from_as 0.2.0

Traits and derive macros to Read and write types that implement serde Serialize and deserialize to files


Rust traits and derive macros for reading and writing files for types that implement serde.

Available on

from_as = "0.2.0"

This crate provides two traits: FromFile and AsFile. FromFile is used for getting types from a file. AsFile is used for writing types to a file.

The traits can be used for writing json, yaml, and toml files.


    extern crate serde;
    use std::io::{Read, Write};
    use std::convert::TryFrom;
    use from_as::*;

    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, AsFile, FromFile)]
    struct Attribute {
        name: String,
    fn main() {
        let attr = Attribute { 
            name: "attr_name".into()
        // Write to the example directory.
        let attr = Attribute::from_file("./examples/attr.json").unwrap();
        println!("{:#?}", attr);
        // For writing a prettified version.