fractal-api 0.9.33

Fractal Global Credits API client library
#![doc(html_logo_url = "",
       html_favicon_url = "",
       html_root_url = "")]
//! Fractal Global Credits API.
//! This library provides methods to access the Fractal Global Credits in Rust. The main object is
//! the [`Client`](v1/struct.Client.html) object. That object contains all the required methods for
//! working with the API.
//! Using it is as simple as including this in the crate:
//! ```
//! extern crate fractal_api;
//! ```

#![forbid(missing_docs, warnings)]
#![deny(deprecated, improper_ctypes, non_shorthand_field_patterns, overflowing_literals,
    plugin_as_library, private_no_mangle_fns, private_no_mangle_statics, stable_features,
    unconditional_recursion, unknown_lints, unused, unused_allocation, unused_attributes,
    unused_comparisons, unused_features, unused_parens, while_true)]
#![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused, unused_extern_crates, unused_import_braces,
    unused_qualifications, unused_results, variant_size_differences)]

extern crate hyper;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate fractal_dto as dto;
extern crate fractal_utils as utils;

pub mod error;
pub mod v1;

pub use v1::Client;