frawk 0.4.7

an efficient Awk-like language
/// Custom string implementation.
/// There is a lot of unsafe code here. Many of the features here can and were implementable in
/// terms of safe code using enums, and various components of the standard library. We moved to
/// this representation because it significantly improved some benchmarks in terms of time and
/// space, and it also makes for more ergonomic interop with LLVM.
/// TODO explain more about what is going on here.
use crate::pushdown::FieldSet;
use crate::runtime::{strtoi, Float, Int};

use regex::bytes::{Captures, Regex};
use smallvec::SmallVec;

use std::alloc::{alloc_zeroed, dealloc, realloc, Layout};
use std::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;

#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
use std::intrinsics::likely;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
fn likely(b: bool) -> bool {

use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::slice;
use std::str;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum StrTag {
    Inline = 0,
    Literal = 1,
    Shared = 2,
    Concat = 3,
    Boxed = 4,
const NUM_VARIANTS: usize = 5;

impl StrTag {
    fn forced(self) -> bool {
        use StrTag::*;
        match self {
            Literal | Boxed | Inline => true,
            Concat | Shared => false,

// Why the repr(C)? We may rely on the lengths coming first.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Inline(u128);
const MAX_INLINE_SIZE: usize = 15;

impl Default for Inline {
    fn default() -> Inline {
        Inline(StrTag::Inline as u128)

impl Inline {
    unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *const u8, len: usize) -> Inline {
        debug_assert!(len <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE);
        if len > MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
        let mut res = ((len << 3) | StrTag::Inline as usize) as u128;
            mem::transmute::<&mut u128, *mut u8>(&mut res).offset(1),
    unsafe fn from_unchecked(bs: &[u8]) -> Inline {
        Self::from_raw(bs.as_ptr(), bs.len())
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        (self.0 as usize & 0xFF) >> 3
    fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
        unsafe {
                mem::transmute::<&Inline, *const u8>(self).offset(1),

struct Literal<'a> {
    ptr: *const u8,
    len: u64,
    _marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Boxed {
    buf: Buf,
    len: u64,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Shared {
    buf: Buf,
    start: u32,
    end: u32,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ConcatInner<'a> {
    left: Str<'a>,
    right: Str<'a>,

struct Concat<'a> {
    inner: Rc<ConcatInner<'a>>,
    len: u64,

impl<'a> Concat<'a> {
    // unsafe because len must be left.len() + right.len(). It must also be greater than
    unsafe fn new(len: u64, left: Str<'a>, right: Str<'a>) -> Concat<'a> {
        debug_assert!(len > MAX_INLINE_SIZE as u64);
        debug_assert_eq!(len, (left.len() + right.len()) as u64);
        Concat {
            inner: Rc::new(ConcatInner { left, right }),
    fn left(&self) -> Str<'a> {
    fn right(&self) -> Str<'a> {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct StrRep<'a> {
    hi: usize,
    low: u64,
    _marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

impl<'a> Default for StrRep<'a> {
    fn default() -> StrRep<'a> {

impl<'a> StrRep<'a> {
    fn get_tag(&self) -> StrTag {
        use StrTag::*;
        let tag = self.hi & 0x7;
        debug_assert!(tag < NUM_VARIANTS);
        match tag {
            0 => Inline,
            1 => Literal,
            2 => Shared,
            3 => Concat,
            4 => Boxed,
            _ => unreachable!(),

macro_rules! impl_tagged_from {
    ($from:ty, $tag:expr) => {
        impl<'a> From<$from> for StrRep<'a> {
            fn from(s: $from) -> StrRep<'a> {
                let mut rep = unsafe { mem::transmute::<$from, StrRep>(s) };
                rep.hi |= ($tag as usize);

impl_tagged_from!(Shared, StrTag::Shared);
impl_tagged_from!(Concat<'a>, StrTag::Concat);
impl_tagged_from!(Boxed, StrTag::Boxed);
// Unlike the other variants, `Inline` always has the tag in place, so we can just cast it
// directly.
impl<'a> From<Inline> for StrRep<'a> {
    fn from(i: Inline) -> StrRep<'a> {
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<Inline, StrRep>(i) }

impl<'a> From<Literal<'a>> for StrRep<'a> {
    fn from(s: Literal<'a>) -> StrRep<'a> {
        if s.len <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE as u64 {
            unsafe { Inline::from_raw(s.ptr, s.len as usize).into() }
        } else if s.ptr as usize & 0x7 == 0 {
            let mut rep = unsafe { mem::transmute::<Literal<'a>, StrRep>(s) };
            rep.hi |= StrTag::Literal as usize;
        } else {
            let buf = unsafe { Buf::read_from_raw(s.ptr, s.len as usize) };
            Boxed { len: s.len, buf }.into()

impl<'a> StrRep<'a> {
    fn len(&mut self) -> usize {
        match self.get_tag() {
            StrTag::Boxed | StrTag::Literal | StrTag::Concat => self.low as usize,
            StrTag::Shared => unsafe {
                self.view_as(|s: &Shared| s.end as usize - s.start as usize)
            StrTag::Inline => unsafe { self.view_as_inline(Inline::len) },
    unsafe fn view_as_inline<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&Inline) -> R) -> R {
        f(mem::transmute::<&StrRep<'a>, &Inline>(self))
    unsafe fn view_as<T, R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R {
        let old = self.hi;
        self.hi = old & !0x7;
        let res = f(mem::transmute::<&mut StrRep<'a>, &T>(self));
        self.hi = old;
    unsafe fn drop_as<T>(&mut self) {
        let old = self.hi;
        self.hi = old & !0x7;
        ptr::drop_in_place(mem::transmute::<&mut StrRep<'a>, *mut T>(self));

    unsafe fn copy(&self) -> StrRep<'a> {
        StrRep {
            low: self.low,
            hi: self.hi,
            _marker: PhantomData,

