fractal-api 0.0.15

Fractal Global Credits API client library
//! Fractal Global Credits API.

// #![forbid(missing_docs, warnings)]
#![deny(deprecated, drop_with_repr_extern, improper_ctypes,
        non_shorthand_field_patterns, overflowing_literals, plugin_as_library,
        private_no_mangle_fns, private_no_mangle_statics, stable_features, unconditional_recursion,
        unknown_lints, unused, unused_allocation, unused_attributes,
        unused_comparisons, unused_features, unused_parens, while_true)]
#![warn(missing_docs, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused, unused_extern_crates,
        unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications, unused_results, variant_size_differences)]

extern crate hyper;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate fractal_dto as dto;
extern crate fractal_utils as utils;

use std::time::Duration;
use std::io::Read;

use hyper::Client as HyperClient;
use hyper::header::{Headers, Authorization, Basic, Accept, qitem};
use hyper::mime::{Mime, TopLevel, SubLevel, Attr, Value};
use hyper::status::StatusCode;
use rustc_serialize::base64::FromBase64;
use rustc_serialize::json;
use dto::{FromDTO, UserDTO, ScopeDTO as Scope, GenerateTransactionDTO as GenerateTransaction,
          LoginDTO as Login, RegisterDTO as Register, UpdateUserDTO as UpdateUser,
          FractalConnectionDTO as ConnectionInvitation,
          ConfirmPendingConnectionDTO as ConfirmConnection, ResetPasswordDTO as ResetPassword,

use chrono::NaiveDate;

pub mod error;
pub mod types;
pub mod oauth;

use error::{Result, Error};
use types::{User, Transaction};
use oauth::AccessToken;

use utils::{WalletAddress, Amount, Address, Relationship};

/// Application's secret length.
pub const SECRET_LEN: usize = 20;

const FRACTAL_SERVER: &'static str = "";
const FRACTAL_DEV_SERVER: &'static str = "";

/// The client struct.
/// This struct will be in charge of connections to the Fractal Global Credits API.
pub struct ClientV1 {
    client: HyperClient,
    url: String,

impl ClientV1 {
    /// Creates a new Fractal Global Credits API client.
    pub fn new() -> ClientV1 {
        ClientV1 {
            client: hyper::Client::new(),
            url: format!("{}v1/", FRACTAL_SERVER),

    /// Creates a new Fractal Global Credits API client.
    pub fn new_with_url<S: AsRef<str>>(url: S) -> ClientV1 {
        ClientV1 {
            client: hyper::Client::new(),
            url: format!("{}v1/", url.as_ref()),

    /// Creates a new Fractal Global Credits API development client.
    pub fn new_dev() -> ClientV1 {
        ClientV1 {
            client: hyper::Client::new(),
            url: format!("{}v1/", FRACTAL_DEV_SERVER),

    /// Sets the read timeout for requests.
    pub fn set_read_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) {

    /// Sets the write timeout for requests.
    pub fn set_write_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) {

    /// Gets a token from the API.
    pub fn token<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, app_id: S, secret: S) -> Result<AccessToken> {
        match secret.as_ref().from_base64() {
            Ok(b) => {
                if b.len() == SECRET_LEN {
                    let mut headers = Headers::new();
                            qitem(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::Json,
                                       vec![(Attr::Charset, Value::Utf8)])),
                    headers.set(Authorization(Basic {
                        username: String::from(app_id.as_ref()),
                        password: Some(String::from(secret.as_ref())),
                    let mut response = try!(self.client
                        .post(&format!("{}token", self.url))

                    match response.status {
                        StatusCode::Ok => {
                            let mut response_str = String::new();
                            try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                        StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                        _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
                } else {
            Err(_) => Err(Error::InvalidSecret),

    /// Gets all users from the database.
    pub fn get_all_users(&self, access_token: &AccessToken) -> Result<Vec<User>> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Admin) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let mut response = try!(self.client
                .get(&format!("{}all_users", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    let dto_users: Vec<UserDTO> = try!(json::decode(&response_str));
                        .filter_map(|u| match User::from_dto(u) {
                            Ok(u) => Some(u),
                            Err(_) => None,
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Gets all the transactions since the given transaction
    pub fn get_all_transactions(&self,
                                access_token: &AccessToken,
                                first_transaction: u64)
                                -> Result<Vec<Transaction>> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Admin) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let mut response = try!(self.client
                .get(&format!("{}all_transactions/{}", self.url, first_transaction))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    let transactions: Vec<Transaction> = try!(json::decode(&response_str));
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Generates a transaction
    pub fn generate_transaction(&self,
                                access_token: &AccessToken,
                                receiver_wallet: WalletAddress,
                                receiver_id: u64,
                                amount: Amount)
                                -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(_) => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: GenerateTransaction = GenerateTransaction {
                origin_id: access_token.scopes().fold(0, |acc, s| match s {
                    &Scope::User(id) => id,
                    _ => acc,
                destination_address: receiver_wallet,
                destination_id: receiver_id,
                amount: amount,
            let mut response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}generate_transaction", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Logs the user in
    pub fn login<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                access_token: &AccessToken,
                                user_email: S,
                                password: S,
                                remember_me: bool)
                                -> Result<AccessToken> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Public) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: Login = Login {
                user_email: String::from(user_email.as_ref()),
                password: String::from(password.as_ref()),
                remember_me: remember_me,
            let mut response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}login", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Begins a the reset password procecss
    pub fn start_reset_password<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                               access_token: &AccessToken,
                                               username: S,
                                               email: S)
                                               -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Public) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: ResetPassword = ResetPassword {
                username: String::from(username.as_ref()),
                email: String::from(email.as_ref()),
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}start_reset_password", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Resends the email confirmation
    pub fn resend_email_confirmation(&self, access_token: &AccessToken) -> Result<()> {
        let mut user_id = None;
        for scope in access_token.scopes() {
            match scope {
                &Scope::User(id) => user_id = Some(id),
                _ => {}
        if user_id.is_some() && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let response = try!(self.client
                .get(&format!("{}resend_email_confirmation", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Registers the user
    pub fn register<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                   access_token: &AccessToken,
                                   username: S,
                                   password: S,
                                   email: S)
                                   -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Public) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let register: Register = Register {
                username: String::from(username.as_ref()),
                password: String::from(password.as_ref()),
                email: String::from(email.as_ref()),
            let mut response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}register", self.url))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users username
    pub fn set_username<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                       access_token: &AccessToken,
                                       user_id: u64,
                                       password: Option<S>,
                                       username: S)
                                       -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: Some(String::from(username.as_ref())),
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users phone
    pub fn set_phone<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                    access_token: &AccessToken,
                                    user_id: u64,
                                    password: Option<S>,
                                    phone: S)
                                    -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: Some(String::from(phone.as_ref())),
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users birthday
    pub fn set_birthday<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                       access_token: &AccessToken,
                                       user_id: u64,
                                       password: Option<S>,
                                       birthday: NaiveDate)
                                       -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: Some(birthday),
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users first and last name
    pub fn set_name<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                   access_token: &AccessToken,
                                   user_id: u64,
                                   password: Option<S>,
                                   first: S,
                                   last: S)
                                   -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: Some(String::from(first.as_ref())),
                new_last: Some(String::from(last.as_ref())),
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users email
    pub fn set_email<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                    access_token: &AccessToken,
                                    user_id: u64,
                                    password: Option<S>,
                                    email: S)
                                    -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: Some(String::from(email.as_ref())),
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users profile picture
    pub fn set_image<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                    access_token: &AccessToken,
                                    user_id: u64,
                                    password: Option<S>,
                                    image: S)
                                    -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: Some(String::from(image.as_ref())),
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the users address
    pub fn set_address<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                      access_token: &AccessToken,
                                      user_id: u64,
                                      password: Option<S>,
                                      address: Address)
                                      -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(u_id) => u_id == user_id,
            &Scope::Admin => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: match password {
                    Some(pass) => Some(String::from(pass.as_ref())),
                    None => None,
                new_password: None,
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: Some(address),

            let response = try!(self.client
                .post(&format!("{}update_user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Sets the user password
    pub fn set_password<S: AsRef<str>>(&self,
                                       access_token: &AccessToken,
                                       old_password: S,
                                       new_password: S)
                                       -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(_) => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: UpdateUser = UpdateUser {
                new_username: None,
                new_email: None,
                new_first: None,
                new_last: None,
                old_password: Some(String::from(old_password.as_ref())),
                new_password: Some(String::from(new_password.as_ref())),
                new_phone: None,
                new_birthday: None,
                new_image: None,
                new_address: None,
            let response = try!(self.client
                               access_token.scopes().fold(0, |acc, s| match s {
                                   &Scope::User(id) => id,
                                   _ => acc,
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => {
                    // let mut response_str = String::new();
                    // try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    // TODO read message and return error or success
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Creates a pending invitation to connect to the user
    pub fn invite_user_to_connect(&self,
                                  access_token: &AccessToken,
                                  user: u64,
                                  relation: Relationship)
                                  -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(_) => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: ConnectionInvitation = ConnectionInvitation {
                origin_id: access_token.scopes().fold(0, |acc, s| match s {
                    &Scope::User(id) => id,
                    _ => acc,
                destination_id: user,
                relationship: relation,
            let mut response = try!(self.client
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),

                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Confirms a connection
    pub fn confirm_connection(&self,
                              access_token: &AccessToken,
                              connection_id: u64,
                              user: u64)
                              -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| match s {
            &Scope::User(_) => true,
            _ => false,
        }) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let dto: ConfirmConnection = ConfirmConnection {
                origin: user,
                destination: access_token.scopes().fold(0, |acc, s| match s {
                    &Scope::User(id) => id,
                    _ => acc,
                id: connection_id,
            let mut response = try!(self.client
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                StatusCode::Accepted => {
                    let mut response_str = String::new();
                    try!(response.read_to_string(&mut response_str));
                    match json::decode::<ResponseDTO>(&response_str) {
                        Ok(r) => Err(Error::ClientError(r)),
                        Err(e) => Err(e.into()),

                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {

    /// Confirms the users email
    pub fn confirm_email(&self, email_key: String) -> Result<()> {
        let response = try!(self.client
            .get(&format!("{}confirm_email/{}", self.url, email_key))
        match response.status {
            StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
            _ => Err(Error::ServerError),

    /// Deletes the user
    pub fn delete_user(&self, access_token: &AccessToken, user_id: u64) -> Result<()> {
        if access_token.scopes().any(|s| s == &Scope::Admin) && !access_token.has_expired() {
            let mut headers = Headers::new();
            let response = try!(self.client
                .delete(&format!("{}user/{}", self.url, user_id))
            match response.status {
                StatusCode::Ok => Ok(()),
                StatusCode::Unauthorized => Err(Error::Unauthorized),
                _ => Err(Error::ServerError),
        } else {