french-numbers 0.1.3

Represent numbers in French language


Unix build Status Windows build Status Current Version License: Apache-2.0/MIT

This crate transforms a number into its French representation.

Using this crate

In your Cargo.toml, put:

french-numbers = "0.1"

You can then use the french_number function from the french_numbers crate to format any integer into the beautiful French romance language:

use french_numbers::french_number;

assert_eq!(french_number(&71), "soixante-et-onze");
assert_eq!(french_number(&1001), "mille-un");
assert_eq!(french_number(&-200001), "moins deux-cent-mille-un");
assert_eq!(french_number(&-200000001), "moins deux-cents-millions-un");
assert_eq!(french_number(&-204000001), "moins deux-cent-quatre-millions-un");

You can also request the use of the feminine form, or prefer the previous way of writing numbers predating the 1990 orthographic reform:

use french_numbers::*;

assert_eq!(french_number_options(&251061, &Options { feminine: false, reformed: true}),
assert_eq!(french_number_options(&251061, &Options { feminine: true, reformed: true}),
assert_eq!(french_number_options(&251061, &Options { feminine: true, reformed: false }),
           "deux cent cinquante-et-un mille soixante-et-une");
assert_eq!(french_number_options(&251061, &Options { feminine: false, reformed: false }),
           "deux cent cinquante-et-un mille soixante-et-un")