Derive Macro former::protected::derive::ComponentFrom

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Macro to implement From for each component (field) of a structure. This macro simplifies the creation of From trait implementations for struct fields, enabling easy conversion from a struct reference to its field types.


  • Requires the derive_component_from feature to be enabled for use.
  • The ComponentFrom derive macro can be applied to structs to automatically generate From implementations for each field.


  • debug : Optional attribute to enable debug-level output during the macro expansion process.


Assuming the derive_component_from feature is enabled in your Cargo.toml, you can use the macro as follows :

#[ derive( former::ComponentFrom ) ]
struct Person
  pub age : i32,
  pub name : String,

let my_struct = Person { age : 10, name : "Hello".into() };
let age : i32 = From::from( &my_struct );
let name : String = From::from( &my_struct );
dbg!( age );
dbg!( name );
// > age = 10
// > name = "Hello"