Module fred::prelude[][src]

Expand description

Convenience module to use a RedisClient, RedisError, and any argument types.


pub use crate::client::RedisClient;
pub use crate::error::RedisError;


An ACL user from the ACL GETUSER command.

A parsed response from the CLUSTER INFO command.

The cached view of the cluster used by the client to route commands to the correct cluster nodes.

Configuration for custom redis commands, primarily used for interacting with third party modules or extensions.

The parsed result of the MEMORY STATS command for a specific database.

A struct describing the longitude and latitude coordinates of a GEO command.

A typed struct representing the full output of the GEORADIUS (or similar) command.

A struct describing the value inside a GEO data structure.

The result of a HSCAN operation.

An event on the publish-subscribe interface describing a keyspace notification.

The parsed result of the MEMORY STATS command.

A convenience struct for commands that take one or more GEO values.

A convenience struct for functions that take one or more hash slot values.

Convenience struct for commands that take 1 or more keys.

Convenience struct for commands that take 1 or more values.

Convenience struct for ZINTERSTORE and ZUNIONSTORE when accepting 1 or more weights arguments.

Convenience struct for the ZADD command to accept 1 or more (score, value) arguments.

Configuration options for a RedisClient.

A key in Redis.

A map of (String, RedisValue) pairs.

The result of a SCAN operation.

The result of a SCAN operation.

A slot range and associated cluster node information from the CLUSTER NODES command.

The output of an entry in the slow queries log.

Stats describing a distribution of samples.

Configuration for Tls Connections

A wrapper struct for a range bound in a sorted set command.

The result of a SCAN operation.


ACL rules describing the channels a user can access.

ACL rules describing the commands a user can access.

ACL rules describing the keys a user can access.

ACL rules associated with a user.

A flag from the ACL GETUSER command.

Aggregate options for the zinterstore (and related) commands.

Describes how the client should respond when a command is sent while the client is in a blocked state from a blocking command.

Filters provided to the CLIENT KILL command.

The type of clients to close.

Filters for the CLIENT PAUSE command.

Arguments for the CLIENT REPLY command.

The state of the underlying connection to the Redis server.

Arguments to the CLIENT UNBLOCK command.

Options for the CLUSTER FAILOVER command.

Flags for the CLUSTER RESET command.

Flags for the CLUSTER SETSLOT command.

The state of the cluster from the CLUSTER INFO command.

Expiration options for the set command.

An enum representing a Frame of data.

Units for the GEO DIST command.

Options for the info command.

The direction to move elements in a *LMOVE command.

Location flag for the LINSERT command.

Ordering options for the ZADD (and related) commands.

The type of reconnection policy to use. This will apply to every connection used by the client.

A value used in a Redis command.

The kind of value from Redis.

The types of values supported by the type command.

Flags for the SCRIPT DEBUG command.


Arguments for the SENTINEL SIMULATE-FAILURE command.

Connection configuration for the Redis server.

Options for the set command.

Arguments passed to the SHUTDOWN command.

The sort order for redis commands that take or return a sorted list.

An index, score, lexicographical, or +|-|+inf|-inf range bound for the ZRANGE command.

The type of range interval bound.

Options for the ZRANGE (and related) commands.


A trait used to convert various forms of RedisValue into different types.

Type Definitions

The ANY flag used on certain GEO commands.

The result from any of the connect functions showing the error that closed the connection, if any.

A tuple of (offset, count) values for commands that allow paging through results.

Convenience struct for commands that take 1 or more strings.