fraction 0.3.6

Fraction is a lossless float type implementation that can be used for matching, ordering and hashing
# Change Log

## [0.3.6] - 2017-07-27
### Bugs
- `T in GenericFraction<T>` is `Clone + Integer` from now onwards (thanks to Taryn Hill aka Phrohdoh)

## [0.3.5] - 2017-04-17
### Changed
 - `num` package dependency version updated from "0.1.36" to "0.1.37"

## [0.3.4] - 2016-12-11
### Bugs
- `fn _new` now returns NaN for 0/0 (was Infinity before)
- `fn sign` now returns values for GenericFraction::Infinite values too
- `fn neg_zero` now returns zero with negative sign (was positive before)
- `fn recip` now handles zero values gracefully (does not panic, returns Infinity)

### Added
- Lots of documentation

## [0.3.3] - 2016-11-18
### Refactoring
- More efficient implementation of `From<[unsigned ints]>`
- More generic implementation of `From<BigInt>`

## [0.3.2] - 2016-11-13
### Refactoring
- `Zero::is_zero` to be used everywhere in math, rather than making new zero vals + comparing with them

### Added
- `fn new_nan` constructor
- `fn new_inf` constructor
- `fn new_inf_neg` constructor

## [0.3.1] - 2016-11-12
### Added
- `fn format_as_float` implemented for GenericFraction<T> (it was only available for BigFraction before)

### Changed
- `Into<T>` to be used in bounds rather than `From<N>`, since it's more flexible (thanks to Alexander Altman for the patch)
- number of bug fixes within `fn format_as_float` + test coverage

## [0.3.0] - 2016-11-08
### Added
- From<(N, D)> generic implementation (through std::fmt::Display)

### Changed
- GenericFraction<T> copy semantic to be applied only when `T: Clone`
- GenericFraction impl, constructors refactoring (new, new_raw)
- `num` upgraded up to `0.1.36` (from `0.1.34`)

### Removed
- `fn new` does not perform type casting through fmt::Display anymore (that functionality moved out as `From<(N, D)>`)

## [0.2.2] - 2016-09-17
### Added
- `impl From<num::BigInt> for BigFraction`
- `impl From<num::BigUint> for BigFraction`

## [0.2.1] - 2016-08-28
### Changed
- Package description has been changed

## [0.2.0] - 2016-08-28
### Added
- [num crate] is a dependency now
- `GenericFraction<T>` implemented upon `num::Ratio<T>`
- `BigFraction` implementation based on `num::BigRational` (using heap)
- `num::traits::Bounded` trait implemented
- `fn min_positive_value` implemented
- `num::traits::ToPrimitive` trait implemented
- `num::traits::Signed` trait implemented
- `From<f64>` trait implementation now relies on `format!` macro instead of `f64::fract`
- `BigFraction` struct using `num::BigUint`
- `fn format_as_float` for BigFraction has been implemented

### Changed
- The codebase has been rewritten and the license has been changed from `LGPL-3` to `MIT/Apache2` dual
- no more convertions into INFINITY on arithmetic overflows
- `fn to_f64` now returns `Option<f64>` instead of `f64` (`num::trait::ToPrimitive` implementation)
- `From` trait implementation uses `fmt::Display` from now on

### Removed
- `fn unpack` removed
- `std::cmp::Ord` implementation removed in regard to `NaN` values

## [0.1.0] - 2016-01-24
### Added
- Basic implementation