    // drop_with_tag is a parallel implementation of drop given an explicit tag. It is used in
    // conjunction with the LLVM-native "fast path" for dropping strings. See the gen_drop_str
    // function in llvm/ for more context.
    // drop_with_tag must not be called with an Inline or Literal tag.
    unsafe fn drop_with_tag(&mut self, tag: u64) {
        // Debug-asserts are here to ensure that we catch any perturbing of the tag values getting
        // out of sync with this function.
        debug_assert_eq!(tag, self.get_tag() as u64);
        match tag {
            2 => {
                debug_assert_eq!(tag, StrTag::Shared as u64);
            3 => {
                debug_assert_eq!(tag, StrTag::Concat as u64);
            4 => {
                debug_assert_eq!(tag, StrTag::Boxed as u64);
            _ => unreachable!(),

impl<'a> Drop for StrRep<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Drop shows up on a lot of profiles. It doesn't appear as though drop is particularly
        // slow (efforts to do drops in batches, keeping the batch in thread-local storage, were
        // slightly slower), just that in short scripts there are just a lot of strings.
        let tag = self.get_tag();
        unsafe {
            match tag {
                StrTag::Inline | StrTag::Literal => {}
                StrTag::Shared => self.drop_as::<Shared>(),
                StrTag::Boxed => self.drop_as::<Boxed>(),
                StrTag::Concat => self.drop_as::<Concat>(),

/// A Str that is either trivially copyable or holds the sole reference to some heap-allocated
/// memory. We also ensure no non-static Literal variants are active in the string, as we intend to
/// send this across threads, and non-static lifetimes are cumbersome in that context.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct UniqueStr<'a>(Str<'a>);
unsafe impl<'a> Send for UniqueStr<'a> {}

impl<'a> Clone for UniqueStr<'a> {
    fn clone(&self) -> UniqueStr<'a> {

impl<'a> UniqueStr<'a> {
    pub fn into_str(self) -> Str<'a> {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    // TODO: is this safe for INLINE values?
    // Seems like we aren't guaranteed that inlines are valid for all of <'a>
    // We probably just want to use Strs
    pub fn literal_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
        unsafe { &*self.0.get_bytes() }
    pub fn clone_str(&self) -> Str<'a> {
        let rep = unsafe { self.0.rep_mut() };
        match rep.get_tag() {
            StrTag::Inline | StrTag::Literal => self.0.clone(),
            StrTag::Boxed => unsafe {
                rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| {
                    let bs = b.buf.as_bytes();
                        Boxed {
                            buf: Buf::read_from_raw(bs.as_ptr(), bs.len()),
                            len: bs.len() as u64,
            StrTag::Shared | StrTag::Concat => unreachable!(),

impl<'a> From<Str<'a>> for UniqueStr<'a> {
    fn from(s: Str<'a>) -> UniqueStr<'a> {
        unsafe {
            let rep = s.rep_mut();
            match rep.get_tag() {
                StrTag::Inline | StrTag::Literal => return UniqueStr(s),
                StrTag::Shared | StrTag::Concat => s.force(),
                StrTag::Boxed => {}
            debug_assert_eq!(StrTag::Boxed, rep.get_tag());
            // We have a box in place, check its refcount
            if let Some(boxed) = rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| {
                if b.buf.refcount() == 1 {
                } else {
                    // Copy a new buffer.
                    let bs = b.buf.as_bytes();
                    debug_assert_eq!(bs.len() as u64, b.len);
                    Some(Boxed {
                        buf: Buf::read_from_raw(bs.as_ptr(), bs.len()),
                        len: bs.len() as u64,
            }) {
            } else {

// Why UnsafeCell? We want something that won't increase the size of StrRep, but we also need to
// mutate it in-place. We can *almost* just use Cell here, but we cannot implement Clone behind
// cell.
pub struct Str<'a>(UnsafeCell<StrRep<'a>>);

impl<'a> Str<'a> {
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<&Str, &Inline>(self) == &Inline::default() }
    unsafe fn rep(&self) -> &StrRep<'a> {

    // We have rep_mut() for the same reasons that Rust has UnsafeCell: to allow
    // for otpimizations on Str that leverage interipr mutability.
    // Callers _must_ ensure they are not aliasing mutable references this way.
    // In practice this is a murky question given the fact that all strings are
    // "logically" immutable and reference counted.
    unsafe fn rep_mut(&self) -> &mut StrRep<'a> {
        &mut *self.0.get()

    pub(crate) unsafe fn drop_with_tag(&self, tag: u64) {
    // We rely on string literals having trivial drops for LLVM codegen, as they may be dropped
    // repeatedly.
    pub fn drop_is_trivial(&self) -> bool {
        match unsafe { self.rep() }.get_tag() {
            StrTag::Literal | StrTag::Inline => true,
            StrTag::Shared | StrTag::Concat | StrTag::Boxed => false,

