frame-system 34.0.1

FRAME system module (polkadot v1.12.0)
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Block resource limits configuration structures.
//! FRAME defines two resources that are limited within a block:
//! - Weight (execution cost/time)
//! - Length (block size)
//! `frame_system` tracks consumption of each of these resources separately for each
//! `DispatchClass`. This module contains configuration object for both resources,
//! which should be passed to `frame_system` configuration when runtime is being set up.

use frame_support::{
	dispatch::{DispatchClass, OneOrMany, PerDispatchClass},
	weights::{constants, Weight},
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::{traits::Bounded, Perbill, RuntimeDebug};

/// Block length limit configuration.
#[derive(RuntimeDebug, Clone, codec::Encode, codec::Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct BlockLength {
	/// Maximal total length in bytes for each extrinsic class.
	/// In the worst case, the total block length is going to be:
	/// `MAX(max)`
	pub max: PerDispatchClass<u32>,

impl Default for BlockLength {
	fn default() -> Self {
		BlockLength::max_with_normal_ratio(5 * 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_NORMAL_RATIO)

impl BlockLength {
	/// Create new `BlockLength` with `max` for every class.
	pub fn max(max: u32) -> Self {
		Self { max: PerDispatchClass::new(|_| max) }

	/// Create new `BlockLength` with `max` for `Operational` & `Mandatory`
	/// and `normal * max` for `Normal`.
	pub fn max_with_normal_ratio(max: u32, normal: Perbill) -> Self {
		Self {
			max: PerDispatchClass::new(|class| {
				if class == DispatchClass::Normal {
					normal * max
				} else {

#[derive(Default, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct ValidationErrors {
	pub has_errors: bool,
	#[cfg(feature = "std")]
	pub errors: Vec<String>,

macro_rules! error_assert {
	($cond : expr, $err : expr, $format : expr $(, $params: expr )*$(,)*) => {
		if !$cond {
			$err.has_errors = true;
			#[cfg(feature = "std")]
			{ $err.errors.push(format!($format $(, &$params )*)); }

/// A result of validating `BlockWeights` correctness.
pub type ValidationResult = Result<BlockWeights, ValidationErrors>;

/// A ratio of `Normal` dispatch class within block, used as default value for
/// `BlockWeight` and `BlockLength`. The `Default` impls are provided mostly for convenience
/// to use in tests.
const DEFAULT_NORMAL_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75);

/// `DispatchClass`-specific weight configuration.
#[derive(RuntimeDebug, Clone, codec::Encode, codec::Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct WeightsPerClass {
	/// Base weight of single extrinsic of given class.
	pub base_extrinsic: Weight,
	/// Maximal weight of single extrinsic. Should NOT include `base_extrinsic` cost.
	/// `None` indicates that this class of extrinsics doesn't have a limit.
	pub max_extrinsic: Option<Weight>,
	/// Block maximal total weight for all extrinsics of given class.
	/// `None` indicates that weight sum of this class of extrinsics is not
	/// restricted. Use this value carefully, since it might produce heavily oversized
	/// blocks.
	/// In the worst case, the total weight consumed by the class is going to be:
	/// `MAX(max_total) + MAX(reserved)`.
	pub max_total: Option<Weight>,
	/// Block reserved allowance for all extrinsics of a particular class.
	/// Setting to `None` indicates that extrinsics of that class are allowed
	/// to go over total block weight (but at most `max_total` for that class).
	/// Setting to `Some(x)` guarantees that at least `x` weight of particular class
	/// is processed in every block.
	pub reserved: Option<Weight>,

