foundationdb 0.2.0

High level client bindings for FoundationDB.

FoundationDB Rust Client API

This is a wrapper library around the FoundationDB (Fdb) C API. It implements futures based interfaces over the Fdb future C implementations.


Install FoundationDB

Install FoundationDB on your system, see FoundationDB Local Development, or these instructions:

  • Ubuntu Linux (this may work on the Linux subsystem for Windows as well)
$> curl -O
$> curl -O
$> sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-clients_5.1.5-1_amd64.deb
$> sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-server_5.1.5-1_amd64.deb
  • macOS
$> curl -O
$> sudo installer -pkg FoundationDB-5.1.5.pkg -target /

Add dependencies on foundationdb-rs

foundationdb = "*"

Extern the crate in or

extern crate foundationdb;


Due to limitations in the C API, the Client and it's associated Network can only be initialized and run once per the life of a process. Generally the foundationdb::init function will be enough to initialize the Client. See foundationdb::default_api and foundationdb::builder for more configuration options of the Fdb Client.


extern crate futures;
extern crate foundationdb;

use std::thread;
use futures::future::*;
use foundationdb::{self, *};

let network = foundationdb::init().expect("failed to initialize Fdb client");

let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
    let error =;

    if let Err(error) = error {
        panic!("fdb_run_network: {}", error);

// wait for the network thread to be started

// work with Fdb
let db = Cluster::new(foundationdb::default_config_path())
    .and_then(|cluster| cluster.create_database())
    .wait().expect("failed to create Cluster");

// set a value
let trx = db.create_trx().expect("failed to create transaction");

trx.set(b"hello", b"world"); // errors will be returned in the future result
    .expect("failed to set hello to world");

// read a value
let trx = db.create_trx().expect("failed to create transaction");
let result = trx.get(b"hello").wait().expect("failed to read world from hello");

let value: &[u8] = result.value()
    .expect("failed to get value from result") // unwrap the error
    .unwrap();   // unwrap the option

// should print "hello world"
println!("hello {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(value));

// cleanly shutdown the client
network.stop().expect("failed to stop Fdb client");

API stability

WARNING Until the 1.0 release of this library, the API may be in constant flux.