    // leaks `self` unless you transmute it back. This is used in LLVM codegen
    pub fn into_bits(self) -> u128 {
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<Str<'a>, u128>(self) }

    pub fn split(
        pat: &Regex,
        // We want to accommodate functions that skip based on empty fields, like Awk whitespace
        // splitting. As a result, we pass down the field, and whether or not it was empty (emptiness
        // checks for the string itself are insufficient if used_fields projects some fields away),
        // the pattern returns the number of fields added to the output.
        mut push: impl FnMut(Str<'a>, bool /*is_empty*/) -> usize,
        used_fields: &FieldSet,
    ) {
        if self.is_empty() {
        self.with_bytes(|s| {
            let mut prev = 0;
            let mut cur_field = 1;
            for m in pat.find_iter(s) {
                let is_empty = prev == m.start();
                cur_field += if used_fields.get(cur_field) {
                    push(self.slice(prev, m.start()), is_empty)
                } else {
                    push(Str::default(), is_empty)
                prev = m.end();
            let is_empty = prev == s.len();
            if used_fields.get(cur_field) {
                push(self.slice(prev, s.len()), is_empty);
            } else {
                push(Str::default(), is_empty);

    pub fn join_slice<'other, 'b>(&self, inps: &[Str<'other>]) -> Str<'b> {
        // We've noticed that performance of `join_slice` is very sensitive to the number of
        // `realloc` calls that happen when pushing onto DynamicBufHeap, so we spend the extra time
        // of computing the size of the joined string ahead of time exactly.
        let mut sv = SmallVec::<[&[u8]; 16]>::with_capacity(inps.len());
        let sep_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { &*self.get_bytes() };
        let mut size = 0;
        for (i, inp) in inps.iter().enumerate() {
            let inp_bytes = unsafe { &*inp.get_bytes() };
            size += inp_bytes.len();
            if i < inps.len() - 1 {
                size += sep_bytes.len()
        let mut buf = DynamicBufHeap::new(size);
        for (i, inp) in sv.into_iter().enumerate() {
            if i < inps.len() - 1 {

    pub fn join(&self, mut ss: impl Iterator<Item = Str<'a>>) -> Str<'a> {
        let mut res = if let Some(s) = {
        } else {
            return Default::default();
        for s in ss {
            res = Str::concat(res.clone(), Str::concat(self.clone(), s.clone()));

    // TODO: SIMD implementations of to_upper and to_lower aren't too difficult to write;
    // it's probably worth specializing these implementations with those if possible.

    pub fn to_lower_ascii<'b>(&self) -> Str<'b> {
        self.map_bytes(|b| match b {
            b'A'..=b'Z' => b - b'A' + b'a',
            _ => b,

    pub fn to_upper_ascii<'b>(&self) -> Str<'b> {
        self.map_bytes(|b| match b {
            b'a'..=b'z' => b - b'a' + b'A',
            _ => b,

    fn map_bytes<'b>(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(u8) -> u8) -> Str<'b> {
        self.with_bytes(|bs| {
            if bs.len() <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
                let mut buf = SmallVec::<[u8; MAX_INLINE_SIZE]>::with_capacity(bs.len());
                for b in bs {
                unsafe { Str::from_rep(Inline::from_unchecked(buf.as_slice()).into()) }
            } else {
                let mut buf = DynamicBufHeap::new(bs.len());
                for b in bs {

    pub fn subst_first(&self, pat: &Regex, subst: &Str<'a>) -> (Str<'a>, bool) {
        self.with_bytes(|s| {
            subst.with_bytes(|subst| {
                if let Some(m) = pat.find(s) {
                    let mut buf = DynamicBuf::new(s.len());
                    process_match(&s[m.start()..m.end()], subst, &mut buf).unwrap();
                    (buf.into_str(), true)
                } else {
                    (self.clone(), false)

    pub fn subst_all(&self, pat: &Regex, subst: &Str<'a>) -> (Str<'a>, Int) {
        self.with_bytes(|s| {
            subst.with_bytes(|subst| {
                let mut buf = DynamicBuf::new(0);
                let mut prev = 0;
                let mut count = 0;
                for m in pat.find_iter(s) {
                    process_match(&s[m.start()..m.end()], subst, &mut buf).unwrap();
                    prev = m.end();
                    count += 1;
                if count == 0 {
                    (self.clone(), count)
                } else {
                    (buf.into_str(), count)

    pub fn gen_subst_dynamic(&self, pat: &Regex, subst: &Str<'a>, how: &Str<'a>) -> Str<'a> {
        how.with_bytes(|how| {
            if !how.is_empty() && matches!(how[0], b'g' | b'G') {
                self.gen_subst_all(pat, subst)
            } else {
                // this silently ignores strings that cannot be parsed and treats them as "1"
                let which = strtoi(how);
                let which = std::cmp::max(1, which);
                self.gen_subst_n(pat, subst, which)

    pub fn gen_subst_all(&self, pat: &Regex, subst: &Str<'a>) -> Str<'a> {
        self.with_bytes(|s| {
            subst.with_bytes(|subst| {
                let mut buf = DynamicBuf::new(0);
                let mut prev = 0;
                let mut count = 0;
                for c in pat.captures_iter(s) {
                    let m = c.get(0).unwrap();
                    process_match_gen(c, subst, &mut buf).unwrap();
                    prev = m.end();
                    count += 1;
                if count == 0 {
                } else {

    /// Handle the general substitution for a case of integer value in "how"
    /// Will replace match number `which` (indexed from 1)
    pub fn gen_subst_n(&self, pat: &Regex, subst: &Str<'a>, which: Int) -> Str<'a> {
        self.with_bytes(|s| {
            subst.with_bytes(|subst| {
                // skip first
                let start = if which > 1 {
                    let start = pat
                            which as usize - 2, // 1 to convert from 1-based to 0-based
                                                // 1 to take the last "next" into account
                    if let Some(start) = start {
                    } else {
                        // not enough matches, so return the string verbatim
                        return self.clone();
                } else {
                    // no need to skip anything

                if let Some(c) = pat.captures(&s[start..]) {
                    let m = c.get(0).unwrap();
                    let end = start + m.end();
                    let start = start + m.start();

                    let mut buf = DynamicBuf::new(s.len());
                    process_match_gen(c, subst, &mut buf).unwrap();
                } else {

