Derive Macro former::protected::Former

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derive macro for generating a Former struct, applying a Builder Pattern to the annotated struct.

This macro simplifies the construction of complex objects by automatically generating a builder (former) for the specified struct. It supports extensive customization through attributes that control defaults, setter generation, and field customization, allowing for flexible and fluent object construction.

§Struct Attributes

  • debug: Enables debug mode which can be used to print or log the internal state of the builder for debugging purposes.
  • perform: Specifies a custom method to be invoked automatically at the end of the build process.
  • storage_fields: Specifies fields that should be treated as part of the storage for the former.
  • mutator: Defines a custom mutator class or function to manipulate the data just before the object is finalized.

§Field Attributes

  • former: General attribute to specify various options like defaults or inclusion in the former.
  • scalar: Indicates that the field is a scalar value, enabling direct assignment without the need for a sub-former.
  • collection: Marks the field as a collection that can use specific former methods to manage its contents.
  • subform: Specifies that the field should utilize a nested former, facilitating the construction of complex nested structures.

§Usage Example

Below is a typical usage example where the macro is applied to a struct:

  use former::Former;

  // Use attribute debug to print expanded code.
  #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, Former ) ]
  // Uncomment to see what derive expand into
  // #[ debug ]
  pub struct UserProfile
    age : i32,
    username : String,
    bio_optional : Option< String >, // Fields could be optional

  let profile = UserProfile::former()
  .age( 30 )
  .username( "JohnDoe".to_string() )
  .bio_optional( "Software Developer".to_string() ) // Optionally provide a bio

  dbg!( &profile );
  // Expected output:
  // &profile = UserProfile {
  //   age: 30,
  //   username: "JohnDoe",
  //   bio_optional: Some("Software Developer"),
  // }

This pattern enables fluent and customizable construction of UserProfile instances, allowing for easy setting and modification of its fields.