) -> Self::Output {
        match (self, other) {
            (Validated::Err(mut errs), Validated::Err(errs2)) => {
            (Validated::Err(errs), _) => Validated::Err(errs),
            (_, Validated::Err(errs)) => Validated::Err(errs),
            (Validated::Ok(h1), Validated::Ok(h2)) => Validated::Ok(h1 + h2),

mod tests {
    use frunk_core::hlist::*;
    use super::*;

    fn test_adding_ok_results() {
        let r1: Result<String, String> = Result::Ok(String::from("hello"));
        let r2: Result<i32, String> = Result::Ok(1);
        let v = r1.into_validated() + r2;
        assert_eq!(v, Validated::Ok(hlist!(String::from("hello"), 1)))

    fn test_adding_validated_oks() {
        let r1: Result<String, String> = Result::Ok(String::from("hello"));
        let r2: Result<i32, String> = Result::Ok(1);
        let r3: Result<i32, String> = Result::Ok(3);
        let v1 = r1.into_validated();
        let v2 = r2.into_validated();
        let v3 = r3.into_validated();
        let comb = v1 + v2 + v3;
        assert_eq!(comb, Validated::Ok(hlist!(String::from("hello"), 1, 3)))

    fn test_adding_err_results() {
        let r1: Result<i16, String> = Result::Ok(1);
        let r2: Result<i16, String> = Result::Err(String::from("NO!"));
        let v1 = r1.into_validated() + r2;
        assert_eq!(v1, Validated::Err(vec!["NO!".to_owned()]))

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
    struct Person {
        age: i32,
        name: String,
        email: String,

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
    pub enum YahNah {

    /// Our Errors
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
    pub enum Nope {

    fn get_name(yah_nah: YahNah) -> Result<String, Nope> {
        match yah_nah {
            YahNah::Yah => Result::Ok("James".to_owned()),
            _ => Result::Err(Nope::NameNope),

    fn get_age(yah_nah: YahNah) -> Result<i32, Nope> {
        match yah_nah {
            YahNah::Yah => Result::Ok(32),
            _ => Result::Err(Nope::AgeNope),

    fn get_email(yah_nah: YahNah) -> Result<String, Nope> {
        match yah_nah {
            YahNah::Yah => Result::Ok("".to_owned()),
            _ => Result::Err(Nope::EmailNope),

    fn test_to_result_ok() {
        let v = get_name(YahNah::Yah).into_validated() + get_age(YahNah::Yah) +
        let person = v.into_result()
            .map(|hlist_pat!(name, age, email)| {
                Person {
                    name: name,
                    age: age,
                    email: email,

                   Person {
                       name: "James".to_owned(),
                       age: 32,
                       email: "".to_owned(),

    fn test_to_result_all_faulty() {
        let v = get_name(YahNah::Nah).into_validated() + get_age(YahNah::Nah) +
        let person = v.into_result()
            .map(|_| unimplemented!());

                   vec![Nope::NameNope, Nope::AgeNope, Nope::EmailNope]);

    fn test_to_result_one_faulty() {
        let v = get_name(YahNah::Nah).into_validated() + get_age(YahNah::Yah) +
        let person = v.into_result()
            .map(|_| unimplemented!());

        assert_eq!(person.unwrap_err(), vec![Nope::NameNope, Nope::EmailNope]);