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { self.rep_mut() }.len()

    pub fn concat(left: Str<'a>, right: Str<'a>) -> Str<'a> {
        if left.is_empty() {
            return right;
        if right.is_empty() {
            return left;
        let llen = left.len();
        let rlen = right.len();
        let new_len = llen + rlen;
        if new_len <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
            let mut b = DynamicBuf::new(0);
            unsafe {
        } else {
            // TODO: we can add another case here. If `left` is boxed and has a refcount of 1, we
            // can move it into a dynamicbuf and push `right` onto it, avoiding the heap
            // allocation. We _only_ want to do this if we reevaluate the `realloc` that DynamicBuf
            // does when you convert it back into a string, though. We would have to keep a
            // capacity around as well as a length.
            let concat = unsafe { Concat::new(new_len as u64, left, right) };

    fn from_rep(rep: StrRep<'a>) -> Str<'a> {

    // This helper method assumes:
    // * that from and to cannot overflow when moved to u32s/shared/etc.
    // * that any CONCATs have been forced away.
    // * to - from > MAX_INLINE_SIZE
    unsafe fn slice_nooverflow(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Str<'a> {
        let rep = self.rep_mut();
        let tag = rep.get_tag();
        let new_rep = match tag {
            StrTag::Shared => rep.view_as(|s: &Shared| {
                let start = s.start + from as u32;
                let end = s.start + to as u32;
                Shared {
                    buf: s.buf.clone(),
            StrTag::Boxed => rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| {
                Shared {
                    start: from as u32,
                    end: to as u32,
                    buf: b.buf.clone(),
            StrTag::Literal => rep.view_as(|l: &Literal| {
                let new_ptr = l.ptr.add(from);
                let new_len = (to - from) as u64;
                Literal {
                    len: new_len,
                    ptr: new_ptr,
                    _marker: PhantomData,
            StrTag::Inline | StrTag::Concat => unreachable!(),

    unsafe fn slice_internal(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Str<'a> {
        assert!(from <= to);
        if from == to {
            return Default::default();
        let len = self.len();
            to <= len,
            "invalid args to slice: range [{},{}) with len {}",
        let new_len = to - from;
        if new_len <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
            return Str::from_rep(Inline::from_unchecked(&(*self.get_bytes())[]).into());
        let tag = self.rep().get_tag();
        let u32_max = u32::max_value() as usize;
        let mut may_overflow = to > u32_max || from > u32_max;
        if !may_overflow && tag == StrTag::Shared {
            // If we are taking a slice of an existing slice, then we can overflow by adding the
            // starts and ends together.
            may_overflow = self.rep_mut().view_as(|s: &Shared| {
                (s.start as usize + from) > u32_max || (s.start as usize + to) > u32_max
        // Slices of literals are addressed with 64 bits.
        may_overflow = may_overflow && tag != StrTag::Literal;
        if may_overflow {
            // uncommon case: we cannot represent a Shared value. We need to copy and box the value
            // instead.
            // TODO: We can optimize cases when we are getting suffixes of Literal values
            // by creating new ones with offset pointers. This doesn't seem worth optimizing right
            // now, but we may want to in the future.
            let rep = self.rep_mut();
            let tag = rep.get_tag();
            // All other variants ruled out by how large `self` is and the fact that we
            // just called `force`
            debug_assert_eq!(tag, StrTag::Boxed);
            return Str::from_rep(rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| {
                let buf = Buf::read_from_raw(b.buf.as_ptr().add(from), new_len);
                Boxed {
                    len: new_len as u64,

        // Force concat up here so we don't have to worry about aliasing `rep` in slice_nooverflow.
        if let StrTag::Concat = tag {
        self.slice_nooverflow(from, to)

    pub fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Str<'a> {
        // TODO: consider returning a result here so we can error out in a more graceful way.
            let bs = unsafe { &*self.get_bytes() };
                (from == to && to == bs.len()) || from < bs.len(),
                "internal error: invalid index len={}, from={}, to={}",
            assert!(to <= bs.len(), "internal error: invalid index");
        unsafe { self.slice_internal(from, to) }

    // Why is [with_bytes] safe and [force] unsafe? Let's go case-by-case for the state of `self`
    // EMPTY:  no data is passed into `f`.
    // BOXED:  The function signature ensures that no string references can "escape" `f`, and `self`
    //         will persist for the function body, which will keep the underlying buffer alive.
    // CONCAT: We `force` these strings, so they will be BOXED.
    // SHARED: This one is tricky. It may seem to be covered by the BOXED case, but the difference
    //         is that shared strings give up there references to the underlying buffer if they get
    //         forced. So if we did s.with_bytes(|x| { /* force s */; *x}), then *x is a
    //         use-after-free!
    //         This is why [force] is unsafe. As written, no safe method will force a SHARED Str.
    //         If we add force to a public API (e.g. for garbage collection), we'll need to ensure
    //         that we don't call with_bytes around it, or clone the string before forcing.

    unsafe fn force(&self) {
        let (tag, len) = {
            let rep = self.rep_mut();
            (rep.get_tag(), rep.len())
        if tag.forced() {
        let mut whead = 0;
        let mut res = UniqueBuf::new(len);
        macro_rules! push_bytes {
            ($slice:expr, [$from:expr, $to:expr]) => {{
                let from = $from;
                let slen = $to - from;
                push_bytes!(&$slice[$from], slen);
            ($at:expr, $len:expr) => {{
                let slen = $len;
                debug_assert!((len - whead) >= slen);
                let head = &mut res.as_mut_bytes()[whead];
                ptr::copy_nonoverlapping($at, head, slen);
                whead += slen;
        let mut todos = SmallVec::<[Str<'a>; 16]>::new();
        let mut cur: Str<'a> = self.clone();
        let new_rep: StrRep<'a> = 'outer: loop {
            let rep = cur.rep_mut();
            let tag = rep.get_tag();
            cur = loop {
                match tag {
                    StrTag::Inline => rep.view_as_inline(|i| {
                        push_bytes!(i.bytes(), [0, i.len()]);
                    StrTag::Literal => rep.view_as(|l: &Literal| {
                        push_bytes!(l.ptr, l.len as usize);
                    StrTag::Boxed => rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| {
                        push_bytes!(b.buf.as_bytes(), [0, b.len as usize]);
                    StrTag::Shared => rep.view_as(|s: &Shared| {
                        push_bytes!(s.buf.as_bytes(), [s.start as usize, s.end as usize]);
                    StrTag::Concat => {
                        break rep.view_as(|c: &Concat| {
                if let Some(c) = todos.pop() {
                    break c;
                break 'outer Boxed {
                    len: len as u64,
                    buf: res.into_buf(),
        *self.rep_mut() = new_rep;

