freetype-gl-sys 0.2.0

Rust build helpers and bindings for freetype-gl.
/* Freetype GL - A C OpenGL Freetype engine
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 2-Clause License.  See accompanying
 * file `LICENSE` for more details.
#ifndef __TEXTURE_FONT_H__
#define __TEXTURE_FONT_H__

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "vector.h"
#include "texture-atlas.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace ftgl {

 * @file   texture-font.h
 * @author Nicolas Rougier (
 * @defgroup texture-font Texture font
 * Texture font.
 * Example Usage:
 * @code
 * #include "texture-font.h"
 * int main( int arrgc, char *argv[] )
 * {
 *   return 0;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * @{

 * A list of possible ways to render a glyph.
typedef enum rendermode_t
} rendermode_t;

 * A structure that hold a kerning value relatively to a Unicode
 * codepoint.
 * This structure cannot be used alone since the (necessary) right
 * Unicode codepoint is implicitely held by the owner of this structure.
typedef struct kerning_t
     * Left Unicode codepoint in the kern pair in UTF-32 LE encoding.
    uint32_t codepoint;

     * Kerning value (in fractional pixels).
    float kerning;

} kerning_t;

 * Glyph metrics:
 * --------------
 *                       xmin                     xmax
 *                        |                         |
 *                        |<-------- width -------->|
 *                        |                         |
 *              |         +-------------------------+----------------- ymax
 *              |         |    ggggggggg   ggggg    |     ^        ^
 *              |         |   g:::::::::ggg::::g    |     |        |
 *              |         |  g:::::::::::::::::g    |     |        |
 *              |         | g::::::ggggg::::::gg    |     |        |
 *              |         | g:::::g     g:::::g     |     |        |
 *    offset_x -|-------->| g:::::g     g:::::g     |  offset_y    |
 *              |         | g:::::g     g:::::g     |     |        |
 *              |         | g::::::g    g:::::g     |     |        |
 *              |         | g:::::::ggggg:::::g     |     |        |
 *              |         |  g::::::::::::::::g     |     |      height
 *              |         |   gg::::::::::::::g     |     |        |
 *  baseline ---*---------|---- gggggggg::::::g-----*--------      |
 *            / |         |             g:::::g     |              |
 *     origin   |         | gggggg      g:::::g     |              |
 *              |         | g:::::gg   gg:::::g     |              |
 *              |         |  g::::::ggg:::::::g     |              |
 *              |         |   gg:::::::::::::g      |              |
 *              |         |     ggg::::::ggg        |              |
 *              |         |         gggggg          |              v
 *              |         +-------------------------+----------------- ymin
 *              |                                   |
 *              |------------- advance_x ---------->|

 * A structure that describe a glyph.
typedef struct texture_glyph_t
     * Unicode codepoint this glyph represents in UTF-32 LE encoding.
    uint32_t codepoint;

     * Freetype glyphid this glyph represents as returned by FT_Get_Char_Index.
    uint32_t glyph_id;

     * Glyph's width in pixels.
    size_t width;

     * Glyph's height in pixels.
    size_t height;

     * Glyph's left bearing expressed in integer pixels.
    int offset_x;

     * Glyphs's top bearing expressed in integer pixels.
     * Remember that this is the distance from the baseline to the top-most
     * glyph scanline, upwards y coordinates being positive.
    int offset_y;

     * For horizontal text layouts, this is the horizontal distance (in
     * fractional pixels) used to increment the pen position when the glyph is
     * drawn as part of a string of text.
    float advance_x;

     * For vertical text layouts, this is the vertical distance (in fractional
     * pixels) used to increment the pen position when the glyph is drawn as
     * part of a string of text.
    float advance_y;

     * First normalized texture coordinate (x) of top-left corner
    float s0;

     * Second normalized texture coordinate (y) of top-left corner
    float t0;

     * First normalized texture coordinate (x) of bottom-right corner
    float s1;

     * Second normalized texture coordinate (y) of bottom-right corner
    float t1;

     * A vector of kerning pairs relative to this glyph.
    vector_t * kerning;

     * Mode this glyph was rendered
    rendermode_t rendermode;

     * Glyph outline thickness
    float outline_thickness;

} texture_glyph_t;

 *  Texture font structure.
typedef struct texture_font_t
     * This field is simply used to compute a default line spacing (i.e., the
     * baseline-to-baseline distance) when writing text with this font. Note
     * that it usually is larger than the sum of the ascender and descender
     * taken as absolute values. There is also no guarantee that no glyphs
     * extend above or below subsequent baselines when using this distance.
    float height;
     * Vector of glyphs contained in this font.
    vector_t * glyphs_per_glyph_id;
    vector_t * glyphs_per_codepoint;

     * Atlas structure to store glyphs data.
    texture_atlas_t * atlas;

     * Font size
    float size;

     * Whether to use autohint when rendering font
    int hinting;

     * Mode the font is rendering its next glyph
    rendermode_t rendermode;

     * Outline thickness
    float outline_thickness;

     * Whether to use our own lcd filter.
    int filtering;

     * LCD filter weights
    unsigned char lcd_weights[5];

     * Whether to use kerning if available
    int kerning;

     * This field is the distance that must be placed between two lines of
     * text. The baseline-to-baseline distance should be computed as:
     * ascender - descender + linegap
    float linegap;

