Derive Macro former::protected::ComponentsAssign

source ·
    // Attributes available to this derive:
Expand description

Derives the ComponentsAssign trait for a struct, enabling components_assign which set all fields at once.

This will work only if every field can be acquired from the passed value. In other words, the type passed as an argument to components_assign must implement Into for each field type.


  • debug : An optional attribute to enable debugging of the trait derivation process.


  • This macro is only enabled when the derive_components_assign feature is active in your Cargo.toml.
  • The type must implement Assign (derive( Assign ))


This trait cannot be derived, if the struct has fields with identical types

§Input Code Example

An example when we encapsulate parameters passed to a function in a struct.

use former::{ Assign, ComponentsAssign };

#[ derive( Default, Assign, ComponentsAssign ) ]
struct BigOpts
  cond : bool,
  int : i32,
  str : String,

#[ derive( Default, Assign, ComponentsAssign ) ]
struct SmallerOpts
  cond: bool,
  int: i32,

impl From< &BigOpts > for bool
  fn from( value : &BigOpts ) -> Self

impl From< &BigOpts > for i32
  fn from( value: &BigOpts ) -> Self

fn take_big_opts( options : &BigOpts ) -> &String

fn take_smaller_opts( options : &SmallerOpts ) -> bool

let options1 = BigOpts
  cond : true,
  int : -14,
take_big_opts( &options1 );

let mut options2 = SmallerOpts::default();
options2.smaller_opts_assign( &options1 );
take_smaller_opts( &options2 );

Which expands approximately into :

use former::{ Assign, ComponentsAssign };

struct BigOpts
  cond : bool,
  int : i32,
  str : String,

impl< IntoT > Assign< bool, IntoT > for BigOpts
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    self.cond = component.into();

impl< IntoT > Assign< i32, IntoT > for BigOpts
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
  { = component.into();

impl< IntoT > Assign< String, IntoT > for BigOpts
  IntoT : Into< String >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    self.str = component.into();

pub trait BigOptsComponentsAssign< IntoT >
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  IntoT : Into< String >,
  IntoT : Clone,
  fn components_assign( &mut self, component : IntoT );

impl< T, IntoT > BigOptsComponentsAssign< IntoT > for T
  T : former::Assign< bool, IntoT >,
  T : former::Assign< i32, IntoT >,
  T : former::Assign< String, IntoT >,
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  IntoT : Into< String >,
  IntoT : Clone,
  fn components_assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    former::Assign::< bool, _ >::assign( self, component.clone() );
    former::Assign::< i32, _ >::assign( self, component.clone() );
    former::Assign::< String, _ >::assign( self, component.clone() );

struct SmallerOpts
  cond : bool,
  int : i32,

impl< IntoT > Assign< bool, IntoT > for SmallerOpts
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    self.cond = component.into();

impl< IntoT > Assign< i32, IntoT > for SmallerOpts
    IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  fn assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
  { = component.into();

pub trait SmallerOptsComponentsAssign< IntoT >
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  IntoT : Clone,
  fn smaller_opts_assign( &mut self, component : IntoT );

impl< T, IntoT > SmallerOptsComponentsAssign< IntoT > for T
  T : former::Assign< bool, IntoT >,
  T : former::Assign< i32, IntoT >,
  IntoT : Into< bool >,
  IntoT : Into< i32 >,
  IntoT : Clone,
  fn smaller_opts_assign( &mut self, component : IntoT )
    former::Assign::< bool, _ >::assign( self, component.clone() );
    former::Assign::< i32, _ >::assign( self, component.clone() );

impl From< &BigOpts > for bool
  fn from( value : &BigOpts ) -> Self

impl From< &BigOpts > for i32
  fn from( value : &BigOpts ) -> Self

fn take_big_opts( options : &BigOpts ) -> &String

fn take_smaller_opts( options : &SmallerOpts ) -> bool

let options1 = BigOpts
  cond : true,
  int : -14,
take_big_opts( &options1 );
let mut options2 = SmallerOpts::default();
options2.smaller_opts_assign( &options1 );
take_smaller_opts( &options2 );