    // Avoid using this function; subsequent immutable calls to &self can invalidate the pointer.
    pub fn get_bytes(&self) -> *const [u8] {
        let rep = unsafe { self.rep_mut() };
        let tag = rep.get_tag();
        unsafe {
            match tag {
                StrTag::Inline => rep.view_as_inline(|i| i.bytes() as *const _),
                StrTag::Literal => rep.view_as(|lit: &Literal| {
                    slice::from_raw_parts(lit.ptr, lit.len as usize) as *const _
                StrTag::Shared => rep.view_as(|s: &Shared| {
                    &s.buf.as_bytes()[s.start as usize..s.end as usize] as *const _
                StrTag::Boxed => rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| b.buf.as_bytes() as *const _),
                StrTag::Concat => {

    pub fn with_bytes<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&[u8]) -> R) -> R {
        let raw = self.get_bytes();
        unsafe { f(&*raw) }

    pub fn unmoor(self) -> Str<'static> {
        let rep = unsafe { self.rep_mut() };
        let tag = rep.get_tag();
        if let StrTag::Literal = tag {
            let new_rep = unsafe {
                rep.view_as(|lit: &Literal| {
                    let buf = Buf::read_from_raw(lit.ptr, lit.len as usize);
                    Boxed { len: lit.len, buf }.into()
            *rep = new_rep;
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<Str<'a>, Str<'static>>(self) }

impl<'a> Clone for Str<'a> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Str<'a> {
        let rep = unsafe { self.rep_mut() };
        let tag = rep.get_tag();
        let cloned_rep: StrRep<'a> = unsafe {
            match tag {
                StrTag::Literal | StrTag::Inline => rep.copy(),
                StrTag::Shared => rep.view_as(|s: &Shared| s.clone()).into(),
                StrTag::Boxed => rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| b.clone()).into(),
                StrTag::Concat => rep.view_as(|c: &Concat<'a>| c.clone()).into(),

impl<'a> PartialEq for Str<'a> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Str<'a>) -> bool {
        // If the bits are the same, then the strings are equal.
        if unsafe { self.rep() == other.rep() } {
            return true;
        // TODO: we could intern these strings if they wind up equal.
        self.with_bytes(|bs1| other.with_bytes(|bs2| bs1 == bs2))

impl<'a> Eq for Str<'a> {}

impl<'a> Hash for Str<'a> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
        self.with_bytes(|bs| bs.hash(state))
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Str<'a> {
    fn from(s: &'a str) -> Str<'a> {
impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for Str<'a> {
    fn from(bs: &'a [u8]) -> Str<'a> {
        if bs.is_empty() {
        } else if bs.len() <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
            Str::from_rep(unsafe { Inline::from_raw(bs.as_ptr(), bs.len()).into() })
        } else if bs.as_ptr() as usize & 0x7 != 0 {
            // Strings are not guaranteed to be word aligned. Copy over strings that aren't. This
            // is more important for tests; most of the places that literals can come from in an
            // awk program will hand out aligned pointers.
            let buf = Buf::read_from_bytes(bs);
            let boxed = Boxed {
                len: bs.len() as u64,
        } else {
            let literal = Literal {
                len: bs.len() as u64,
                ptr: bs.as_ptr(),
                _marker: PhantomData,

impl<'a> From<String> for Str<'a> {
    fn from(s: String) -> Str<'a> {
        if s.is_empty() {
            return Default::default();
        let buf = Buf::read_from_bytes(s.as_bytes());
        let boxed = Boxed {
            len: s.len() as u64,

// For numbers, we are careful to check if a number only requires 15 digits or fewer to be
// represented. This allows us to trigger the "Inline" variant and avoid a heap allocation,
// sometimes at the expenseof a small copy.

impl<'a> From<Int> for Str<'a> {
    fn from(i: Int) -> Str<'a> {
        let mut itoabuf = itoa::Buffer::new();
        let s = itoabuf.format(i);

impl<'a> From<Float> for Str<'a> {
    fn from(f: Float) -> Str<'a> {
        let mut ryubuf = ryu::Buffer::new();
        let s = ryubuf.format(f);
        let slen = s.len();
        // Print Float as Int if it ends in ".0".
        let slen = if &s.as_bytes()[slen - 2..] == b".0" {
            slen - 2
        } else {

impl Str<'static> {
    // Why have this? Parts of the runtime hold onto a Str<'static> to avoid adding a lifetime
    // parameter to the struct.
    pub fn upcast<'a>(self) -> Str<'a> {
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<Str<'static>, Str<'a>>(self) }
    pub fn upcast_ref<'a>(&self) -> &Str<'a> {
        unsafe { mem::transmute::<&Str<'static>, &Str<'a>>(self) }

struct BufHeader {
    size: usize,
    // We only have "strong counts"
    count: Cell<usize>,