/// Block weight limits & base values configuration.
/// This object is responsible for defining weight limits and base weight values tracked
/// during extrinsic execution.
/// Each block starts with `base_block` weight being consumed right away. Next up the
/// `on_initialize` pallet callbacks are invoked and their cost is added before any extrinsic
/// is executed. This cost is tracked as `Mandatory` dispatch class.
/// ```text,ignore
/// |   | `max_block`    |   |
/// |   |                |   |
/// |   |                |   |
/// |   |                |   |
/// |   |                |  #| `on_initialize`
/// |  #| `base_block`   |  #|
/// |NOM|                |NOM|
///  ||\_ Mandatory
///  |\__ Operational
///  \___ Normal
/// ```
/// The remaining capacity can be used to dispatch extrinsics. Note that each dispatch class
/// is being tracked separately, but the sum can't exceed `max_block` (except for `reserved`).
/// Below you can see a picture representing full block with 3 extrinsics (two `Operational` and
/// one `Normal`). Each class has it's own limit `max_total`, but also the sum cannot exceed
/// `max_block` value.
/// ```text,ignore
///                          -- `Mandatory` limit (unlimited)
/// | # |                 |   |
/// | # | `Ext3`          | - - `Operational` limit
/// |#  | `Ext2`          |-  - `Normal` limit
/// | # | `Ext1`          | # |
/// |  #| `on_initialize` | ##|
/// |  #| `base_block`    |###|
/// |NOM|                 |NOM|
/// ```
/// It should be obvious now that it's possible for one class to reach it's limit (say `Normal`),
/// while the block has still capacity to process more transactions (`max_block` not reached,
/// `Operational` transactions can still go in). Setting `max_total` to `None` disables the
/// per-class limit. This is generally highly recommended for `Mandatory` dispatch class, while it
/// can be dangerous for `Normal` class and should only be done with extra care and consideration.
/// Often it's desirable for some class of transactions to be added to the block despite it being
/// full. For instance one might want to prevent high-priority `Normal` transactions from pushing
/// out lower-priority `Operational` transactions. In such cases you might add a `reserved` capacity
/// for given class.
/// ```test,ignore
///              _
///   #           \
///   #   `Ext8`   - `reserved`
///   #          _/
/// | # | `Ext7                 | - - `Operational` limit
/// |#  | `Ext6`                |   |
/// |#  | `Ext5`                |-# - `Normal` limit
/// |#  | `Ext4`                |## |
/// |  #| `on_initialize`       |###|
/// |  #| `base_block`          |###|
/// |NOM|                       |NOM|
/// ```
/// In the above example, `Ext4-6` fill up the block almost up to `max_block`. `Ext7` would not fit
/// if there wasn't the extra `reserved` space for `Operational` transactions. Note that `max_total`
/// limit applies to `reserved` space as well (i.e. the sum of weights of `Ext7` & `Ext8` mustn't
/// exceed it). Setting `reserved` to `None` allows the extrinsics to always get into the block up
/// to their `max_total` limit. If `max_total` is set to `None` as well, all extrinsics witch
/// dispatchables of given class will always end up in the block (recommended for `Mandatory`
/// dispatch class).
/// As a consequence of `reserved` space, total consumed block weight might exceed `max_block`
/// value, so this parameter should rather be thought of as "target block weight" than a hard limit.
#[derive(RuntimeDebug, Clone, codec::Encode, codec::Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct BlockWeights {
	/// Base weight of block execution.
	pub base_block: Weight,
	/// Maximal total weight consumed by all kinds of extrinsics (without `reserved` space).
	pub max_block: Weight,
	/// Weight limits for extrinsics of given dispatch class.
	pub per_class: PerDispatchClass<WeightsPerClass>,

impl Default for BlockWeights {
	fn default() -> Self {
			Weight::from_parts(constants::WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_SECOND, u64::MAX),

impl BlockWeights {
	/// Get per-class weight settings.
	pub fn get(&self, class: DispatchClass) -> &WeightsPerClass {

	/// Verifies correctness of this `BlockWeights` object.
	pub fn validate(self) -> ValidationResult {
		fn or_max(w: Option<Weight>) -> Weight {
		let mut error = ValidationErrors::default();

		for class in DispatchClass::all() {
			let weights = self.per_class.get(*class);
			let max_for_class = or_max(weights.max_total);
			let base_for_class = weights.base_extrinsic;
			let reserved = or_max(weights.reserved);
			// Make sure that if total is set it's greater than base_block &&
			// base_for_class
				(max_for_class.all_gt(self.base_block) && max_for_class.all_gt(base_for_class))
				|| max_for_class == Weight::zero(),
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (total) has to be greater than {:?} (base block) & {:?} (base extrinsic)",
				class, max_for_class, self.base_block, base_for_class,
			// Max extrinsic can't be greater than max_for_class.
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (max_extrinsic) can't be greater than {:?} (max for class)",
			// Max extrinsic should not be 0
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (max_extrinsic) must not be 0. Check base cost and average initialization cost.",
				class, weights.max_extrinsic,
			// Make sure that if reserved is set it's greater than base_for_class.
				reserved.all_gt(base_for_class) || reserved == Weight::zero(),
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (reserved) has to be greater than {:?} (base extrinsic) if set",
			// Make sure max block is greater than max_total if it's set.
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (max block) has to be greater than {:?} (max for class)",
			// Make sure we can fit at least one extrinsic.
				self.max_block.all_gt(base_for_class + self.base_block),
				&mut error,
				"[{:?}] {:?} (max block) must fit at least one extrinsic {:?} (base weight)",
				base_for_class + self.base_block,