     * The ascender is the vertical distance from the horizontal baseline to
     * the highest 'character' coordinate in a font face. Unfortunately, font
     * formats define the ascender differently. For some, it represents the
     * ascent of all capital latin characters (without accents), for others it
     * is the ascent of the highest accented character, and finally, other
     * formats define it as being equal to bbox.yMax.
    float ascender;

     * The descender is the vertical distance from the horizontal baseline to
     * the lowest 'character' coordinate in a font face. Unfortunately, font
     * formats define the descender differently. For some, it represents the
     * descent of all capital latin characters (without accents), for others it
     * is the ascent of the lowest accented character, and finally, other
     * formats define it as being equal to bbox.yMin. This field is negative
     * for values below the baseline.
    float descender;

     * The position of the underline line for this face. It is the center of
     * the underlining stem. Only relevant for scalable formats.
    float underline_position;

     * The thickness of the underline for this face. Only relevant for scalable
     * formats.
    float underline_thickness;

     * font location
    enum {
        TEXTURE_FONT_FILE = 0,
    } location;

    union {
         * Font filename, for when location == TEXTURE_FONT_FILE
        char *filename;

         * Font memory address, for when location == TEXTURE_FONT_MEMORY
        struct {
            const void *base;
            size_t size;
        } memory;

    FT_Library library;
    FT_Face face;

} texture_font_t;

 * This function creates a new texture font from given filename and size.  The
 * texture atlas is used to store glyph on demand. Note the depth of the atlas
 * will determine if the font is rendered as alpha channel only (depth = 1) or
 * RGB (depth = 3) that correspond to subpixel rendering (if available on your
 * freetype implementation).
 * @param atlas     A texture atlas
 * @param pt_size   Size of font to be created (in points)
 * @param filename  A font filename
 * @return A new empty font (no glyph inside yet)
  texture_font_t *
  texture_font_new_from_file( texture_atlas_t * atlas,
                              const float pt_size,
                              const char * filename );

 * This function creates a new texture font from a memory location and size.
 * The texture atlas is used to store glyph on demand. Note the depth of the
 * atlas will determine if the font is rendered as alpha channel only
 * (depth = 1) or RGB (depth = 3) that correspond to subpixel rendering (if
 * available on your freetype implementation).
 * @param atlas       A texture atlas
 * @param pt_size     Size of font to be created (in points)
 * @param memory_base Start of the font file in memory
 * @param memory_size Size of the font file memory region, in bytes
 * @return A new empty font (no glyph inside yet)
  texture_font_t *
  texture_font_new_from_memory( texture_atlas_t *atlas,
                                float pt_size,
                                const void *memory_base,
                                size_t memory_size );

 * Delete a texture font. Note that this does not delete the glyph from the
 * texture atlas.
 * @param self a valid texture font
  texture_font_delete( texture_font_t * self );

 * Request a new glyph from the font. If it has not been created yet, it will
 * be.
 * @param self      A valid texture font
 * @param codepoint Character codepoint to be loaded in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @return A pointer on the new glyph or 0 if the texture atlas is not big
 *         enough
  texture_glyph_t *
  texture_font_get_glyph( texture_font_t * self,
                          const char * codepoint );

 * Request a new glyph from the font. If it has not been created yet, it will
 * be.
 * @param self      A valid texture font
 * @param codepoint Character codepoint to be loaded in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @return A pointer on the new glyph or 0 if the texture atlas is not big
 *         enough
  texture_glyph_t *
  texture_font_get_glyph_by_id( texture_font_t * self,
                          uint32_t glyph_id );

 * Request an already loaded glyph from the font.
 * @param self      A valid texture font
 * @param codepoint Character codepoint to be found in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @return A pointer on the glyph or 0 if the glyph is not loaded
 texture_glyph_t *
 texture_font_find_glyph( texture_font_t * self,
                          const char * codepoint );

 * Request the loading of a given glyph.
 * @param self       A valid texture font
 * @param codepoints Character codepoint to be loaded in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @return One if the glyph could be loaded, zero if not.
  texture_font_load_glyph( texture_font_t * self,
                           const char * codepoint,
                           uint32_t glyph_id );

 * Request the loading of several glyphs at once.
 * @param self       A valid texture font
 * @param codepoints Character codepoints to be loaded in UTF-8 encoding. May
 *                   contain duplicates.
 * @return Number of missed glyph if the texture is not big enough to hold
 *         every glyphs.
  texture_font_load_glyphs( texture_font_t * self,
                            const char * codepoints );
   *Increases the size of a fonts texture atlas
   *Invalidates all pointers to font->atlas->data
   *Changes the UV Coordinates of existing glyphs in the font
   *@param self A valid texture font
   *@param width_new Width of the texture atlas after resizing (must be bigger or equal to current width)
   *@param height_new Height of the texture atlas after resizing (must be bigger or equal to current height)
  texture_font_enlarge_atlas( texture_font_t * self, size_t width_new,
							  size_t height_new);
 * Get the kerning between two horizontal glyphs.
 * @param self      A valid texture glyph
 * @param codepoint Character codepoint of the peceding character in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @return x kerning value
texture_glyph_get_kerning( const texture_glyph_t * self,
                           const char * codepoint );

 * Creates a new empty glyph
 * @return a new empty glyph (not valid)
texture_glyph_t *
texture_glyph_new( void );

/** @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __TEXTURE_FONT_H__ */