pub struct UniqueBuf(*mut BufHeader);
unsafe impl Send for UniqueBuf {}

pub struct DynamicBufHeap {
    data: UniqueBuf,
    write_head: usize,

impl DynamicBufHeap {
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> DynamicBufHeap {
        DynamicBufHeap {
            data: UniqueBuf::new(size),
            write_head: 0,
    fn size(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { (* }
    pub fn as_mut_bytes(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
    pub fn write_head(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn into_buf(self) -> Buf {

    pub(crate) fn into_str<'a>(mut self) -> Str<'a> {
        // Shrink the buffer to fit.
        unsafe { self.realloc(self.write_head) };
    unsafe fn realloc(&mut self, new_cap: usize) {
        let cap = self.size();
        if cap == new_cap {
        let new_buf = realloc(
   as *mut u8,
        ) as *mut BufHeader;
        (*new_buf).size = new_cap; = new_buf;

    fn push_byte(&mut self, b: u8) {
        let cap = self.size();
            cap >= self.write_head,
            "cap={}, write_head={}",
        let remaining = cap - self.write_head;
        unsafe {
            if remaining == 0 {
                let new_cap = std::cmp::max(cap + 1, cap * 2);
            * = b;
        self.write_head += 1;

impl Write for DynamicBufHeap {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        let cap = self.size();
            cap >= self.write_head,
            "cap={}, write_head={}",
        let remaining = cap - self.write_head;
        unsafe {
            if remaining < buf.len() {
                let new_cap = std::cmp::max(cap + buf.len(), cap * 2);
            // NB: even after copying, there may be uninitialized memory at the tail of the
            // buffer. We enforce that this memory is never read by doing a realloc(write_head)
            // before moving this into a Buf. Before then, we don't read the underlying data at
            // all.
            } else {
        self.write_head += buf.len();
    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

pub enum DynamicBuf {
    Inline(smallvec::SmallVec<[u8; MAX_INLINE_SIZE]>),

impl Default for DynamicBuf {
    fn default() -> DynamicBuf {

impl DynamicBuf {
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> DynamicBuf {
        if size <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
        } else {
    pub fn into_str<'a>(self) -> Str<'a> {
        match self {
            // Safety: the 'unchecked' here refers to `sv` needing to fit within
            // the inline size. But DynamicBuf::Inline and Inline's definition
            // of the max size is the same (MAX_INLINE_SIZE).
            DynamicBuf::Inline(sv) => unsafe {
            DynamicBuf::Heap(dbuf) => dbuf.into_str(),

impl Write for DynamicBuf {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        match self {
            DynamicBuf::Inline(sv) => {
                let new_len = sv.len() + buf.len();
                if sv.len() + buf.len() > MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
                    let mut heap = DynamicBufHeap::new(new_len);
                    *self = DynamicBuf::Heap(heap);
                } else {
            DynamicBuf::Heap(dbuf) => dbuf.write(buf),
    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

pub struct Buf(*const BufHeader);

impl Clone for Buf {
    fn clone(&self) -> Buf {
        let header: &BufHeader = unsafe { &(*self.0) };
        let cur = header.count.get();
        header.count.set(cur + 1);

impl Drop for UniqueBuf {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let header: &mut BufHeader = unsafe { &mut (*self.0) };
        debug_assert_eq!(header.count.get(), 1);
        unsafe { dealloc(self.0 as *mut u8, UniqueBuf::layout(header.size)) }

impl Drop for Buf {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let header: &BufHeader = unsafe { &(*self.0) };
        let cur = header.count.get();
        debug_assert!(cur > 0);
        if cur == 1 {
            mem::drop(UniqueBuf(self.0 as *mut _));
        header.count.set(cur - 1);

impl UniqueBuf {
    fn layout(size: usize) -> Layout {
            size + mem::size_of::<BufHeader>(),
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> UniqueBuf {
        let layout = UniqueBuf::layout(size);
        unsafe {
            let alloced = alloc_zeroed(layout) as *mut BufHeader;
                BufHeader {
                    count: Cell::new(1),
    pub fn as_mut_bytes(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
        let header: &BufHeader = unsafe { &(*self.0) };
        debug_assert_eq!(header.count.get(), 1);
        unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), header.size) }
    pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u8 {
        let header: &BufHeader = unsafe { &(*self.0) };
        debug_assert_eq!(header.count.get(), 1);
        unsafe { self.0.offset(1) as *mut u8 }
    pub fn into_buf(self) -> Buf {
        let res = Buf(self.0);

impl Buf {
    pub fn into_str<'a>(self) -> Str<'a> {
            Boxed {
                len: self.len() as u64,
                buf: self,

    pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { &(*self.0) }.size

    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
        let size = self.len();
        unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), size) }

    pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
        unsafe { self.0.offset(1) as *const u8 }

    fn refcount(&self) -> usize {
        let header: &BufHeader = unsafe { &(*self.0) };

    // Unsafe because `from` and `to` must point to the start of characters.
    pub fn slice_to_str<'a>(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Str<'a> {
        debug_assert!(from <= self.len());
        debug_assert!(to <= self.len());
        debug_assert!(from <= to, "invalid slice [{}, {})", from, to);
        let len = to.saturating_sub(from);
        if len == 0 {
        } else
        /* NB: we could also have the following.
         * This creates a tradeoff: in scripts where we split several fields, performing this copy
         * has a noticeable impact on performance.
         * In scripts that mainly read a small number of columns, the additional indirection layer
         * of indirection leads to a marginal performance hit when reading this data. For now, we
         * opt for the faster `slice` operation, but there's a solid case for either one, to the
         * point where we may want this to be configurable.
        if len <= MAX_INLINE_SIZE {
            unsafe {
                    Inline::from_raw(self.as_ptr().offset(std::cmp::max(0, from as isize)), len)
        } else */
        if likely(from <= u32::max_value() as usize && to <= u32::max_value() as usize) {
                Shared {
                    buf: self.clone(),
                    start: from as u32,
                    end: to as u32,
        } else {
            self.clone().into_str().slice(from, to)

    pub(crate) unsafe fn read_from_raw(ptr: *const u8, len: usize) -> Buf {
        let mut ubuf = UniqueBuf::new(len);
        ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, ubuf.as_mut_ptr(), len);

    pub fn read_from_bytes(s: &[u8]) -> Buf {
        unsafe { Buf::read_from_raw(s.as_ptr(), s.len()) }
    pub fn try_unique(self) -> Result<UniqueBuf, Buf> {
        if self.refcount() == 1 {
            let res = UniqueBuf(self.0 as *mut _);
        } else {

