Crate fr32

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  • An io::Reader that converts unpadded input into valid Fr32 padded output.



  • Takes a slice of bytes (little-endian, non-Montgomery form) and returns an Fr if byte slice is exactly 32 bytes and does not overflow. Otherwise, returns a BadFrBytesError.
  • Converts a slice of 32 bytes (little-endian, non-Montgomery form) into an Fr::Repr by zeroing the most signficant two bits of le_bytes.
  • Takes an Fr and returns a vector of exactly 32 bytes guaranteed to contain a valid Fr.
  • Takes an Fr and copies exactly 32 bytes guaranteed to contain a valid Fr into the fr_bytes output slice.
  • Padding process.

Type Aliases§

  • Array whose little-endian value represents an Fr. Invariants:
  • Contains one or more 32-byte chunks whose little-endian values represent Frs. Invariants: