fpdec 0.5.4

Decimal fixed-point arithmetic.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright:   (c) 2021 ff. Michael Amrhein (michael@adrhinum.de)
// License:     This program is part of a larger application. For license
//              details please read the file LICENSE.TXT provided together
//              with the application.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Source: src/binops/mul.rs $
// $Revision: 2022-08-09T16:35:18+02:00 $

use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign};

use crate::{
    binops::mul_rounded::checked_mul_rounded, Decimal, DecimalError,

impl Mul<Self> for Decimal {
    type Output = Self;

    fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        if self.eq_zero() || rhs.eq_zero() {
            return Self::ZERO;
        if rhs.eq_one() {
            return self;
        if self.eq_one() {
            return rhs;
        if let Some(res) = checked_mul_rounded(self, rhs, MAX_N_FRAC_DIGITS) {
        } else {
            panic!("{}", DecimalError::InternalOverflow);

forward_ref_binop!(impl Mul, mul);

mod mul_decimal_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_mul_same_n_frac_digits() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(1234567890, 4);
        let y = x * x;
        assert_eq!(y.n_frac_digits(), 2 * x.n_frac_digits());
        assert_eq!(y.coefficient(), x.coefficient() * x.coefficient());

    fn test_mul_different_n_frac_digits() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(1234567890, 5);
        let y = Decimal::new_raw(890, 1);
        let z = x * y;
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits(), 6);
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), x.coefficient() * y.coefficient());
        let z = y * x;
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits(), 6);
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), x.coefficient() * y.coefficient());
        let z = x * Decimal::NEG_ONE;
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits(), x.n_frac_digits());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), -x.coefficient());

    fn test_mul_frac_limit_forced() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(1, 18);
        let y = Decimal::new_raw(1, 16);
        let z = x * y;
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), 0);
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits, MAX_N_FRAC_DIGITS);

    // corner case where x * y exceeds i128::MAX, but result is rounded
    fn test_mul_frac_limt_forced_from_i256_coeff() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(i64::MIN as i128, 10);
        let y = Decimal::new_raw(27 * (i64::MAX as i128), 12);
        let z = x * y;
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), -229690597671633462812874755516935648);
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits, MAX_N_FRAC_DIGITS);

    fn test_mul_pos_overflow() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(i128::MAX / 2 + 1, 4);
        let _y = x * Decimal::TWO;

    fn test_mul_neg_one_overflow() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(i128::MIN, 3);
        let _y = x * Decimal::NEG_ONE;

    fn test_mul_neg_overflow() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(i128::MIN / 2 - 1, 3);
        let _y = x * Decimal::TWO;

    fn test_mul_ref() {
        let x = Decimal::new_raw(12345, 3);
        let y = Decimal::new_raw(12345, 1);
        let z = x * y;
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&x * y).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (x * &y).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&x * &y).coefficient());

macro_rules! impl_mul_decimal_and_int {
    () => {
        impl_mul_decimal_and_int!(u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, i128);
    ($($t:ty),*) => {
        impl Mul<$t> for Decimal {
            type Output = Decimal;

            fn mul(self, rhs: $t) -> Self::Output {
                    coeff: self.coeff * i128::from(rhs),
                    n_frac_digits: self.n_frac_digits,

        impl Mul<Decimal> for $t {
            type Output = Decimal;

            fn mul(self, rhs: Decimal) -> Self::Output {
                    coeff: i128::from(self) * rhs.coeff,
                    n_frac_digits: rhs.n_frac_digits,

forward_ref_binop_decimal_int!(impl Mul, mul);

mod mul_integer_tests {
    use super::*;

    macro_rules! gen_mul_integer_tests {
        ($func:ident, $t:ty, $n_frac_digits:expr, $coeff:expr) => {
            fn $func() {
                let d = Decimal::new_raw($coeff, $n_frac_digits);
                let i = <$t>::MAX;
                let r = d * i;
                assert_eq!(r.n_frac_digits(), d.n_frac_digits());
                assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), i128::from(i) * $coeff);
                assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (&d * i).coefficient());
                assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (d * &i).coefficient());
                assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (&d * &i).coefficient());
                let z = i * d;
                assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits(), r.n_frac_digits());
                assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), r.coefficient());
                assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&i * d).coefficient());
                assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (i * &d).coefficient());
                assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&i * &d).coefficient());

    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_u8, u8, 2, -1);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_i8, i8, 0, 123);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_u16, u16, 4, 11);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_i16, i16, 4, 1234567);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_u32, u32, 1, 0);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_i32, i32, 9, -1234);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_u64, u64, 3, 321);
    gen_mul_integer_tests!(test_mul_i64, i64, 7, -12345678901234567890);

    fn test_mul_i128() {
        let coeff = 748_i128;
        let d = Decimal::new_raw(coeff, 2);
        let i = 12345_i128;
        let r = d * i;
        assert_eq!(r.n_frac_digits(), d.n_frac_digits());
        assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), i * coeff);
        assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (&d * i).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (d * &i).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(r.coefficient(), (&d * &i).coefficient());
        let z = i * d;
        assert_eq!(z.n_frac_digits(), r.n_frac_digits());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), r.coefficient());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&i * d).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (i * &d).coefficient());
        assert_eq!(z.coefficient(), (&i * &d).coefficient());

forward_op_assign!(impl MulAssign, mul_assign, Mul, mul);

mod mul_assign_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_mul_assign_decimal() {
        let mut x = Decimal::new_raw(123456, 2);
        let y = Decimal::TWO;
        x *= y;
        assert_eq!(x.coefficient(), 123456_i128 * 2);
        let z = &y;
        x *= z;
        assert_eq!(x.coefficient(), 123456_i128 * 4);

    fn test_mul_assign_int() {
        let mut x = Decimal::new_raw(123456, 2);
        x *= 2_i8;
        assert_eq!(x.coefficient(), 123456_i128 * 2);
        x *= &-1234567890_i128;
        assert_eq!(x.coefficient(), 123456_i128 * 2 * -1234567890_i128);

    fn test_mul_assign_pos_overflow() {
        let mut x = Decimal::new_raw(i128::MAX / 2 + 1, 4);
        x *= 2;

    fn test_mul_assign_neg_overflow() {
        let mut x = Decimal::new_raw(i128::MIN / 5 - 1, 1);
        x *= 5;