/// Helper function for `subst_first` and `subst_all`: handles '&' syntax.
fn process_match(matched: &[u8], subst: &[u8], w: &mut impl Write) -> io::Result<()> {
    if memchr::memchr(b'&', subst).is_none() {
        return Ok(());
    let mut start = 0;
    let mut escaped = false;
    for (i, b) in subst.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
        match b {
            b'&' => {
                if escaped {
                    w.write_all(&subst[start..i - 1])?;
                } else {
                start = i + 1;
            b'\\' => {
                if !escaped {
                    escaped = true;
                start = i + 1;
            _ => {}
        escaped = false;

/// Helper function for `subst_gen` function; handles the syntax for &, \0, \1, etc...
fn process_match_gen(matched: Captures, subst: &[u8], w: &mut impl Write) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut start = 0;
    let mut escaped = false;
    for (i, b) in subst.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
        match b {
            b'0'..=b'9' => {
                if escaped {
                    w.write_all(&subst[start..i - 1])?;
                    let n = b - b'0';
                    match matched.get(n as usize) {
                        Some(match_) => w.write_all(match_.as_bytes())?,
                        None => eprintln_ignore!(
                            // no match - no substitution (same as gawk); warning is nice though
                            "Couldn't substitute match {}, we have only {}",
                } else {
                start = i + 1;
            b'&' => {
                if escaped {
                    w.write_all(&subst[start..i - 1])?;
                } else {
                start = i + 1;
            b'\\' => {
                if !escaped {
                    escaped = true;
                start = i + 1;
            _ => {}
        escaped = false;

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn inline_basics() {
        let test_str = "hello there";
        unsafe {
            let i = Inline::from_unchecked(test_str.as_bytes());
            assert_eq!(test_str, str::from_utf8(i.bytes()).unwrap());

        let s: Str = "hi there".into();
        assert_eq!(unsafe { s.rep().get_tag() }, StrTag::Inline);
        let s1 = s.slice(0, 1);
        assert_eq!(unsafe { s1.rep().get_tag() }, StrTag::Inline);
        s1.with_bytes(|bs1| assert_eq!(bs1, b"h"));

    fn basic_behavior() {
        let base_1 = b"hi there fellow";
        let base_2 = b"how are you?";
        let base_3 = b"hi there fellowhow are you?";
        let s1 = Str::from(&base_1[..]);
        let s2 = Str::from(&base_2[..]);
        let s3 = Str::from(&base_3[..]);
        s1.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, base_1));
        s2.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, base_2, "{:?}", s2));
        s3.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, base_3));

        let s4 = Str::concat(s1, s2.clone());
        assert_eq!(s3, s4);
        s4.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, base_3));
        let s5 = Str::concat(
            Str::concat(Str::from("hi"), Str::from(" there")),
                Str::from(" "),
                Str::concat(Str::from("fel"), Str::from("low")),
        s5.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, base_1));

        // Do this multiple times to play with the refcount.
        assert_eq!(s2.slice(1, 4), s3.slice(16, 19));
        assert_eq!(s2.slice(2, 6), s3.slice(17, 21));

    fn test_str_split(pat: &Regex, base: &[u8]) {
        let s = Str::from(base);
        let want = pat
            .skip_while(|x| x.is_empty())
        let mut got = Vec::new();
            |sub, _is_empty| {
        let total_got = got.len();
        let total = want.len();
        for (g, w) in got.iter().cloned().zip(want.iter().cloned()) {
            assert_eq!(g, Str::from(std::str::from_utf8(w).unwrap()));
        if total_got > total {
            // We want there to be trailing empty fields in this case.
            for s in &got[total..] {
                assert_eq!(s.len(), 0);
        } else {
            assert_eq!(total_got, total, "got={:?} vs want={:?}", got, want);

    fn basic_splitting() {
        let pat0 = Regex::new(",").unwrap();
        test_str_split(&pat0, b"what,is,,,up,");
        let pat = Regex::new(r#"[ \t]"#).unwrap();
        test_str_split(&pat, b"what is \t up ");

    fn split_long_string() {
        let pat = Regex::new(r#"[ \t]"#).unwrap();

    fn dynamic_string() {
        let mut d = DynamicBuf::new(0);
            &mut d,
            "This is the first part of the string with formatting and everything!"
        write!(&mut d, "And this is the second part").unwrap();
        let s = d.into_str();
        s.with_bytes(|bs| {
                br#"This is the first part of the string with formatting and everything!
And this is the second part"#

    fn subst() {
        let s1: Str = "String number one".into();
        let s2: Str = "m".into();
        let re1 = Regex::new("n").unwrap();
        let (s3, n1) = s1.subst_all(&re1, &s2);
        assert_eq!(n1, 3);
        s3.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"Strimg mumber ome"));

        let re2 = Regex::new("xxyz").unwrap();
        let (s4, n2) = s3.subst_all(&re2, &s2);
        assert_eq!(n2, 0);
        assert_eq!(s3, s4);

        let empty = Str::default();
        let (s5, n3) = empty.subst_all(&re1, &s2);
        assert_eq!(n3, 0);
        assert_eq!(empty, s5);

        let s6: Str = "xxyz substituted into another xxyz".into();
        let (s7, subbed) = s6.subst_first(&re2, &s1);
        s7.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"String number one substituted into another xxyz"));

    fn subst_ampersand() {
        let s1: Str = "hahbhc".into();
        let s2: Str = "ha&".into();
        let re1 = Regex::new("h.").unwrap();
        let (s3, subbed) = s1.subst_first(&re1, &s2);
        s3.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"hahahbhc"));
        let (s4, count) = s1.subst_all(&re1, &s2);
        s4.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"hahahahbhahc"));
        assert_eq!(count, 3);
        let s5: Str = "hz\\&".into();
        let (s6, subbed) = s1.subst_first(&re1, &s5);
        s6.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"hz&hbhc"));

    fn gen_subst_basic() {
        let s1: Str = "String number one".into();
        let s2: Str = "m".into();
        let re1 = Regex::new("n").unwrap();
        let s3 = s1.gen_subst_dynamic(&re1, &s2, &"g".into());
        s3.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"Strimg mumber ome"));

        let re2 = Regex::new("xxyz").unwrap();
        let s4 = s3.gen_subst_dynamic(&re2, &s2, &"g".into());
        assert_eq!(s3, s4);

        let empty = Str::default();
        let s5 = empty.gen_subst_dynamic(&re1, &s2, &"g".into());
        assert_eq!(empty, s5);

        let s6: Str = "xxyz substituted into another xxyz".into();
        let s7 = s6.gen_subst_dynamic(&re2, &s1, &"1".into());
        s7.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"String number one substituted into another xxyz"));

    fn gen_subst() {
        let s1: Str = "abc def".into();
        let s2: Str = "\\2 \\1 \\0".into();
        let re1 = Regex::new("(.+) (.+)").unwrap();
        let s3 = s1.gen_subst_dynamic(&re1, &s2, &"g".into());
        s3.with_bytes(|bs| assert_eq!(bs, b"def abc abc def"));

#[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", test))]
mod bench {
    extern crate test;
    use super::*;
    use test::{black_box, Bencher};

    fn bench_max_min(b: &mut Bencher, min: i64, max: i64) {
        use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
        let mut rng = thread_rng();
        let mut v = Vec::new();
        let size = 1 << 12;
        v.resize_with(size, || rng.gen_range(min..=max));
        let mut i = 0;
        b.iter(|| {
            let n = unsafe { *v.get_unchecked(i) };
            i += 1;
            i &= size - 1;

    fn bench_itoa_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
        bench_max_min(b, -99999, 99999)

    fn bench_itoa_medium(b: &mut Bencher) {
        bench_max_min(b, -99999999999999, 999999999999999)

    fn bench_itoa_large(b: &mut Bencher) {
        bench_max_min(b, i64::min_value(), i64::max_value())

    fn bench_get_bytes_drop_empty(b: &mut Bencher) {
        b.iter(|| {
            let s = Str::default();

    fn bench_get_bytes_drop_literal(b: &mut Bencher) {
        // Arena will align the string properly.
        use crate::arena::Arena;
        let a = Arena::default();
        let literal = a.alloc_str("this is a string that is longer than the maximum inline size");
        b.iter(|| {
            let s: Str = literal.into();

    fn bench_get_bytes_drop_inline(b: &mut Bencher) {
        let literal = "AAAAAAAA";
        b.iter(|| {
            let s: Str = literal.into();

    fn bench_substr_inline(b: &mut Bencher) {
        let literal = "AAAAAAAA";
        let mut i = 0;
        let len = literal.len();
        let s: Str = literal.into();
        b.iter(|| {
            i &= 7;
            black_box(s.slice(i, len));
            i += 1;

    fn bench_substr_boxed(b: &mut Bencher) {
        // Write 4KiB of As
        let mut dbuf = DynamicBuf::new(4096);
        let bs: Vec<u8> = (0..4096).map(|_| b'A').collect();
        let s = dbuf.into_str();
        let mut i = 0;
        let len = 4096;
        b.iter(|| {
            i &= 4095;
            black_box(s.slice(i, len));
            i += 1;

mod formatting {
    use super::*;
    use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};

    impl<'a> Display for Str<'a> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            self.with_bytes(|bs| match std::str::from_utf8(bs) {
                Ok(s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
                Err(_) => write!(f, "{:?}", bs),

    impl<'a> Debug for Str<'a> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            unsafe {
                let rep = self.rep_mut();
                match rep.get_tag() {
                    StrTag::Inline => {
                        rep.view_as_inline(|i| write!(f, "Str(Inline({:?}))", i.bytes()))
                    StrTag::Literal => rep.view_as(|l: &Literal| write!(f, "Str({:?})", l)),
                    StrTag::Shared => rep.view_as(|s: &Shared| write!(f, "Str({:?})", s)),
                    StrTag::Concat => rep.view_as(|c: &Concat| {
                        write!(f, "Str(Concat({:?}, {:?}))", c.left(), c.right())
                    StrTag::Boxed => rep.view_as(|b: &Boxed| write!(f, "Str({:?})", b)),
            write!(f, "/[disp=<{}>]", self)

    impl<'a> Debug for Literal<'a> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                "Literal {{ len: {}, ptr: {:x}=>{:?} }}",
                self.ptr as usize,
                str::from_utf8(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr, self.len as usize) })

    impl Debug for Buf {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            let header = unsafe { &*self.0 };
                "Buf {{ size: {}, count: {}, contents: {:?} }}",