fpool 0.2.0

Non-leased object-pooling.


Non-leased object-pooling in Rust.

Non-leased as in: objects are not passed out from the Pool, but can be acted upon synchronously. This means that the logic for re-creating and choosing the next item can be done by the pool.

Getting started

Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

fpool = "0.2"

Next, add this to your crate:

extern crate fpool;


A trivial use-case for a round-robin pool:

use fpool::RoundRobinPool;

let mut pool = RoundRobinPool::builder(5, || {
}).build().expect("No constructor failure case");

for index in 0..10 {
   pool.act(|list| {
       true // action succeeded and item is still valid
   }).expect("No constructor failure case");

// The pool now has 5 lists with 2 items each
for _ in 0..5 {
   pool.act(|list| {
       assert_eq!(list.len(), 2);
       true // action succeeded and item is still valid
   }).expect("No constructor failure case");

But a more useful and realistic example is a thread-pool, see ./examples/thread_pool.rs.