Crate framing_sv2

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The SV2 protocol is binary, with fixed message framing. Each message begins with the extension type, message type, and message length (six bytes in total), followed by a variable length message.

This crate provides primitives for framing of SV2 binary messages.

The message framing is outlined below (according to SV2 specs):

Protocol TypeByte LengthDescription
extension_typeU16Unique identifier of the extension describing this protocol message.

Most significant bit (i.e.bit 15, 0-indexed, aka channel_msg) indicates a message which is specific to a channel, whereas if the most significant bit is unset, the message is to be interpreted by the immediate receiving device.

Note that the channel_msg bit is ignored in the extension lookup, extension_type of 0x8ABC is for the same “extension” as 0x0ABC.

If the channel_msg bit is set, the first four bytes of the payload field is a U32 representing the channel_id this message is destined for (these bytes are repeated in the message framing descriptions below).

Note that for the Job Declaration and Template Distribution Protocols the channel_msg bit is always unset.
msg_typeU8Unique identifier of the extension describing this protocol message.
msg_lengthU24Length of the protocol message, not including this header.
payloadBYTESMessage-specific payload of length msg_length. If the MSB in extension_type (the channel_msg bit) is set the first four bytes are defined as a U32 "channel_id", though this definition is repeated in the message definitions below and these 4 bytes are included in msg_length.


This crate can be built with the following features:

  • with_serde: builds binary_sv2 and buffer_sv2 crates with serde-based encoding and decoding.
  • with_buffer_pool: uses buffer_sv2 to provide a more efficient allocation method for non_std environments. Please refer to buffer_sv2 crate docs for more context.

The with_serde feature flag is only used for the Message Generator, and deprecated for any other kind of usage. It will likely be fully deprecated in the future.