		if error.has_errors {
		} else {

	/// Create new weights definition, with both `Normal` and `Operational`
	/// classes limited to given weight.
	/// Note there is no reservation for `Operational` class, so this constructor
	/// is not suitable for production deployments.
	pub fn simple_max(block_weight: Weight) -> Self {
			.for_class(DispatchClass::all(), |weights| {
				weights.base_extrinsic = Weight::zero();
			.for_class(DispatchClass::non_mandatory(), |weights| {
				weights.max_total = block_weight.into();
			.expect("We only specify max_total and leave base values as defaults; qed")

	/// Create a sensible default weights system given only expected maximal block weight and the
	/// ratio that `Normal` extrinsics should occupy.
	/// Assumptions:
	///  - Average block initialization is assumed to be `10%`.
	///  - `Operational` transactions have reserved allowance (`1.0 - normal_ratio`)
	pub fn with_sensible_defaults(expected_block_weight: Weight, normal_ratio: Perbill) -> Self {
		let normal_weight = normal_ratio * expected_block_weight;
			.for_class(DispatchClass::Normal, |weights| {
				weights.max_total = normal_weight.into();
			.for_class(DispatchClass::Operational, |weights| {
				weights.max_total = expected_block_weight.into();
				weights.reserved = (expected_block_weight - normal_weight).into();
			.expect("Sensible defaults are tested to be valid; qed")

	/// Start constructing new `BlockWeights` object.
	/// By default all kinds except of `Mandatory` extrinsics are disallowed.
	pub fn builder() -> BlockWeightsBuilder {
		BlockWeightsBuilder {
			weights: BlockWeights {
				base_block: constants::BlockExecutionWeight::get(),
				max_block: Weight::zero(),
				per_class: PerDispatchClass::new(|class| {
					let initial =
						if class == DispatchClass::Mandatory { None } else { Some(Weight::zero()) };
					WeightsPerClass {
						base_extrinsic: constants::ExtrinsicBaseWeight::get(),
						max_extrinsic: None,
						max_total: initial,
						reserved: initial,
			init_cost: None,

/// An opinionated builder for `Weights` object.
pub struct BlockWeightsBuilder {
	weights: BlockWeights,
	init_cost: Option<Perbill>,

impl BlockWeightsBuilder {
	/// Set base block weight.
	pub fn base_block(mut self, base_block: Weight) -> Self {
		self.weights.base_block = base_block;

	/// Average block initialization weight cost.
	/// This value is used to derive maximal allowed extrinsic weight for each
	/// class, based on the allowance.
	/// This is to make sure that extrinsics don't stay forever in the pool,
	/// because they could seemingly fit the block (since they are below `max_block`),
	/// but the cost of calling `on_initialize` always prevents them from being included.
	pub fn avg_block_initialization(mut self, init_cost: Perbill) -> Self {
		self.init_cost = Some(init_cost);

	/// Set parameters for particular class.
	/// Note: `None` values of `max_extrinsic` will be overwritten in `build` in case
	/// `avg_block_initialization` rate is set to a non-zero value.
	pub fn for_class(
		mut self,
		class: impl OneOrMany<DispatchClass>,
		action: impl Fn(&mut WeightsPerClass),
	) -> Self {
		for class in class.into_iter() {

	/// Construct the `BlockWeights` object.
	pub fn build(self) -> ValidationResult {
		// compute max extrinsic size
		let Self { mut weights, init_cost } = self;

		// compute max block size.
		for class in DispatchClass::all() {
			weights.max_block = match weights.per_class.get(*class).max_total {
				Some(max) => max.max(weights.max_block),
				_ => weights.max_block,
		// compute max size of single extrinsic
		if let Some(init_weight) =|rate| rate * weights.max_block) {
			for class in DispatchClass::all() {
				let per_class = weights.per_class.get_mut(*class);
				if per_class.max_extrinsic.is_none() && init_cost.is_some() {
					per_class.max_extrinsic = per_class
						.map(|x| x.saturating_sub(init_weight))
						.map(|x| x.saturating_sub(per_class.base_extrinsic));

		// Validate the result

	/// Construct the `BlockWeights` object or panic if it's invalid.
	/// This is a convenience method to be called whenever you construct a runtime.
	pub fn build_or_panic(self) -> BlockWeights {
			"Builder finished with `build_or_panic`; The panic is expected if runtime weights are not correct"

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	fn default_weights_are_valid() {