frunk 0.1.0

Frunk provides developers with a number of functional programming tools like HList, Validate, Monoid, and Semigroup.

Frunk Build Status

Useful functional programming toolbelt in Rust. Still largely a WIP.

General idea is to make things easier by providing FP tools in Rust to allow for stuff like this:

use frunk::monoid::*;

let v = vec![Some(1), Some(3)];
assert_eq!(combine_all(&v), Some(4));

// Slightly more magical
let t1 =       (1, 2.5f32,                String::from("hi"),  Some(3));
let t2 =       (1, 2.5f32,            String::from(" world"),     None);
let t3 =       (1, 2.5f32,         String::from(", goodbye"), Some(10));
let tuples = vec![t1, t2, t3];

let expected = (3, 7.5f32, String::from("hi world, goodbye"), Some(13));
assert_eq!(combine_all(&tuples), expected);

Table of Contents

  1. Semigroup
  2. Monoid
  3. HList
  4. Validated
  5. Todo
  6. Contributing
  7. Inspirations



Things that can be combined.

use frunk::semigroup::*;

assert_eq!(Some(1).combine(&Some(2)), Some(3));

assert_eq!(All(3).combine(&All(5)), All(1)); // bit-wise && 
assert_eq!(All(true).combine(&All(false)), All(false));


Things that can be combined and have an empty/id value.

use frunk::monoid::*;

let t1 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from("hi"), Some(3));
let t2 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from(" world"), None);
let t3 = (1, 2.5f32, String::from(", goodbye"), Some(10));
let tuples = vec![t1, t2, t3];

let expected = (3, 7.5f32, String::from("hi world, goodbye"), Some(13));
assert_eq!(combine_all(&tuples), expected)

let product_nums = vec![Product(2), Product(3), Product(4)];
assert_eq!(combine_all(&product_nums), Product(24))


Statically typed heterogeneous lists. Pop as much as you want from one of these; everything remains typed.

#[macro_use] extern crate frunk;
use frunk::hlist::*;

let h = hlist![true, "hello", Some(41)];
let (h1, tail1) = h.pop();
assert_eq!(h1, true);
assert_eq!(tail1, hlist!["hello", Some(41)]);


Validated is a way of running a bunch of operations that can go wrong (for example, functions returning Result<T, E>) and, in the case of one or more things going wrong, having all the errors returned to you all at once. In the case that everything went well, you get an HList of all your results.

Mapping (and otherwise working with plain) Results is different because it will stop at the first error, which can be annoying in the very common case (outlined best by the Cats project).

Here is an example of how it can be used.

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Person {
    age: i32,
    name: String,

fn get_name() -> Result<String, Error> { /* elided */ }

fn get_age() -> Result<i32, Error> { /* elided */ }

// Build up a `Validated`
let validation = get_name().into_validated() + get_age();
// When needed, turn the `Validated` back into a Result and map as usual
let try_person = validation.into_result()
                           .map(|hlist| {
                               let (name, (age, _)) = hlist.into_tuple2();
                               Person {
                                   name: name,
                                   age: age,

           Result::Ok(Person {
               name: "James".to_owned(),
               age: 32,

/// This next pair of functions always return Recover::Err 
fn get_name_faulty() -> Result<String, String> {
    Result::Err("crap name".to_owned())

fn get_age_faulty() -> Result<i32, String> {
    Result::Err("crap age".to_owned())

let validation2 = get_name_faulty().into_validated() + get_age_faulty();
let try_person2 = validation2.into_result()
                             .map(|_| unimplemented!());

// Notice that we have an accumulated list of errors!
           Result::Err(vec!["crap name".to_owned(), "crap age".to_owned()]));


Stabilise interface, general cleanup

Before a 1.0 release, would be best to revisit the design of the interfaces and do some general code (and test cleanup).


Benchmarks would be nice but they're an unstable feature, so perhaps in a different branch ?

Not yet implemented

Given that Rust has no support for Higher Kinded Types, I'm not sure if these are even possible to implement. In addition, Rustaceans are used to calling iter() on collections to get a lazy view, manipulating their elements with map or and_then, and then doing a collect() at the end to keep things efficient. The usefulness of these following structures maybe limited in that context.

  1. Functor
  2. Monad
  3. Apply
  4. Applicative


Yes please !

The following are considered important, in keeping with the spirit of Rust and functional programming:

  • Safety (type and memory)
  • Efficiency
  • Correctness


Scalaz, Cats, Haskell, the usual suspects ;)